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So, who of you realizes how brave you have to be when you tell a joke?

Gitta Rensolo

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I mean do you think about that when you are joking?


I do sometimes......seriously



I mean jokes can either fail or not (hehe) and it feels quite bad when it fails....(I'm glad that doesn't happen to me too often....hahaha...)


and the worst thing is if your friends are making fun of you because you wanted to make a funny statement but it failed....I feel so stupid in these moments


another bad thing is if the joke is too smart for others.....I mean let's take sarcasm.....real sarcasm is often combined with a smart background and many people don't get that......argh I hate that!

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I mean do you think about that when you are joking?


I do sometimes......seriously



I mean jokes can either fail or not (hehe) and it feels quite bad when it fails....(I'm glad that doesn't happen to me too often....hahaha...)


and the worst thing is if your friends are making fun of you because you wanted to make a funny statement but it failed....I feel so stupid in these moments


another bad thing is if the joke is too smart for others.....I mean let's take sarcasm.....real sarcasm is often combined with a smart background and many people don't get that......argh I hate that!


Yes - including some on here.;)

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i tell jokes because i find them funny and laugh about it, i hardly ever notice or care whether anyone else got it or not. sometimes i start a joke and in my mind i'm already at the punchline and start laughing before i've even told the entire joke, this way i'm laughing, my friends are thinking "wft?" then exchange glances then start laughing at me, ... after say 5 mins, i may actually remember the joke to tell it properly but by that time, the situation ^ ended up funnier than the joke thus becoming a joke itself. jokes don't have to make sense, or be told properly to be funny, it just is :tongue:

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i tell jokes because i find them funny and laugh about it, i hardly ever notice or care whether anyone else got it or not. sometimes i start a joke and in my mind i'm already at the punchline and start laughing before i've even told the entire joke, this way i'm laughing, my friends are thinking "wft?" then exchange glances then start laughing at me, ... after say 5 mins, i may actually remember the joke to tell it properly but by that time, the situation ^ ended up funnier than the joke thus becoming a joke itself. jokes don't have to make sense, or be told properly to be funny, it just is :tongue:


Are you joking??:P

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  • 5 years later...

That is depressing.


This thread reminds me of that time my boyfriend's sister posted on his Facebook wall that she loved and missed him and stuff and I said something along the lines of "whoa man you forgot to say 'no incest' after you said you loved him. You know, kinda like you would 'no homo' or 'no beastiality' or something" and then she was like "I never said I wanted his body or anything he's my brother I dunno how it works in Canada but us Americans can love our family without it being sexual blah blah blah" and she was all pissed off of at me and I was like "wut"

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i don´t know whats worse, feeling stupid because you didn´t get the joke and given those "wow you´re so stupid you didn´t get it!!" looks or telling that joke youself and people giving you "uhmm lol you´re trying to be funny but you fail.....haha ePIC FAIL!!" look

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That is depressing.


This thread reminds me of that time my boyfriend's sister posted on his Facebook wall that she loved and missed him and stuff and I said something along the lines of "whoa man you forgot to say 'no incest' after you said you loved him. You know, kinda like you would 'no homo' or 'no beastiality' or something" and then she was like "I never said I wanted his body or anything he's my brother I dunno how it works in Canada but us Americans can love our family without it being sexual blah blah blah" and she was all pissed off of at me and I was like "wut"


To be fair it doesn't really surprise me some people react like that, she probably realised you were joking but it isn't always appropriate to throw that sort of humour into the mix. Like if you put yourself in her shoes, and you wanted to express that you miss your brother, if someone turns it into a LOLS INCEST thing you might react like "BLEAGH I'm going to reject the joke outright and take it seriously out of rage to make them feel foolish :veryangry2:". Point being, they may have realised you were joking, but didn't really appreciate it.


i don´t know whats worse, feeling stupid because you didn´t get the joke and given those "wow you´re so stupid you didn´t get it!!" looks or telling that joke youself and people giving you "uhmm lol you´re trying to be funny but you fail.....haha ePIC FAIL!!" look


This isn't as bad as either of those, but it is a bit annoying when you make a joke with a person that has a double meaning, but they just take it in its literal sense, so the jokes lost, and it was just another conversation. What a waste.

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To be fair it doesn't really surprise me some people react like that, she probably realised you were joking but it isn't always appropriate to throw that sort of humour into the mix. Like if you put yourself in her shoes, and you wanted to express that you miss your brother, if someone turns it into a LOLS INCEST thing you might react like "BLEAGH I'm going to reject the joke outright and take it seriously out of rage to make them feel foolish :veryangry2:". Point being, they may have realised you were joking, but didn't really appreciate it.



Nope, she thought I was serious, and she still didn't even get it after he explained it to her as a sort of joke on the "no homo" thing, she was like "but I'm not a guy huh," so I just apologized.

That day I learned probably shouldn't make the stupid jokes or anything I do to people I don't know very well, heh.

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Nope, she thought I was serious, and she still didn't even get it after he explained it to her as a sort of joke on the "no homo" thing, she was like "but I'm not a guy huh," so I just apologized.

That day I learned probably shouldn't make the stupid jokes or anything I do to people I don't know very well, heh.


Oh my word (at the "I'm not a guy huh" thing) well yeah, it is hard to understand people like that.


But that's a good lesson at least, I still haven't learnt it.

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