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^ Wow thats beautiful !

Love all the symbols, and metaphors!


Heres a simple one i wrote,

Coldplay inspired obv :)



They told me that

'nobody said it was easy

no one ever said it would be this hard'


Does anyone understand how I feel

when those words run for the steal

and take over every square inch of my body


When passion turns to inspiration

and anxiety turns to excitement

you know theres nothing more left

but the expression of this emotion


How can others understand

when i dont stand a chance myself

At knowing what this feeling

Is trying to tell me about itself


The people around me are changing colours

Or is it me, thats trying to fit in?

I thought i knew her, but all i notice are her flaws

Or is it the changes, making me fight for a lost cause?


When i listen to this music, i become who i am

Or, is that who i want to be?

Along with the colours, the moods are changing

But which me is really me?


I tell them to 'Live life in the moment'

And i was making the best of it too

Until i started writing,

Does writing bring out the best in me

or the worst?


They told me that

'nobody said it was easy

no one ever said it would be this hard'


Does anyone understand how I feel

when all i wish i could do is steal

those words and make them mine.

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the wind lied down for the night

we went to the place where they meet


the stars in your eyes gave me fright

that we might loose what we did find


free my heart and free my mind

now I am shivering to my feet

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Thats beautiful !

It would be an awesome advert for like a notepad or something, as retarded as it sounds....

Dont get me wrong.. its got deeper meaning.. and it portrays that.. but it'd be something nice and diff, instead of those typical ads :) if u know what i mean?

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Well I had to think before I can reply, Manig.


I am pleased that you like it. It is about something that is happening to me at the moment and also very universal. Easy for anyone to relate to.


Did I pass a note did I receive a note about what .. what I liked is the 4 a's like sigh of relief..


But I am confused with the idea of using art in general for advertisement. Obviously younger people than I am are used to the fact. But to use emotions for selling products, well, you know, I think it is really one of the things that are fucking up the planet.


Of course this short poetic thing is not art really but it's personnal. . only meant for colplaying friendly public.


Maybe if they give looooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaads of money for copyright lol (had to make a silly joke).

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Well I had to think before I can reply, Manig.


I am pleased that you like it. It is about something that is happening to me at the moment and also very universal. Easy for anyone to relate to.


Did I pass a note did I receive a note about what .. what I liked is the 4 a's like sigh of relief..


But I am confused with the idea of using art in general for advertisement. Obviously younger people than I am are used to the fact. But to use emotions for selling products, well, you know, I think it is really one of the things that are fucking up the planet.


Of course this short poetic thing is not art really but it's personnal. . only meant for colplaying friendly public.


Maybe if they give looooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaads of money for copyright lol (had to make a silly joke).



I understand what you mean.. but how can you try and sell something without using emotions?... I mean, thats what would attract somebody to the product, whether it be a piece of paper, shoes, or a house.... i mean, how else would you sell it?

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Exactly ! Eveything is made to tempt you one way or other.


And I cannot imagine that we are able to buy only what we need, the economy would collapse.


Hence my confusion on how to reply.


But I wish for the future of humankind that we solve this contradictions.

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^ Yeah i guess.... but in the end, the marketer is doing his job tempting the person into buying the product... whether the person purchases it or not, thats his/her decision/fault, not the marketers. as long as its not false advertising im cool with it.... every object can change your life... once again from a paper to shoes to a house... so you know, anything can happen right...

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From the marketer point of view, I have done that job in the past, you know everything is done to make the prospect into a client. How much free decision does the buyer really have, unless they educate themselves to verify and compare ?

And who is really free to decide they dont want that CD or that Itouch ?

Or the right shoes for feeling self assured with the boys, and the right house for saying "this is the kind of people we are", half comfort, half status, part childhood memories..


Now on the fact that an object can change your life, I am also in the paradox of wanting the right stuff for my house, my clothes etc. and finding myself regularly buying more and "collecting". How long does the kick last for that object to "change" my life ?


I have worked on it and has become less. But so many people around me, and I know all over the world that can afford it, have this buying "addiction".


Not to mention the fact that when we "need" something we put little regard as to the consequences for the planet. How much are we able to recycle ?

And our precious computers, music devices etc. are also creating so much pollution, we dont even want to know.


I dont have nightmares , I accept living in the contradiction, the only thing I can do is be aware and limit the damage , as much as possible..


I hope this conversation is not to pompous dear Manig I enjoy every chance to voice my opinion..;)

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^ No no! No worries at all, i like hearing different opinions... and theres never anything wrong with that! Your opinion is very true and very interesting, and i enjoyed reading it :D And i honestly dont even know what to say back! We have conversations like these in English class all the time, and we've even had a sort of similiar one about how we live in a branded world. Its great that your aware of what's occuring, and I wish that more people were. And as much as I wish that things would change, since I know nothing will change i rather just make the best? You know what i mean?


Anyways, interesting conversation :) Thanks for the insight ! :D

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I have personnaly encountered ways to change things in my life and for the planet but it would be a bit awkward to develop here.. so anyway, until I dare making a thread about it...


Thank you ManiG, keep on making the best of it !

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Your write beautifully Einar. :nice: Thank you for posting (I just discovered the thread recently)

At first this poem made me a little anxious. It reminded me of a friend who heard voices and saw invisible "people". I went to your myspace and heard your very beautiful music.

Now I hope you are just invaded by real people : they are easier to thank away...

When you become so popular people just want to be in your surroundings, to feel your energy, no ?

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Kipling wrote that a man must be

Willing to gamble for victory

And if fortune should pass him by

Never look back nor bat an eye


On principle I must disagree

I do not trust Lady Luck you see

Too often have I let her choose

Whether I win or whether I lose


I'm understating when I say

I've not always had it my way

Fickle a mistress she must be

In my time of need, to mutiny


Which is why today, I must act

Make with the devil a Faustian Pact

Before Lady Luck rolls a die

Before you blink and pass me by


Convince myself it's a one way bet

Better to know than to regret

Trust Erasmus and play it cool

Trust that "fortune favours the fool"


- Summer 2008

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Tiny hairs wrap upwards in a calm smile;

You're asleep -

Behind - there are two spheres -

Existential spheres;

Unaware that I can see this,

Trapped in some quasi-universe -

Empty faces operate on your imagined brain;

During an outer-body experience -

You can see

Tiny hairs wrapping upward -

And you're smiling.


No, it's just me,

And you - unaware

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A Tiny Approach to Death


Musical insects -


from the spider web,

with a bony spider -

recently plump -

this web falls,


its frail dust collects.

We will miss you.

No dreams in the strings;

just dangling beads -

ancient catches -

notes on a bar -

that collects dust.

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A poem about a short story I read yesterday...


Ivory & Ebony


Her mind is idle

She hears nothing but sound

The mysterious songs

Of a life not so long


She caresses the keys

Sees nothing but colour

Rewarded with melody

Singing curiously


In her own world

She knows nothing but time

The lilt of a dance

Rhythm of a chance

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a very simple and immature one.. but i feel it goes well with the day today, 9-11.. considering i wrote it a long time ago.. based on those attacks


What Right do they have?


In the name of god, people have hope.

In the name of god, people live.

In the name of god, people believe.

In the name of god, people KILL.


What right do they have,

To take a life?

To separate a husband from a wife?

To separate a child from its mother?

Or a sister from her brother?


Form a child’s hand is taken a toy,

And replaced with guns to destruct and destroy.

Soon that same child plants a bomb.

To kill millions of people, yet he stays calm.


“BOOOM!” the bomb bangs like thunder

Starting from the sky to way down under.

People running with entire rage

As if they were trapped in some kind of cage.


It was raining fire

The orange drops strolling to the ground.

Hurting people from all around.


Many received the call,

“I'm sorry miss, please don’t fall.

But your fiancée is not to be found.

We searched all of the ground.”


What right do they have,

To take a life?

To separate a husband from a wife?

To separate a child from its mother?

Or a sister from her brother?





These so called “people” kill.

And say it was gods will.

Their running yet standing still.

Because the pain they cause is permanent.


If they murder in the name of god,

Then why do they run away?

When they say that god, wants it this way?


Do they not have a heart?

They act like they do

Because for the love of their people

They execute as they do.


Give back that child his toy,

Don’t replace them with guns to destruct and destroy.

A better world is all I ask.

Where the loss of lives is something we lack.



*i know its not like the greatest thing ever.. i was like 11 years old*

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  • 2 weeks later...



Black and white

are everywhere in sight

two opposites, two extremes

caught in a dramatic fight


She hides behind the colours

as she wonders at night

will she admit, why shes in fright?


Being honest to yourself is hard

Being open to the world is hard

Letting it get to your head, is easy


And for the first time she admits,

that she does not know

where she wants to go


She thinks about a women caught in a storm

and instead of helping her conform

she wonders why, she got dragged in the thunder


the lightning and hail are too much to handle

And all of a sudden she wishes she helped

Why does she help when it gets to an extreme?

Why not all that time that was left inbetween?


its funny how time changes people

or do people change over time?

how certain situations make you wonder

and certain, make me rhyme


after all this, she still has so much to admit

so much to learn, so much to emit

lets just hope she finds the answers one day*

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  • 1 month later...

this place is dead.

Amid Arteries, Cursed Capillaries, Vociferous Veins


Confused chemicals convolute the pure cycling solution.

Oxygen breathes its sense into seeping corners.

Jittery hands prove high concentrations of hormones.

From deep in dark crevices, death emerges.

Discoloration darkens dredges further.

Fearing freedom has hid her honorable hand,

Blood blindly bellows beneath shadows.

Pushing pumped percentages less than prescribed,

One palpitation's pressures arrive,

To reverse the flow for a slow perpetual moment.




One breath outlasts the previous gasps.

Some cells survive to consume those not alive.

Inside his breast, much blood do his lungs ingest.

The community cries, "Our abode cannot so contrive

If we're to retrieve our master's life."

A priest pardons carnal perceived sins,

"May you see blessed paths in heaven."

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