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Guy drawing!


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that's impressive too ! :cool: his time's so constant !


oh nice how the pace graph says "Congratulations, Guy Berryman, this is your London Marathon run" :P

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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyy!!! :stunned: :stunned: :stunned: x 398746875648563

Alyssa, that's.......wow, there's no word, really...

You're amazingly talented!Congratulations!!!


Do you plan make a living with your artistic skills?

I really think your work would be recognized if you did so...

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Wow. :stunned: 3 pages of comments and a news page! Ah! Thanks everyone!


Boo, I should've used a better scan! :laugh3: Oh well. I'm actually still working on it, lol.


Thank you all for the nice comments! <3


And I dunno if I wanna make a living being an artist, since I want to be an photographer, graphic designer, game designer/programmer, astronomer, biologist, biological engineer, or maybe a percussion major? :freak:

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