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30-Jul-08: Toronto - Tickets, Preview, Meetups, Review/Photos [originally 29/30 Oct]

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If anyone has a BestBuy presale password that they will not be using (or are willing to share? Not sure if it's a customized password for everyone), can I please get it?! The presale is tomorrow morning...and I missed the date sign up for the presale password from BestBuy. My email address is: [email protected]

I would be SO very grateful!!!!


Thanks in advance

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It looks like there is a Livenation presale tomorrow for this show - but I have heard nothing about what the password will be. Usually Edge 102 handles the passwords and they let you know WHEN you can get it...but I've heard nothing.


I don't think it's the same one as the BestBuy presale...so if anyone knows that code please do share! I will let everyone know if I find out.


I have my fingers crossed.


Concert tickets are so difficult these days. I hate it. I never used to miss my favorite bands - but now if your browser messes up you get screwed. I had seen Coldplay every show since they first came stateside way back in like 01? Mostly in Toronto - one in Buffalo and once in Pittsburgh at a school. The show was literally the size of a high school gymnasium and that's basically what it was - at a college though! They pulled out bleachers and the floor was a basketball court. The last time they came I missed the show because tickets sold out so quickly - it's such a bummer. I don't want to miss them again.


Ticket prices are through the roof this time too. If you want to get on the floor - it's 97.50. Lower "bowl" area - 77.50. High up lame seats - 49.50. Plus ticketmaster surcharges. This is going to cost me more than Radiohead..which is suprising. Whatever though, they are so awesome live..I can't wait!

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Toronto Coldplay Tickets


Hey guys,


I have 2 side by side tickets to Coldplay's July 30th Viva la Vida Concert at the ACC, doors open at 6:30pm.


I have 3 pairs in the upper level, 1 pair in the lower level and a single floor seat ticket. Let me know if you are interested I am willing to sell them for face value.


I promised my gf I will get her 1st or 2nd row...so my mission will continue on saturday, wish me luck. If anyone wants to exchange all of the above tickets for a pair in the 1st 2nd or 3rd row also let me know...thanks


Email [email protected]




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Hey guys,


I have 2 side by side tickets to Coldplay's July 30th Viva la Vida Concert at the ACC, doors open at 6:30pm.


I have 3 pairs in the upper level, 1 pair in the lower level and a single floor seat ticket. Let me know if you are interested I am willing to sell them for face value.


I promised my gf I will get her 1st or 2nd row...so my mission will continue on saturday, wish me luck. If anyone wants to exchange all of the above tickets for a pair in the 1st 2nd or 3rd row also let me know...thanks


Email [email protected]





haha. 1st or 2nd row? You have a better chance actually meeting the band while walking down the street.

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green eyes do you have tickets to toronto show?


Yeup, a rather unfortunate situation though... I bought a 30-something floor ticket, I clearly know this... and when Ticketmaster sent me my confirmation email it some how turned into a section 310 ticket... Which they refuse to refund... I don't understand how that happens! ... I managed to snag a row 26 centre floor ticket after that... So now I'm stuck with two single tickets, lol... Seriously hoping I can get rid of the 310 one, though it's a really decent seat.

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haha. 1st or 2nd row? You have a better chance actually meeting the band while walking down the street.


My friend actually got 2nd row for their show at the ACC in '06... Don't ask me how he managed that... He's a total idiot so I suppose anything is possible! lol


I wish you the best of luck, kavehnight, especially since you're doing it for your girl! Maybe you should consider going to a cyber cafe and hording an entire row of comps to search, lol... While calling to order at the same time....

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i signed up just to say that house of blues sucks.


first off it took about 20 seconds to refresh to their presale site. then i couldn't read their code. then i put a space in the code and their box could only fit 6 characters including my space :angry:


and finally i got the code right and it loaded for 11 minutes before telling me teh tickets were sold out.

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The House of Blues site was very slow to load, once you got to the screen where it was searching for tickets it could take several minutes or longer.


At first it offered me some tickets in the 120 section but far back, I released those and tried again only to find I couldn't get anything. I thought damm I screwed up and got greedy I should have just taken those tickets.


But then I kept trying a few more times and managed to get another pair 120 section again but Row 2 so I grabbed those.


I surprised the site was that slow, I ordered Radiohead tickets off of HOB earlier this year and it was super fast.

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