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Chris and Jonny


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That's it.


That video FINALLY convinced me.


In the beginning I thought, well, because you're a fangirl and all, you think pervy, that's fine, Chris loves Jonny, like buddy-buddy-like, y' know...


SCREW THIS, I watched so many videos of them being so totally MORE than buddy-buddy-like, and this video tops it all, ARGH!




They totally slept together, no doubts, PERIOD.



Seriously, the glance Chris gives Jonny, his face, his whole body language, it's like, >HUMP ME<





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That's it.


That video FINALLY convinced me.


In the beginning I thought, well, because you're a fangirl and all, you think pervy, that's fine, Chris loves Jonny, like buddy-buddy-like, y' know...


SCREW THIS, I watched so many videos of them being so totally MORE than buddy-buddy-like, and this video tops it all, ARGH!




They totally slept together, no doubts, PERIOD.



Seriously, the glance Chris gives Jonny, his face, his whole body language, it's like, >HUMP ME<





:uhoh: Luckily I have not reached that point, and I don't think I ever will! :P

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I feel that I must explain my position here...

These are the facts that we all know:


Chris loves Jonny.

Jonny loves Chris.

Chris is touchy-feely.

Jonny just goes along with it.

Chris is open.

Jonny is a little shy.

Chris has a sense of humor.

Jonny also has a sense of humor.


Add these all together, and you get their unique relationship.


Chris is openly loving, and he really isn't afraid to show how much he cares about people. Jonny and he love to fool around, kissing and all that, but there's really no proof that they're sexually attracted to one another. Where does it say that Love = "I wanna fuck Jonny"?


Now keep in mind that I have never denied their love. Of course they love each other...what pair of best friends doesn't? They have a very deep bond, maybe even deeper than most friends have.


Would Chris throw himself in front of a bullet for Jonny? Probably. But do they want to have sex? I really don't think so.


I think, in this case, it is our (very) pervy minds that conjure up proof that Chris and Jonny are a secret couple. The 'couple' part is an illusion. But ...their very cute displays of affection aren't. :D




Now, there's a cookie waiting for whoever can tell me how many times I used the word 'love' in this post. :laugh3:

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I knew that I'd activate an endless "awwwwwww"-ing with posting this video :laugh3:

I was searching for a good version of "I'm a believer" and when I stumbled about this one I had to laugh so hard and was touched at the same time that I immediately thought "THIS video belongs to the Chris and Jonny thread!!!" :nice:

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I feel that I must explain my position here...

These are the facts that we all know:


Chris loves Jonny.

Jonny loves Chris.

Chris is touchy-feely.

Jonny just goes along with it.

Chris is open.

Jonny is a little shy.

Chris has a sense of humor.

Jonny also has a sense of humor.


Add these all together, and you get their unique relationship.


Chris is openly loving, and he really isn't afraid to show how much he cares about people. Jonny and he love to fool around, kissing and all that, but there's really no proof that they're sexually attracted to one another. Where does it say that Love = "I wanna fuck Jonny"?


Now keep in mind that I have never denied their love. Of course they love each other...what pair of best friends doesn't? They have a very deep bond, maybe even deeper than most friends have.


Would Chris throw himself in front of a bullet for Jonny? Probably. But do they want to have sex? I really don't think so.


I think, in this case, it is our (very) pervy minds that conjure up proof that Chris and Jonny are a secret couple. The 'couple' part is an illusion. But ...their very cute displays of affection aren't. :D




Now, there's a cookie waiting for whoever can tell me how many times I used the word 'love' in this post. :laugh3:


I think you said it 7 times! :laugh3:


Very well said, that seems rather rational than my theory :lol:


But we still have to remind ourselves, we don't know them, we only know their on-stage/interview behaviour. But they really seem to be very lovely, caring and close friends :wacky:








And all the pervness about them comes from the dirty people here! PAH! :shame:


Not that I am such a person :D

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To Prospekt: Well, you failed miserably.


:laugh3: Haha...just kidding.


I think you said it 7 times! :laugh3:


Very well said, that seems rather rational than my theory :lol:


But we still have to remind ourselves, we don't know them, we only know their on-stage/interview behaviour. But they really seem to be very lovely, caring and close friends :wacky:


7 times? I think you're right. And you're also right about the "we don't know them" part. I keep forgetting about that!

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Awww...I still love you, even if you ARE a perv. :hug:

After all, you compared my story to Careful Where You Stand! :D



Well, because your story is almost as awesome as CWYS :thumbsup: :)


Okay, I'm gonna sleep now, have a nice and un-pervy night! :P

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Well I came into this thread out of curiosity, to see what people say about this matter. To be honest, I myself have two really close mates, and one of them is always like hugging me and stuff recently (which his girlfriend used to hate!!) , because we don’t see each other as often. At first I thought it was weird and thought he shouldn’t really do it in front of other people, but then again, everyone knows we are really close, so it didn’t matter. And same with my other mate, he even kisses me sometimes, but in no way we do this because we are attracted to each other!!!! That’s just a ridiculous and very silly idea! I don’t think a loving and caring relationship between close friends could mean they actually love each other in that way!!! It’s the same with Chris and Jonny. If you watch the 2003 live DVD for instance, they show a glimpse of all four of them in a nice sunny day looking towards the camera talking to each other, with their backs to the stage, and Chris kissed Jonny in the lips (or at least that’s what it seems they did)!!!! But again, that doesn’t mean they love each other in that way. I suppose their friendship is more like a brotherly relationship. Very close, but not too close!! If you see what I mean!! :D


(sorry if I went into too much personal stuff. Just trying to give you an idea!!)

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