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General Chat: Setlist


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We're all playing this dream setlist game all of a sudden. I want to play! (I'm limiting myself to 20 songs)


01.) Life in Techinicolor

02.) Violet Hill

03.) Politik

04.) God Put a Smile Upon Your Face

05.) Speed of Sound

06.) In My Place

07.) Cemeteries of London

08.) Square One

09.) 42

10.) Clocks

(Begin Acoustic Set)

11.) Yellow

12.) See You Soon

13.) Lost?

(End Acoustic Set)

14.) Trouble

15.) Viva La Vida

16.) Fix You


17.) Amsterdam

18.) Lovers in Japan

19.) Strawberry Swing

20.) Death and All His Friends


Now I've never see them live at all, so I have no idea if this setlise makes any sense, therefore take it with a grain of salt... :)

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dream setlist


I'm gonna do 22 songs including encore (this is what it should be anyway!) oh yeah I just started with that the setlist has been as of late, then modified it.


Life in Technicolor

Violet Hill


In My Place


Cemeteries of London

White Shadows


Square One




The Scientist



Don't Panic

A Message



Viva La Vida

Strawberry Swing

Fix You



Lovers In Japan


Death and All His Friends

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I know a lot of you think songs like Yellow and Fix you are over played, but considering this will be my first Coldplay concert I'd LOVE to hear them live.


Sooo.... I'll be extremely happy if they at least play these songs:



Fix you

Speed of Sound

Swallowed in the Sea

Don't Panic

Viva la Vida

Violet Hill


The Scientist

Death and all His Friends

Cemeteries of London

Lovers in Japan


....and maybe Clocks. A lot of the classics, but they're my favorites.

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Dish out your perfect Set-List for the upcoming tour!


I've been thinking the past few days about what songs Coldplay will play live, and in what order.... as I am going to the Chicago show I am very excited and am always daydreaming and thought I'd hear everyone else's thoughts about what they'd like to hear... Heres mine:


Life in Technicolor

Cemeteries of London


Violet Hill

Speed of Sound

God put a Smile...


Don't Panic




Moses (Tribute to recently born son)

Viva la Vida

Lovers in Japan




See You Soon (Big shocker to the setlist)

The Scientist


A Rush of Blood to the Head


In My Place

Fix You


2nd Encore


Strawberry Swing




A bit far fetched but I'd love all these songs played!!!

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hello im new to the forum :) ive been a coldplay and Coldplay-ING fan for like 1-1/2 years but finally immagoing to try and contribute to this wonderful site. my name is Genaro and i live in california and Im going to go see them at the forum on the 14th!!!! My first ever concert with one of the greatest bands around!!!!!


yea my name is taken fro Jumpin Jack Flash from the Rolling Stones - one of the greatest songs ever and 92 cuz i was born in 1992 and U2 cuz they are my favorite band..

4 way tie Rolling Stones, U2, Depeche Mode, and Coldplay!!! i got into coldplay inbetween rush of blood tour and before X&Y . X&Y is my favorite album (ddont stab me) mainly because i bought it the day it came out and was my first real coldplay album altho my friend gave me a burn of A rush. ;) so basically yea X&Y is my favorite because i fell in love with the band on that album. :)



so yea this is my "dream" setlist i know they have beeen doing 16 songs :( but for the opener i hope this is the setlist. ill settle for it i mean come on 19 songs aint that hard and theyve been doing like 85percent of these lately already!!! SO YEA STEP IT UP AND PLAY THIS SETLIST! its pretty realistic:)



1. Life In Technicolor

2. Violet Hill

3. Politik

4. Clocks

5. In My Place

6. Viva La Vida

7. Trouble

8. God Put a Smile Upon Your Face

9. Lost!

10. White Shadows

11. 42

12. Square One

13. The Scientist

14. Strawberry Swing

15. Lovers In Japan


16. Yellow (acoustic)

17. If Death Will Ever Follow Me (acoustic)


18. Fix You (encore)

19. Death and All His Friends (encore)

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General setlist? (offical setlist)


hi folks,

My question is about the official setlist. Is it the same in every concert? How many songs did/do they play? And especially which songs did they play?


I'm going to the concert in Zurich, Switzerland and i wonder, how lang the concert will take, and wich songs i'm able to enjoy.

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For the most part the setlists won't vary by much.


This is the setlist from Monday (14/7/08).


Life In Techicolor

Violet Hill


In My Place

Viva La Vida



The Scientist

Chinese Sleep Chant

God Put A Smile Upon My Face

Square One

Speed Of Sound



Strawberry Swing


Death Will Never Conquer

Fix You

Lovers In Japan



Death And All Of His Friends

The Escapist




The only difference on Tuesday was that instead of Trouble they played What if


So for the most part, they will probably stick to this or something very similar.

I think I saw that the concerts were about an hour and a half or a little more.

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For the most part the setlists won't vary by much.


This is the setlist from Monday (14/7/08).


Life In Techicolor

Violet Hill


In My Place

Viva La Vida



The Scientist

Chinese Sleep Chant

God Put A Smile Upon My Face

Square One

Speed Of Sound



Strawberry Swing


Death Will Never Conquer

Fix You

Lovers In Japan



Death And All Of His Friends

The Escapist




The only difference on Tuesday was that instead of Trouble they played What if


So for the most part, they will probably stick to this or something very similar.

I think I saw that the concerts were about an hour and a half or a little more.


They didn't play The Escapist - it was just played on CD (??) through the sound system at the end of the gig.


And there WILL be one or two minor changes throughout the length of the tour. Politik, for example, will surely enter somewhere. And the band have said they'll also make slight changes depending on the country and place they're playing in.

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my hopes for the upcoming shows:


Life In Techicolor

Violet Hill


In My Place

Viva La Vida


Talk (Was Yes)

The Scientist

Chinese Sleep Chant

God Put A Smile Upon My Face

Swallowed in the Sea (Was Square One)

Speed Of Sound

Trouble (or another Parachutes song)


Strawberry Swing


Death Will Never Conquer

Lovers In Japan



Death And All Of His Friends

Fix You

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I still can't believe they're not playing Warning Sign though. :(

I guess I was just expecting they would after Chris said they were going to start playing it again. Suppose there is still some hope for it. Setlists are subject to change, after all.

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^^^^^ ya i was looking at the twisted logic tour setlists and i saw that at the begining they only played about 12 songs and then the more concerts they did the more songs they played ........................they started with 12 and ended with about 18 songs :)......so hopefully theyll do the same and play more songs

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I would think that as the tour progresses that we will see roughly the same setlist with maybe the odd song being shelved and one or two added,I just hope that they add Talk,white shadows and Amsterdam.

U2 Started their last tour with virtually the whole of the HTDAAB album but as the tour went on less and less of it was played,although I can't see Coldplay doing that.

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Other Acoustic Songs


So, so far they've played Yellow, The Hardest Part, Green Eyes and The Scientist alongside DWNC in the acoustic gigs. What songs does everyone think are also on the agenda for it?




Haha. I'm holding out for Shiver & Warning Sign, maybe Amsterdam?!

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dont panic was on the set list the other shows (San jose and Vegas, at least)

But idk about chicago since we had a special set list, I actually saw that set list, and it had the scientist acoustic, but they said that "Could very well be the last time we do that."


**edit** don't panic was on the set list, however it didn't make the show.

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Im hoping that they do a full set tomorrow night in Pemberton. As overall headliner I imagine they will go for a good 2 hours. Maybe meet up with Jay...but I hope Chris Does Beach Chair in Jays set.


They did a whole set for the Glastonbury gig a few years back. So keeping my fingers crossed!


U2 tuned out HTDMAAB songs because the tour lasted 3 years and a Best Of album was released during. The later gigs were far better. But I loved U2s Boy(first album circa 1980) era stuff making it in.

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Im hoping that they do a full set tomorrow night in Pemberton. As overall headliner I imagine they will go for a good 2 hours. Maybe meet up with Jay...but I hope Chris Does Beach Chair in Jays set.


Coldplay will never play for two hours, sorry to say. The best thing is to expect only around an hour and a half, and thank your lucky stars for each and any minute over that...

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