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You know you're addicted to Coldplay when...


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When you try your best to make a Guy Sandwich (Scottish Strawberry on cranberry bread) for lunch every day.


When you doodle the Coldplay members on yours and your fellow Coldplayhead/drawing buddy's notebooks.


When you try to find the perfect Coldplay song for every occasion.


When you've just noticed that 2 of your friends play soccer, one runs, and your piano teacher's trying to get you to take up yoga. :P

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When your entire day is extremely amazing simply because you saw the Tour Diary today.


When you're insanely excited for Jonny's birthday tomorrow and cannot wait to party at Karen's hosue after school.


When you make it your goal to say that it's Jonny's birthday to at least 5 people in school tomorrow.

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Oh and from yesterday,

When your in a class with your only two coldplayer friends, Emily and Katie and you have to read survey question answers in front of the class.

Question: What's something fun you did this summer?

Karen: I went to the Toronto Coldplay concert, I was in the front of the pit and it was the greatest day of my life.

[a few other students go]

Emily: I was in the front of the Toronto Coldplay concert!

[some more students go]

Kate: I attended the Coldplay concert in Toronto and I was in the front of the pit!!!!


(generally what we each said) :)

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when you say this:

OMG!!!!!!I think Ive been using my bag too much!!!!!

the R and the O is shredding along with Guys head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




im getting a new one I cant walk around with shredded GuY :bigcry:

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Oh and from yesterday,

When your in a class with your only two coldplayer friends, Emily and Katie and you have to read survey question answers in front of the class.

Question: What's something fun you did this summer?

Karen: I went to the Toronto Coldplay concert, I was in the front of the pit and it was the greatest day of my life.

[a few other students go]

Emily: I was in the front of the Toronto Coldplay concert!

[some more students go]

Kate: I attended the Coldplay concert in Toronto and I was in the front of the pit!!!!


(generally what we each said) :)



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...when you need guitar pics and buy the yellow ones just because Guy uses the yellow ones. :nice:


(okay I also like that thickness of pic but I'd be willing to go up or down a size if it meant getting Guy's color ;))


I found a red pick in my 'pick bag' and its the same size and kind as Guy's♥:wacky:

and you k now you're addicted when you frame it!!!!!

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