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30-Jul-08: Toronto - Tickets, Preview, Meetups, Review/Photos [originally 29/30 Oct]

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Ah sorry! I forgot I had the permissions set like that... I just changed it. You should have no problem viewing it now :) Though it's probably still not big enough for a bg if you're planning to stretch it to fill your screen :( boo to flickr!


much appreciated - thanks :)

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hey everyone

the show was SO AMAZING my god i'm in total shock. last time (twisted logic) i was front row and this time i was row 11 floor but i definitely liked this time better even though i was further away!!

when jonny and chris came out on the left ramp they were like 5 seats away from me i couldn't believe it, i was like having a heart attack.


green_eyes: your pics are AMAZING!!! thank you so much. were you really close? they look professional!


sandersidle: YOU ARE SOOO LUCKY! you got to meet jonny and the baby! [jealousy]

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^ i am wondering the exact same thing lol...i wish i could get that close...do u have to have connections or something....cause i have 0 :cry:



I got row 11 and row 8 via ticketmaster auctions. But had to pay $200 and $320 per ticket for row 11 and 8 respectively.

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^ Damn ! i hope you got your money's worth, which im sure you did, pshht, its COLDPLAY!


My brother bought me my tickets for my bday. . . i think this year im gonna get a job, and start a little 'I wanna go to a concert fund', and put like 20 aside each month for concerts and stuff. . .

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Yeah it was at the Lobby and it was private. You had to have a blue wrist band. I took a pic of it and the backstage pass:


Really really big pic.




The after party was at a club/bar thing called The Lobby. I had a backstage pass but that was just for the concert and I had a blue wrist band for the party. My family knows Chloe so...


Okaay here goes my review:


Before the show I stayed at a house which is where Chloe was and the baby. Then we drove to the Air Canada centre and got our tickets. Chloe took us backstage and we hung out in the "Coldplay Family Room" but the guys were getting ready to go on stage obviously, so we didn't see them then. I got to talk to Chloe for a bit about Violet and stuff like that.


Then we went to our seats and we were sitting to the right of the stage. AWESOME seats. I sat beside Chloe and it was soo adorable. When Jonny came over to our side and went down that ramp thing, he was scanning the crowd and then he saw Chloe and he gave her the biggest smile. Awww.


So we rocked out for the whole amazing concert and okay, I don't know why, but I had to keep myself from crying so much. Like when they came on stage I almost burst out crying, I don't know why. And when they played Fix You I almost cried too but I didn't want to infront of everyone haha. It was amazing.


After the show Chloe took us backstage again and we waited around in the family room thing again and then Jonny came out. You wouldn't be able to tell he's some dude in a world famous band. He's so down to Earth and chill. He's shy too, which makes him even more adorable. I was standing with Chloe when he came in the room so he obviously went over to her and I got to shake his hand. He was at my cousin's wedding 3 years ago but I didn't say anything to him because I didn't want to bug him so I was really happy to be able to meet him formally.


Later I saw tons of photos of him with Violet and that baby is honestly the most adorable thing in this world, hahah.


Umm and then Chloe insisted it was okay to get a photo with Jonny because I didn't want to bug him. But he was very nice about it. Chloe even took the picture on his iphone and then sent it to me. O:




K so I'm the most awkward person alive but whatever. There's the picture, and don't mind my face. It kinda wrecks it. xD


Then after that was the after party at The Lobby. I am not a party girl at all and I'm only 15 so this was definitely weird for me. But the whole band eventually showed up and at one point I was 5 feet away from Chris and we made eye contact and smiled at each other. Haha I was too nervous to say anything and he was in the middle of a conversation, so. But it was really cute because the band came in and started hugging each other and Will and Chris were dancing for a few seconds. xD I also brushed shoulders with Guy but he was in a conversation so I didn't say anything.


It was Will's birthday, well technically, because it was like 1am so people brought in cake and we sang him happy birthday.


I just talked to Chloe a lot (who is, by the way, so effing adorable.)


Then Chloe and Jonny were going to go because they wanted to check up on Violet and everything so I said by to Jonny and we both said it was nice meeting each other and they were off!


It was amazing.



I always come back to re-read this story. it's probably my fav story of someone meeting a member of the band so cute :)

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  • 7 months later...
Hey i have pit tickets and i was wondering how early i should get there if i want to be in the fromt of the pit. is 3 hours enough?


Definitely get there at 3PM, which is the earliest they'll let you in. My friends and I will be in the pitt too, so look for 3 girls of about 15 with purple shirts on!:D

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Hey i have pit tickets and i was wondering how early i should get there if i want to be in the fromt of the pit. is 3 hours enough?


Definitely get there at 3PM, which is the earliest they'll let you in. My friends and I will be in the pitt too, so look for 3 girls of about 15 with purple shirts on!:D

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WOOPS this is last years. My bad!


I always come back to re-read this story. it's probably my fav story of someone meeting a member of the band so cute :)

Thanks! That actually means a lot to me because I know what it's like to love a band so much and want to meet them. I just wanted people to know how great Johnny is and stuff, so yeah.

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