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who is/are your idols?

Glossal Fragster

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1. Peter Thiel...


2. Richard Branson...


3. Kevin Rose...


Generally I admire people who start businesses and who live their lives however they damn well please and ignore taking flack from others for it.


EDIT: BTW, this is probably the best thread I've seen in this section yet. I could go into depth about the particulars of why I admire these people and I probably will edit my post to do that later.

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1. Peter Thiel...


2. Richard Branson...


3. Kevin Rose...


Generally I admire people who start businesses and who live their lives however they damn well please and ignore taking flack from others for it.


EDIT: BTW, this is probably the best thread I've seen in this section yet. I could go into depth about the particulars of why I admire these people and I probably will edit my post to do that later.

well tahnk you very much........anyone else want to com[liment me on my thread? no...okay :( :D

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all of coldplay, radiohead

jeff buckley

jonny rzenick (front man of goo goo dolls, if you watch live in buffalo dvd, you'd understand)

pat tillman, if you are from the us you should know who he is, and its a shame because he died way too young.

my dad

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Well.. I'm not sure about idol really, but I'm very impressed by Ben Cooper, and the work he has done.

(he is the guy behind Radical Face and in the band Electric president)


And photographers who can live from what they do and travel the world. I Don't have any names here, but that is very admirable in my eyes.

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Some musicians, like: Thom Yorke - Rodrigo y Gabriela - Interpol


Directors: David Lean - Alejandro González Iñárritu


Actors / actresses: Michael Crawford - Cate Blanchett - Guy Burnet & James Sutton - Rinko Kikuchi - Jeremy Irons

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Thom Yorke - Rodrigo y Gabriela - Interpol




I wouldnt class any musicians as my idols...even though I love their music. I think RodGab are great though because of how they transformed their whole style and moved to a different country and made name for themselves.


My idols..? Not sure if I really have any.

Really admire what De Valera and Dubhghlas da hIde did for Ireland though.

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I know!!


seen him live three times, actually the third time was just sunday gone.


He's a super nice guy,

like, unbelievably nice compared to his on stage persona.


I got him to sign my dvd, but writing TO me, as opposed to just slapping a signature on it, so it's more personal :D


God, I love him.

his new show "joke technician" starts in august :)

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