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Chris and Jonny


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So do every one of us Jonnygirls :wacky:




:wacky: Yeah!




I thought I should post the dream I had last night here. I put it in the Random Thoughts thread, but I think it would be better appreciated here.


But the best thing was probably a dream I had this morning before waking up (duh?). It was a weird dream cause I wasn't actually involved. Like it totally wasn't part of the dream, it was kind of like watching a movie. Anyways Chris and Jonny were in my English class for some reason. And all the kids were kind of in group doing whatever. No learning going on. And Jonny was sitting they with his legs spread apart on the floor and he was gently playing an acoustic guitar. And Chris was like laying on the ground half asleep and his head was rested right between Jonny's legs on the ground. And so Jonny's strumming away, and Chris is half sleeping. So Chris goes "Are you gonna stop playing Jon?" and Jon goes, "Oh sorry, you're trying to sleep" and then he stopped and then Chris went "No that's not what I meant, I like it, keep going, I don't want you to stop." and then Jonny had this cute little smile on his face and said "Ok Chris" and then he started playing again. Chris meanwhile, dozed off into a peaceful (I assume?) sleep. It was rather cute.




AAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW! I love your dream! :love: Thanks for sharing.




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I know you wouldn't :sneaky:




They look as though they're announcing their engagement :lol: Jonny's blushing like a bride-to-be and Chris has an embarassed grin on his face.

Hahahahaha, it's so funny cause you can really see them think that :lol:





Well, if Jonny would smile at me like that, I'd kiss him too :sneaky:



<blockquote data-ipsQuote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="but a dream" data-cite="but a dream" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="3576" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>[img]<a href=http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn51/butadream_min/Coldplay/cp122.jpg' alt='cp122.jpg'>




Heeey, here's the 'back off bitches look' again.... I love it! :D

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Hahahahaha, it's so funny cause you can really see them think that :lol:





Well, if Jonny would smile at me like that, I'd kiss him too :sneaky:




Heeey, here's the 'back off bitches look' again.... I love it! :D

Jonny's smile :wacky: *melts*


Ehehehehehee I think Jonny has mastered that look. He should trademark it :P

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:wacky: So cute! There's just something about award shows, I guess!




I love how Will's in back there... he's like "move along, guys" :lol:


I think Will is actually making sure Chris doesn't lose his balance, because then they would both tumble off the stage and Jonny would probably end up crushing Chris. :laugh3:


In the video, Will puts his hand out rightwhen Chris picks Jonny up. ;)


Edit: I did this really quickly during English class...nice and non-pervy. :D



And then I found this one (on the Chris thread, I believe). It's super pervy and I thought of you girls right away. ;)




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