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A Spell A Rebel Yell *LYRICS*


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Yep, that seems to be it.

I tend to hear "As far as I can't see" in the very beginning, but that probably wouldn't make sense, would it?


And something is sung after "so long" (1:43-ish), but it's very vague.

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At the start I hear


As far as I can see

All time it's ? ,

It's wrong.


If it's circuitry, what's that meant to mean?!


yeah me too...or "is wrong" at least, but not are


and the same question here!

what´s circuitry supposed to mean?



yup, all about soldiers again...but it´s not quite political this one, in my opinion is used more like a a metaphore...

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A Spell...........a rebel yell, a Spell....


You know, I'm just going to go out on a limb here and come out and say it.


I REALLY like what Coldplay is giving to us. Now, hear me out.


I was SOOO ready to be disappointed by Violet Hill. When I got the download from the site, of course, I was RETARDEDLY excited, and I couldn't wait to listen to it. But I was ready. In FACT, and I know this sounds terrible coming from a true, cross my heart and hope to die Coldplay fan, I was expecting to not like it. I really was.


But then Violet Hill started. And the sound started swelling up and it gave me goosebumps in spite of myself. And I loved the song after it was done. EXPECTING to not like it, I ended up loving it. The song was at a freaking disadvantage, and it still came out on top. I must have listened to it straight for an hour. STRAIGHT.

And I still love it.


The same thing, maybe even to a more intense degree happened today when I tuned in over the internet to have a listen to A Spell A Rebel Yell.

I love B-sides, in fact, I think, my second favorite song by Coldplay (after Fix You/Yellow (:))), is a B-side, 'Proof'.

But I was ready to not like it, and I was ready to say it categorically after I heard it, without beating around the bush.

But I love it. The lyrics work just....so well.....with the music. And Chris doesn't let words about loss and love and pain become anything emo, but makes them work in a way that matters more, than any other way you can hear them.


And I think it's because Coldplay haven't changed, like we all think they are going to, because the album art is different, or because the mags say they have. They haven't. This is exactly what we would always wish to happen. They grow.


They are evolving and growing, rather than changing and emulating other big artists, like U2. I have heard a lot of U2, and they are indeed one of my top bands, but they have never, in my humble opinion, ever sounded as beautiful.


And, frankly, this growth is turning out to be everything I hoped for, from my favorite band.


Thanks Coldplay.

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I love how the lyrics of the two songs (this and violet hill) seem to be two parts of the same story- sort of a call and answer. The perfect sort of b-side. :D



In Violet Hill there are all these lyrics about war and death as though they were written by an anguished soldier thinking of the person back at home:


"I don't want to be a soldier

With the captain of some sinking ship

With snow, far below


So if you love me

Why'd you let me go?"


And finally he reminisces. It's like he was trying to say goodbye but she was so upset she couldn't answer:


"I took my love down to violet hill

There we sat in snow

All that time she was silent still


So if you love me

Won't you let me know?"


Now that he's gone off to war, the answer finally comes in ASARY:


"soldier come home to me

you've been away from me

for so long (so...)

all i want in this world

all i want and deserve

is for you to come home"




That's what I get out of them anyway. They're very Coldplay-ish lyrics in one way, but light years beyond anything in the past in another way. There are real stories and background and running themes now. It's very cool. :cool: I'm getting really excited about the album now. :dance:

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Nice! This lends itself well to my theory that VLV is a 'concept album'. I'm fully expecting the songs to tie in to one-another lyrically.


I don't think it's a concept album. I don't think you could spend as much time as them arguing about the tracklisting and still end up with a proper concept album.


But yes I agree, there probably will be an intermittent running theme at least. Sounds like a lot of things are going to fit together in new ways.

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I don't think it's a concept album. I don't think you could spend as much time as them arguing about the tracklisting and still end up with a proper concept album.


But yes I agree, there probably will be an intermittent running theme at least. Sounds like a lot of things are going to fit together in new ways.


That's why I put the words in ''s. I don't think it'll be like The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway, telling a complete story, but I'm guessing since they use common lyrical threads on every album, that they might try to hyper-sequence these songs. Maybe it's just wishful thinking.:)

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Well, it does end how it starts supposedly. *shrug*


I guess it all depends on one's definition of concept album, really. ;)


Yeah. THe beginning/ending was another reason for my theory. But as I said, I'd only loosely call it a concept album, if at all. Imo, if you're going to make a Concept album, you have to sit down and intentionally write it. Because you have to consider sequencing different keys, time signatures etc. as well as lyrics.


But I htink some of the argument over the tracklisting was the attempt to make the songs flow lyrically as well as musically.


I'm over-stating it though.:) ANd it's just a guess.

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I love the lyrics.



And what's with this all of a sudden obsession with soldiers and war anyway? The Iraq war was going on when X&Y was released, so why did thy wait until now, assuming that is the war they keep referring to?

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A Guess? The War is more a metaphor for the state of the whole world, not just Iraq. Chris is usually much more general in his lyrics than to specifically refer to one particular conflict, any more than he'd only refer to one leader.


It seems to have started with Bucket For A Crown, around the time Chris started obsessing over Bob Dylan...who wrote about war a lot.

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Again if it he was describing a soldier in iraq, he wouldn't be surrounded by snow, now would he?


He also has a degree in history, remember. If Eno finally convinced him to write about things other than himself and his immediate surroundings, he very well may have turned to the past for inspiration...

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