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I just got off the phone with Philips Arena, and I told them how Coldplay is encouraging cameras at their concerts, but they said that if I bring a camera to the concert on wednesday, it will be confiscated. So that is a bummer.

Unless someone can get DEBS to talk to the people at Philips, looks like I won't be bringing any pictures to the forum.


I'm talking to 99x to try to clear this up. I'll let you know what happens. Meanwhile, we need solutions people!

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1) camera

2) duct tape

3) your spine


take the camera, when you get to the venue, get a friend to duct tape the camera to the middle of your back/spine. if you're a girl, wear a hoodie or baggie shirt you won't mind taking off later.

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gig is up? flash goes off? its okay. will will save you. if not will... then guy and johnny will give those mean security people a cold stare, man they'll wish they'd never be stared at again. at the same time chris will start singing its raining men, i'm sure that'll distract the bigger,scarier security heads.

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how though? when coldplay come here (after such a long time) i want to take my digital and get some good quality shots - and if i'm paying a ridiculous $120 to see them then i want good photos as a keep sake. but then i'm paranoid that if i take my digital, they'd conviscate it :(

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Hmmm...its a tricky one. I just looked up info about Earls Court and all it said was 'No video cameras or recording devices allowed' - so would that include digital cameras? Because some of them can record short video clips? :/ I really want to take photo but dont want to risk my digital camera getting confiscated. :/

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Well I took a camera to two concerts where they said no cameras. The security guard came up to us before the show started cause he saw us mucking around with it and said to put it away, but we still took pictures and they didn't do anything. Just be sneaky :P Or do as you're told, just to be safe!

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ok, i was there last night and pretty much everybody had a camera!! i even saw a girl with a big SLR and a 210 lens at least!!

the check point at the entrance was really not intense...

i would say for the next concert, you can definitely sneak one in... you should!

i wish i had...

Please, to those who brought the cameras, post pictures!!! it was amazing!!!!

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oh, and by the way, i always think that pictures turns out better in concert without the flash. Otherwise, all you see is the head and hands of the people in front of you. Just my opinion.

I could not take pictures at last night concert but i took some at the one i went to in France this past july.

i posted the link to see them in another thread in the live section.

actually, here it is : http://www.coldplayvoixdugaou05.blogspot.com

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