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Biggest embarrasment over Coldplay


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One of the characters in the movie says "You know how I know you're gay? You like Coldplay."


Oh, the (in)famous joke... :veryangry2:


ok! thank you for making it clear.


:dozey: exactly Rudy... what the heck...

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One of my best friends was dising Coldplay and my other friend who knew I liked them said something like "you'd better not say that around her" I felt like I was some kind of beast for liking Coldplay and that all coldplay fans murder and Coldplay haters...but thats my over dramatic personality kicking in....seriously though I just laughed it off but it still stings...

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Well, I was in a field trip with my classmates, and in the bus we all decided to watch a movie, It ended up being "the 40 year old virgin"... You see, I've never disguised the fact that I love Coldplay, I have a bracelet at all times and wear t-shirts of them and what not.... As you can imagine, I passed the following 2 weeks hearing "You know how I know you're gay?":confused:




seriously, how old are you, if this actually is an embarrassment for you? ;D

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I can outwit my mates in musical discussions if they bash Coldplay, mainly with the 'well at least i listen to bands before I decide I don't like them, and respect other peoples tastes'


Its bashing Muse or Franz Ferdinand that I get most often.


'Just some scots, singing about random things with silly accents' to which I would respond, yes that is the point!

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Back in grade school, I was thinking about Coldplay during my spelling test. I mispelled politics "politiks":laugh3:


Ah but real Politik is a word, a german word for politics that are about humans and avoiding their suffering. Rather than politics which is linked to ideology.


If you think of Real Politik as what John Lennon was singing bout in Imagine and politics in all those evil countries starting evil wars..


And so ends todays lesson!

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Although I'm lucky enough never to have experienced it myself, I know that in some places, schools etc. it is becoming increasingly popular to refer to coldplay as gay. This notion is given a healthy push by 40-year old virgin but more than that, it's the trends and status quos in music that that give groups of kids the notion that anything softer than hard rock or metal (pretty much anything expressing an emotion other than rage and anger) is too effeminate for boys to listen to without being made fun of. It comes from peer pressure and influence on musical tastes from one boy to another.


Luckily, everyone in my dorm at college digs coldplay and reacts positively to the poster on my wall from the twisted logic tour. But, especially in America, I don't think I'm the only one to lower my voice when mentioning that coldplay is my favorite band.

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I get hell from my guy friends for being a fan of Coldplay. But ive actually met some girls before because of them.



Yeah, when my brother went to a concert in Anaheim he said that it was great, but he was very uncomfortable being this kind of 27 year old man surrounded by a mob of screaming, prepubescent girls. I think the twisted logic tour advertised chris too much as a kind of sex symbol and they lost some of the rocking coolness they had in the AROBTTH tour when they dove headfirst into the pop mainstream. You know, with all the dancing and what not. It almost makes me afraid when Chris leaves the piano during speed of sound. I like it when he has an instrument at his hands so he doesn't remind me of my embarrassing n'sync days (TRYING TO FORGET! TRYING TO FORGET!).

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Yeah, when my brother went to a concert in Anaheim he said that it was great, but he was very uncomfortable being this kind of 27 year old man surrounded by a mob of screaming, prepubescent girls. I think the twisted logic tour advertised chris too much as a kind of sex symbol and they lost some of the rocking coolness they had in the AROBTTH tour when they dove headfirst into the pop mainstream. You know, with all the dancing and what not. It almost makes me afraid when Chris leaves the piano during speed of sound. I like it when he has an instrument at his hands so he doesn't remind me of my embarrassing n'sync days (TRYING TO FORGET! TRYING TO FORGET!).


You are not the only one with embarrassing Nsync days! :D


Yeah some of my friends say 'OMG CHRiS IS SOOOOOOOOO HOT'. And while Chris is indeed attractive, it's giving the wrong message about how I like them. I don't like them because they're 'hot', the music speaks to me. So I get annoyed by that quite a lot.

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Well, in english class we do vocabulary and one of the words was "ecclectic" I was trying to explain it to my friend and used the example, "I have an ecclectic taste in music." And my other friend whips around and goes, "No you don't, you just listen to Coldplay!" And I was like, "I listen to other stuff besides them!" [i do! :\] and she was like, "Yeah but not much."

And my class is like itty bitty and the hottest guy in the grade was in there. :bigcry:


I didn't talk to her again until the last bell of the day. :P

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