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General Chat: Setlist


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I would love to hear Daylight live... I have yet to be graced with that gem....


See You Soon, maybe even Easy To Please!!! I want some old stuff... and new. They can pretty much do anything and I'll be happy..... just not too many from X&Y please... thank you! :nice:

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I would love to hear Daylight live... I have yet to be graced with that gem....


See You Soon, maybe even Easy To Please!!! I want some old stuff... and new. They can pretty much do anything and I'll be happy..... just not too many from X&Y please... thank you! :nice:


daylight would be AMAZING! and yeah there are only a couple from x&y i would want to hear

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Alrighty, well Coldplay usually is the master of a good set list.


Let's assume that the concert is 90 minutes long with an average of each song being 6 minutes long. That's 15 songs...


Now, obviously they'll play mostly Viva La Vida songs so be realistic about that as well.... Time to pick your dream set list for the Viva La Vida Tour!


1. Violet Hill

2. 42

3. Lovers in Japan

4. Yes

5. Lost? (I just have a feeling they'll play the accoustic version)

6. Clocks

7. The Scientist

8. In My Place

9. Politik

10. Amsterdam

11. Reign of Love

12. Green Eyes

13. Death And All Its Friends

14. Fix You

15. Viva La Vida


Thats embarrassing for $100 a ticket HEADLINER. Opening bands play that many fucking songs

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in the concerts ive been to, headliners have played between 15-20 songs on average.... openers between 5-10, depending on how big they are


What headliners are you going to see that only play 15-20songs? are they bands with only 1-2albums? Coldplay playing under 20song sets is inexcusable. Certainly the shows youre seeing arent Big Areana shows, since every band not named TOOL play over 20song sets.

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What headliners are you going to see that only play 15-20songs? are they bands with only 1-2albums? Coldplay playing under 20song sets is inexcusable. Certainly the shows youre seeing arent Big Areana shows, since every band not named TOOL play over 20song sets.


i saw incubus at pnc and they played 17. at msg, kanye west did maybe 20, maybe a couple more, i didn't count. and when i saw coldplay at msg in 2006 they played 15 i think

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i saw incubus at pnc and they played 17. at msg, kanye west did maybe 20, maybe a couple more, i didn't count. and when i saw coldplay at msg in 2006 they played 15 i think


Incubus setlists and song selections have pissed me off for years, thats another band I have a gripe with along with coldplay.


once the tour starts and the shows are 90min, 15-16song sets, I think fans have all the rights to bitch about ticket price and lack of SHOW. They have 4 albums, play a freakin set. Its ok to bitch about your favorite band not bringing "it". I know on this board people will proclaim greatness no matter what coldplay does, but at $200 for two tickets you should expect and demand more from them.

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idk, i loved the incubus setlist, at least the one i went to. no matter what concert you go to you're always gonna want to hear more if you really love the band, whatever they play will never be enough. at least for me lol


True, as a fan you always want the band to play more, but 15 songs for a band charging $100 ticket is ridiculous and in my opinion price gouging. Radiohead plays 25songs a night, U2 the same, Pearl Jam the same, if you want to play with the big boys and charge more than they do you better play longer than 90minutes and 15songs. Just my vent.

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True, as a fan you always want the band to play more, but 15 songs for a band charging $100 ticket is ridiculous and in my opinion price gouging. Radiohead plays 25songs a night, U2 the same, Pearl Jam the same, if you want to play with the big boys and charge more than they do you better play longer than 90minutes and 15songs. Just my vent.


i see where you're coming from, it can be frustrating if you really feel you've been jipped. but the band isn't the one putting a price on their tickets so you can't really blame it on them

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i see where you're coming from, it can be frustrating if you really feel you've been jipped. but the band isn't the one putting a price on their tickets so you can't really blame it on them


Bands with clout such as Coldplay have plenty to say in how much their promoter charges for tickets...dont be fooled.

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Considering the amount of time it must take to come up with effects/lighting.graphics/etc, most likely it's going to be the same setlist every night with a few tweaks here and there (like when they perform at festivals).


I really wish they could pull a Radiohead and change up their setlist every show. Radiohead rehearsed over 75 songs for their current tour, and they play about 25 songs per night. Considering the amount of albums and b-sides coldplay has i would think they would be able to do the same. But at the same time their management and label probably have a say too, which means that they will most likely do the album in full, and throw in a cover or two and some of their past hits. You also have to consider that with a lot of these arena venues (I know the ACC in Toronto for sure) There is also a curfew that has to be met

which is usually around 11 pm. So there's a good chance they will have to do their usual 14-15 songs.


And for anyone complaining about the lack of songs/ set length, there's a simple solution for you. DON'T GO. You always have the option of saving your money and letting someone who truly wants to attend the show get that ticket instead.

I dont see the use of being so picky. They perform to hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of people each tour, do you really think they are out there to just please only you?

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And for anyone complaining about the lack of songs/ set length, there's a simple solution for you. DON'T GO. You always have the option of saving your money and letting someone who truly wants to attend the show get that ticket instead.

I dont see the use of being so picky. They perform to hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of people each tour, do you really think they are out there to just please only you?


Why are you making excuses for them. Every city has a curfew, why doesnt that stop every other big band from playing 20+songs? I wont be going this tour as 15song sets for $100 a ticket is absurd. Im not insane enough to think its about "Me" but the fact people actually justify the price with length of a show as being OK is whats insane. There is no reason they cant play 20+song shows a night..zero reason.

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i dont think anyones justifying the price for the length of the show, its just the way the business is run. we can't do anything about it, you either go if you think its worth it, or don't if you don't

i'm one of the crazy ones staying up all night in new york to see them perform probably 5-10 songs for the today show, so i obviously think anything is worth seeing them play lol

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Why are you making excuses for them. Every city has a curfew, why doesnt that stop every other big band from playing 20+songs? I wont be going this tour as 15song sets for $100 a ticket is absurd. Im not insane enough to think its about "Me" but the fact people actually justify the price with length of a show as being OK is whats insane. There is no reason they cant play 20+song shows a night..zero reason.


I never said they cant, just saying what i think might be the reasons for it, that's all.


And i'm sure they wont be missing you this tour anyway

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I never said they cant, just saying what i think might be the reasons for it, that's all.


And i'm sure they wont be missing you this tour anyway


Thats ok, i got to see them in small venues on parachutes and rush of blood tour. i wont be missed.

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i wish i'd got into them in time for their rush of blood tour, it looked so great (on the dvd anyway). it was only during that that i started listening to them :(


They did that select city promotional tour for the album and i was lucky enough to see them in a 2500 person venue (verizonwireless/aerial theater) in houston

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