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Ian Brown/Stone Roses


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what would you say now p? :P



haha The Coral :P




nah, idk best band ever? impossible question really.


Anyway, on these reforming rumours - I've got mixed feelings about it really :\On the one hand I'd love it to happen - it'd be the gig of the century. On the other hand, they've spend 15 years saying "it'll never happen", so it feels a bit like they're selling out a little. John Squire had lots to say against it just a few months ago - & I quote -- "... the idea of bands reforming for a cash windfall is tragic."


He's also said in the past, that decimating the memory of the Roses wasn't something he'd ever be interested in. And I kind of agree with that sentiment a bit, it's like some brilliant, cult movie from 20 years ago or something and then some idiot comes along with a naff sequel and completely fucks it over and makes it all commercial. So it could be a huge gamble really, they've got to do it properly and they've got to want to do it for the music or the fans or the sheer enjoyment of the thing, rather than being in it for the money.


Anyway, having said all that I'd still sell a kidney to get a ticket. If it happens, I'd fucking murder someone to be there :lol:

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Guest howyousawtheworld
haha The Coral :P




nah, idk best band ever? impossible question really.


Anyway, on these reforming rumours - I've got mixed feelings about it really :\On the one hand I'd love it to happen - it'd be the gig of the century. On the other hand, they've spend 15 years saying "it'll never happen", so it feels a bit like they're selling out a little. John Squire had lots to say against it just a few months ago - & I quote -- "... the idea of bands reforming for a cash windfall is tragic."


He's also said in the past, that decimating the memory of the Roses wasn't something he'd ever be interested in. And I kind of agree with that sentiment a bit, it's like some brilliant, cult movie from 20 years ago or something and then some idiot comes along with a naff sequel and completely fucks it over and makes it all commercial. So it could be a huge gamble really, they've got to do it properly and they've got to want to do it for the music or the fans or the sheer enjoyment of the thing, rather than being in it for the money.


Anyway, having said all that I'd still sell a kidney to get a ticket. If it happens, I'd fucking murder someone to be there :lol:


I'm alright with this re form. If it were The Smiths I'd have very mixed feelings but I think The Stone Roses could be pretty good. Mani's still got it as he showed with Primal Scream at the festivals this year so he should be ok at least!


But yeah for a band that produced arguably the best British album of the last 25 years it's a risk.

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haha The Coral :P




nah, idk best band ever? impossible question really.


Anyway, on these reforming rumours - I've got mixed feelings about it really :\On the one hand I'd love it to happen - it'd be the gig of the century. On the other hand, they've spend 15 years saying "it'll never happen", so it feels a bit like they're selling out a little. John Squire had lots to say against it just a few months ago - & I quote -- "... the idea of bands reforming for a cash windfall is tragic."


He's also said in the past, that decimating the memory of the Roses wasn't something he'd ever be interested in. And I kind of agree with that sentiment a bit, it's like some brilliant, cult movie from 20 years ago or something and then some idiot comes along with a naff sequel and completely fucks it over and makes it all commercial. So it could be a huge gamble really, they've got to do it properly and they've got to want to do it for the music or the fans or the sheer enjoyment of the thing, rather than being in it for the money.


Anyway, having said all that I'd still sell a kidney to get a ticket. If it happens, I'd fucking murder someone to be there :lol:


everybody listen to paula :smug:

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Guest howyousawtheworld
Well yeah, Mani's a legend. Has Squire still got it tho, that's the question... :thinking:


That is indeed the big question!


p.s anyone notice how some of Jonny Buckland's poppy guitar hooks have a Squirish sound to them especially on Hurts Like Heaven. Is he balls like The Edge! But Squire was his hero when he was younger.

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Ian Brown on the Stone Roses reunion: 'It's happening'


According to The Sun this morning (October 17), magician Dynamo, who is a close friend of Brown, showed the paper's journalist a text message from the singer about the reunion, which said: "We are going to rule the world again. It's happening."


Rumours of a reunion flared up on Friday (October 14), with a major music publicist refusing to confirm or deny that a planned announcement on Tuesday (October 18) would indeed be declaring the band's return. It follows news breaking last April that singer Ian Brown and guitarist John Squire had met up for what was thought to be the first time since the band's 1996 split.


The band's former drummer Alan 'Reni' Wren contacted NME on Friday to deny reports that he was involved, but according to the Sun that is a "red herring" and he is very much involved in the reunion plans.


According to the tabloid's report, Elbow's Guy Garvey has also confirmed the reunion, with a source telling the paper: "Guy was talking to friends about how the original line-up had been rehearsing over the summer in Manchester."


If Friday's rumours are to be believed, plans for The Stone Roses reunion will include a large scale show in Manchester's Heaton Park next summer.

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Really worried about this...could be a car crash...


Of course there's nothing I wouldn't give to see one of my all-time top 5 bands live (and probably the most important as I grew up) and in fine form but...well Ian's never been the best singer live, and while his gigs (with lots of Roses tracks) are usually hardcore fans and a real celebration, I see a lot of 'music tourists' coming to these and being disappointed.


I just hope I'm wrong and they do themselves proud. No band deserves it more :)


p.s anyone notice how some of Jonny Buckland's poppy guitar hooks have a Squirish sound to them especially on Hurts Like Heaven. Is he balls like The Edge! But Squire was his hero when he was younger.


Oh yes! I've heard the band have played a number of Roses tracks in soundchecks, what I would pay to hear those!! And imo Squire should almost have got a writing credit on HLH for that guitar part, or perhaps they should have called it Adored Like Heaven :P


I wish the band would let Jonny off the leash more often. The only track he really lets rip on as we know he can imo is GPaSUYF, which sounds as apocalyptic as the best Roses stuff (Made of Stone, Resurrection). The extended of Yes had promise too, but alas they dropped it before I ever saw it :(

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Guest howyousawtheworld

This is incredible news. It's amazing how it could turn into a full blown re union with them recording new material. Mani's left Primal Scream which is a big sign as to how serious they are taking this.

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Guest howyousawtheworld
Really worried about this...could be a car crash...


Of course there's nothing I wouldn't give to see one of my all-time top 5 bands live (and probably the most important as I grew up) and in fine form but...well Ian's never been the best singer live, and while his gigs (with lots of Roses tracks) are usually hardcore fans and a real celebration, I see a lot of 'music tourists' coming to these and being disappointed.


I just hope I'm wrong and they do themselves proud. No band deserves it more :)




Oh yes! I've heard the band have played a number of Roses tracks in soundchecks, what I would pay to hear those!! And imo Squire should almost have got a writing credit on HLH for that guitar part, or perhaps they should have called it Adored Like Heaven :P


I wish the band would let Jonny off the leash more often. The only track he really lets rip on as we know he can imo is GPaSUYF, which sounds as apocalyptic as the best Roses stuff (Made of Stone, Resurrection). The extended of Yes had promise too, but alas they dropped it before I ever saw it :(


There is something very Stone Roses about Hurts Like Heaven. I guess that's why I love it so much! It's epicness wouldn't go amiss on their debut LP.


And good luck to anyone trying to get tickets for their Heaton Park gigs. Should be a momentous occasion. World tour - come to Glasgow please lads!

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There is something very Stone Roses about Hurts Like Heaven. I guess that's why I love it so much! It's epicness wouldn't go amiss on their debut LP.


And good luck to anyone trying to get tickets for their Heaton Park gigs. Should be a momentous occasion. World tour - come to Glasgow please lads!


There is indeed. I think it's the way the song seems to build so very naturally, and then takes off in ways you don't expect...into heaven :D


The Roses did that better than any other band I've ever heard. The songs almost ALWAYS took off, and you expected it, but you were no less blown away when it happened, because of the way they did it.


I think the incredible genius of HLH is that when it takes off you really do feel like you're flying (just like 'the man'!) It's exhilarating as almost nothing else I've ever heard!! I think they beat the Roses on that one, definitely, and I can pay the boys no higher accolade :)


Just listening to Love Spreads and the second part reminds me again so much of the way the outro of Yes live builds (remember talking to Miller about the Roses' outros)...that song really could have been built into something monumental.


But ah well, we've got GPAS, and so back to the Roses, and good luck everyone with tickets :)

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Reni was hilarious, never realised he was such a clown...incredibly dry wit too :laugh3:


Completely agree about the body language - all four of them such utterly different personalities, yet all seemed completely comfortable with each other, and all very happy :)


So the ticket sale for Friday is only for Manchester?

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