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poem 1



peakaboo I see you

unscrewing the shoe

of a late kangaroo

is dressing so fine

to recite rhythmical rhymes

at the last line

a winner wakes to time

undressing a kangaroo dressed to the nines


poem 2


purposely perceive

a painted pointing

in nightmares alight

a three headed rat

wearing his three headed rat hat

eating babies with a black cat

that broke the curfew

in old middle hell

where you are you cannot tell

until a ticking bomb explodes

and alive

you're sitting on a knife

when you try to leave

the devil pulls up a chair

and says that he cares

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I've got an other one, finished yesterday evening...

Called Be your


Looking at the moon

I know you'll coming soon

I hope to see you everyday

Next to me when I awake


Oh! I need you more than the air I breathe

Please darling, let me be your

To dive with you into the night's depth

To show you I love you for sure


Then I kiss you, slowly

To taste your lips, deeply

Seeing your eyes on me

You really make me happy


Oh! I need you more than the air I breathe

Please darling, let me be your

To dive with you into the night's depth

To show you I love you for sure


Your eyes are going through me

You can read what I'm thinking

I say " How are you doing?"

You just say " It's in me..."


Oh! I need you more than the air I breathe

Please darling, let me be your

To dive with you into the night's depth

To show you I love you for sure

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my very last one.finished now.

Called Lie


The sky burns this evening

All I was wondering

Is where are we going,

Us, poor human beings.


Yes, we shouldn't lie,

Everyone is going to die

Well, don't be so shy

And look where birds fly.


If you're not afraid to be hurted

I want you to see the truth

Yes, everyone knows it's tough

So, do it without a thought.


Yes, we shouldn't lie,

Everyone is going to die

Well, don't be so shy

And look where birds fly.


Truth is a prey

We run after it everyday

When we get it, we just say

It's now an empty shell.


Yes, we shouldn't lie,

Everyone is going to die

Well, don't be so shy

And look where birds fly.

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Thanks clearascrystal!! :D :kiss:


Well i've got 2 others...Coldplay is a great source of insipiration...

called in my arms


It's a bright day

The summer sun warms us

Both are far away

Leaning in a field of flowers.


I hold you in my arms here

Looking at the sky, thinking about our dreams.


I awake in the night

Seeing you breathing peacefully

I kiss you tenderly

As we met at the first sight!


I hold you in my arms here

Looking at the sky, thinking about our dreams.


The only thing I want

Is to be with you

I'll tell I can't

Help me to think about you!



And this one is called The one


I think about green spaces

You, sitting in front where the sun faces

Me, coming from the darkest shadows

I see you, I just want to know

How you feel, now, here,

With me, in front of you when you look at me?


I want to be the one

The only one who loves you

I want to put my hands in yours

But love isn't a race I used to win


Then our lips meet tenderly

What a soft, deep kiss, and slowly

My arms around you, yours around me

Now your tasted lips are missing

You're so cute darling, enjoying

That you tell me you love me


I want to be the one

The only one who loves you

I want to put my hands in yours

But love isn't a race I used to win


Today you're always here

I won't lose you I swear

'Cos I love you my dear...



i like these :nice: !!!

sounds like there is some lucky girl in your arms :wink3:

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I really would like there is one...maybe I've got someone in my mind...

I have to try with her....

"How can you know it when you don't try"


I've finished this one this morning...


Called Thieves...



Earth is so tired

And human beings so weird

Always destroy to create.

So we are all taking a step

Closer to death

Without being at peace.


We're all thieves

We all steal our own lives

We're lying to ourselves

And the problems won't be solve.


As Earth feeds us

We could have a thought

We could have thanked her.

Now we can't be sorrier

Cos she gets angry

Cos she doesn't want to see us.


We're all thieves

We all steal our own lives

We're lying to ourselves

And the problems won't be solve.

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^oh!!! thx !!:)


well I've an other one...


Called Control...


A new day smiles

Lots of birds fly

I just don't wanna

This day to be hard.

I feel so good today

But everyone says


Life is hard, life is tough

For me, life is a rough

Always changing

We can't control this kind of thing.


When my vision swims

I look at the sun, asking him

Which way do I turn

To put one feet in the future.

I can do it for sure

Everything, behind me, will burn.


Life is hard, life is tough

For me, life is a rough

Always changing

We can't control this kind of thing.

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omg, my creative way is endless...

thx everyone...thx to Coldplay too...they are my creative energy!


the last called Time


Time is running so fast

And life doesn't last

Sometimes, we're looking in the past

But we have no time to waste.


We're here to live

We're here 'cos of one reason

We're all alive

To see the rythm of the seasons.


We have to run

As fast as he has always done

We don't know where he was gone

So, behind us, we're letting bones.


We're here to live

We're here 'cos of a reason

We're all alive

To see the rythm of the seasons.


Then our lives will be slowier

And the time carries on faster

His speed is getting upper...

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Again, my mind makes me write...:D


This one is called Something to Hide


We see nothing in the full light

We don't know against who we fight

We just know we can't win

Cos it's like trying to catch wind.


Truth regains our sight, thus

We're afraid, just

Cos we've something to hide

Yeah! We're all so shy!


Don't live in the shadows

We have so much of us to show

We shouldn't have to lie

We should let our mind fly.


Truth regains our sight, thus

We're afraid, just

Cos we've something to hide

Yeah! We're all so shy!

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I can't help me to write!!!!!!!!


My last...called Like a Child


I look at the waves of clouds

And I just ask them loud

Why are we there?

No answer, they carry on their way...


I'm like a child

Always asking questions

I just want to see the side

Which goes in every direction.


Sometimes I stare at the lake

It just makes me shake

With my lost mind in the water

And it never gives answers.


I'm like a child

Always asking questions

I just want to see the side

Which goes in every direction.


Now I just wonder

Who could give me answers

It just makes me worrier...

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I think it would be my last one...coz I'm sick of this fucking life....unfair!!!I don't want to suicide, but I'm so depressed....My creative way is leaving...My energy is leaving....:( :cry:


called This Side


I' d like to be an other one

I'd like to be gone

I'd like here'd be there

And there'd be here


I'm just sad

I feel so bad

I can't hide

This side of me.


I just want to go

I want to show

I really want to grow

I just want to know...


I'm just sad

I feel so bad

I can't hide

This side of me.


I'm hurted

I fade

Every day

My mind is dead...

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and...no!!!!an other one...I'm back


Called Clearly seen


I see the night coming

The shadows are dancing

They are playing with the lightnings

They are all enjoying.


When the light is here

They all disappear

The light brings them the fear

The fear to be clearly seen.


Clouds go here and there

In the middle of nowhere

They strech, lying on the air

And they release their pearls.


When the light is here

They all disappear

The light brings them the fear

The fear to be clearly seen.


Lies are everywhere, peacefully

And truth is hidden, shamefully

Will the light make us see

On which way we gonna live?

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nice poem, Mickael. :nice: Especially the end of it, I didn't expect you were talking about the truth and the lies. Anyway, I prefer the poems that are about :heart:

I've read several of them which were about this topic... really beaufitul.

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^Thx sweetie!!!:kiss:


Well an other one!!!!


Called Lose

Here there is no noise

In my head, I hear voices

They speak so loudly

They're talking to me, they say to me


Be brave, be yourself,

Don't lose your beliefs


I feel the tears coming

Cos I'm always thinking

Thinking about you darling

You're an angel and I just see one of your wings...


Be brave, be yourself,

Don't lose your beliefs


I'd like to show you

How much I love you

I hope you do too

I just don't want to lose someone like you


Be brave, be yourself,

Don't lose your beliefs


But when you can't hope,

When you fall from the top

Don't think you have to stop...

Cos life is a cycle of hope...


see you soon for a new one!!!

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Here is a poem i wrote a while ago...I wrote it while I was listening to Coldplay-Gravity.....


Why is it me who is sitting here alone?

Why is it me who has to live on her own?

Nobody close by my side,

nobody there who gives me love and pride,

just sitting here and crying about that song,

wondering what did I do wrong?

Can't stop crying right now,

because my feelings won't allow.

The song is going to start again,

and no,no I won't complain.

I won't turn it off,

because it reminds me of things like love.

This song shows my real feelings....


I'm always joking and always happy,

but now my feelings are expressed deeply.

My soul is crying behind a locked door,

it still hasn't found what it was looking for.


Surely it will stop someday,

and then the sad feeling will be away.

But for now I just can listen to the song,

and think about where I belong!


Hahha...I wrote this maybe 8 months ago....

and it's interesting if you read it again after a while...to see if you are still in tis situation or if something has changed..hehe..

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My god...I'M IN LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVE:heart: :heart: :heart:


So there is an other one...called Burning


Love is in the air

Love is everywhere

Love is all you can share

So I'll tell you if I dare


My heart is burning

'Cos you're playing

With my heart's strings


The way you looked at me

Your eyes were reading me

I felt like leaving where I live

Please do that again! Please!


My heart is burning

'Cos you're playing

With my heart's strings


I wish to find you

I really want to tell you

How I feel when I think about you

I hear a noise, an opening door

Oh! Dear! Can it be you?

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