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General Chat: Setlist


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i truly wish they'd start switching it up. Its ridiculous that theres only one song from Parachutes on this tour and that being Yellow. Its good still but they have so much quality material out now. I assume after they do this promotion tour for Viva La Vida they'll pick their favorite cities and (hopefully) smaller venues with better setlists.

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What are the chances of "Green Eyes" Live?


I am going to the Hartford show this Saturday. My mom is also going and her favorite CP song besides VLV is Green Eyes. Ive noticed they've been playing it since the July 19th show in Las Vegas, and since then they've played it at every show (not sure about last night's though). So what are the chances they'll play it Saturday in one form or another?? Cuz that would make such a nice surprise.:)

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Please Play Green Eyes!


I want to start a petition thread about my fav song from coldplay. Its also my song for my girl. Ive been following the concerts close and hoping that green eyes gets added to the normal rotation. I am gonna be at the orlando show, but I think most of us want to hear it at all the shows.


Its easy, just post which show your going to and if you would like to hear 'Green Eyes'. Create other threads for other songs plz.


Orlando November 7th 2008- Please Play Green Eyes!

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Do we really need to hear "The Scientist" AGAIN?


^ i agree as well. But they have to appease to the so-called 'fans' who only know their singles.


Or they need to play it for people like ME!! Ive never been to a Coldplay concert so it would be the first time hearing thr Scientist live for me! So yes, I hope they play Yellow as well cuz Id love to hear it live.

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I'd say the chances are fairly good. They play it acoustically up in the stands. Theyv'e also tries The Scientist, Yellow, and Hardest Part acoustically. But it seems like they are starting to play Yellow in full, and they didn't like playing the Scientist acoustically. So theres a good chance at Green Eyes. Unless they keep switching it up.

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I know there are quite a bit of casual fans that go to the shows, but I just wish sometimes they'd sacrafice playing stuff like "Clocks" or "In my Place" etc. so they could play more songs that they don't do often like "Green Eyes".

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Thanks for that song name.. I distinctively remember that beat before Coldplay went on... it was really relaxing but at the same time making the suspense build like crazy. Unfortunately I do not know any more of the songs played before the show, I would love to hear them again though!

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Perfect setlist?


Hey guys, I don't know if there is a topic like this... if there is, delete this...


So, my perfect setlist would be...


1.life in technicolor

2.cemeteries of london

3.in my place

4.square one



7.god put a smile upon your face



10.strawberry swing

11.swallowed in the sea


13.don't panic

14.warning sign


16.violet hill



19.reign of love

20.lovers in japan



22.death and all his friends


23.fix you

24.viva la vida

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