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One of my 18 Nissan videos


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Its a bacterial infection. i guess i scratched my eye after touching something that had way too many germs on it. kids get it a lot since they don't know any better so yeah... i have a kiddy illness.


if you wanna know how bad it can get check it out on google image search.

mines not even close to the pictures but.. well you get the idea of how annoying it is. itchy too :angry:




feel the energy. or see it.

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thanks for the support.. i'm feeling better already. literally. this cream i've been using is fan-tas-tic. oh and he actually sings: "if you go, if you go, don't ever do a bass so low..." cause Guy was slowly leaning lower and lower towards Chris' noggin hahahah...

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good to hear you're getting better soup:)

thanks again for the awesome videos!!!


..." cause Guy was slowly leaning lower and lower towards Chris' noggin hahahah...

:lol: ..what's noggin though? :embarrased: - i think i know but just to be sure....

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thanks for the support.. i'm feeling better already. literally. this cream i've been using is fan-tas-tic. oh and he actually sings: "if you go' date=' if you go, don't ever do a bass so low..." cause Guy was slowly leaning lower and lower towards Chris' noggin hahahah...[/quote']


Ahhhh, I mis-heard it as big solo :embarrased: Hope you feel better soon soup. :)

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i think noggin means head


oh :lol: ok then was thinking of the wrong thing..




first time i actually busted out laughing while on this forum..

good one kekita.. keep it up hahahah..


and thanks again everyone. ah.. i have a couple more videos..

tell you what though.. i'll list the remaining videos n' tell me

which you'd like me to upload(yes all of them is an option)


Clocks 2.avi: This features the end of the song when they

speed it up. Scrolling graphics in the bg as well.


GPASUYF 1&2: The first is during the opening, the 2nd is

during the end of the song when chris/johnny

go all out. The 2nd video is wild but the quality

isn't all that great.. definitely feel it though.


Square One: This is the entire song. Again quality is shit due

to my shuffling around and trying to zoom in.


Trouble: Just the first couple verses of the song. Quality is eh..

I mean you can make Chris out but he's kind of a blur.


Yellow: This video is... fine.. just that the sound is a bit scratchy.


again.. yes "all of them" is an option. i'd just like to know which

are more in demand :]

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kekita wrote:





i think noggin means head




oh ok then was thinking of the wrong thing..





first time i actually busted out laughing while on this forum..

good one kekita.. keep it up hahahah..

ha ha well least it brought a :D to your face especially with the nasty kiddy illness :baby:


cheers soup i all those videos sound great but yeah GPASUYF next like everyone else wants.

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