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Postcards From Far Away mp3s!

Howell Jenkins

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I'd like to apologize for making extra threads about the song, but I wanted the first post to have the downloads without any trouble. ;)


I'm a sub novice when it comes to piano, so instead of playing the music out, I put it all down in Finale and then exported it as a midi. I converted the midi to an mp3 in Garageband. Since there's no way of knowing the key, I used C Major for the sake of ease. There's two tempos, 70 bpm and 120.


It's obviously not the whole song, and it's all chopped up because the wallpaper cuts off in the middle. But it's better than nothing! :laugh3: Hope everyone enjoys! :)


70 bpm http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?somlmyocvxm


120 bpm http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jyim3ijbmhi


Edit: Oops! Somehow I didn't notice the peddle wasn't down for half the song. Excellent testing I suppose. :stunned: I would suggest redownloading if yours sounds choppy. Sorry.

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  • 1 month later...

i just played this on the piano actually using the notes from the image and it sounded very nice. some notes sounded a bit strange and some were very hard to actually play (chords were hard to reach) but its still a beautiful song. i'm guessing whoever printed the music (presumably chris) forgot to write a flat or two :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Amazing what Chris capable of when's by himself with a piano for a while. His best displays of musicianship shows up thn, that's how we got careful where you stand, see you soon, amsterdam, a ghost, harmless, I bloom blaum, and now postcards from far away. I'm liking this more and more, especially the high bit three quarters through it sounds almost debussy-ish.

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