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A Thread for the beautiful Lore

Black Rose

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btw i saw a pic of you and your niece :nice: so nice. how old is she? you both look great. ;)


yes i hope i see them and go out again, i enjoyed it so much the other days. :wacko:


thanks :D

she's 2 and a half years...



where did u go with your friends there?

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wow concerts, thats great Julia :dance: we had one in the uni some days ago and was great. :cool4: the singer rock.


i went.. on tuesday to a bday party at a home, and then the concert, on wednesday went to a bar and later to a disco, till 7am of next morning :wacko:


aww lore your niece is so nice. :nice: is the only one you have?

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the other action belongs to ykw's thread :uhoh:




just princess and rainbows and flowers here :blush:





Ah, you know no one can control the force of "actions". It's human nature..we just do that :wacky:



Aww, a princess, rainbows, flowers and little babes running around, how sweet! :blush:

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