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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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July 8, 2011 - submitted by Vito, Brazil[/color][/b]


Q. Dear Oracle,

What's the meaning of the letters that are placed at the end of each band's tweet?



The Oracle replies:


They're simply the initials of whoever wrote the tweet:

PH = Phil Harvey

A = Anchorman

C = Chris

W = Will

G = Guy

J = Jonny


Hmm, maybe I should get an O up there...


Once again she's wrong. Chris signs with "CM" and Jonny signs with "JB".

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July 11, 2011 - submitted by Nathan, United Kingdom


Q. Dear Oracle,

I was a T in the Park this Weekend and had the most amazing time! Loved the Coldplay performance.

I am here to ask you advice on another matter. Just before Beyonce came on I spoke with a girl called Julie, she was amazing. We hit it off really well but as you can expect it was hard to really get to know her. As she was unable to see over a lot of the heads I offered to put her on my shoulders for Beyonce. I did this for a good few songs! We then stood and held each other! As Beyonce finished her set, she left with her mates and all I had a was a first name. All I have done for the last few days is think about her. Do you think that I am making too much of this moment? And just treat it as something which was great then. I am a true believer in fate and perhaps she may come into my life again!


Thanks Oracle



The Oracle replies:


I believe in fate too but as you were at a festival feeling the love, I'd say the chances are it was a beautiful shared moment and nothing more. These kind of things happen a lot when 80,000 people get thrust together.

I was also there and it wasn't just the spirits that appeared high; I reckon a few people had been having a tipple or two making people even more friendly.

Anyway mate, if she didn't stick around for Coldplay, maybe she's not the girl for you. Unless of course, she is reading this...

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July 11, 2011 - submitted by Will, United States of America


Q. Good afternoon, Oracle!


Where was the music video for ETIAW filmed? I noticed at the beginning of the video one of the buildings looked awfully familiar to the Sears tower in Chicago.





The Oracle replies:


I can't confirm where the opening shot is exactly, but yeah, it is actually somewhere in America. The rest is London's Docklands as previously mentioned.

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July 12, 2011 - submitted by Lorraine, Spain


Q. Dear Oracle

Do you know why the band chose Vitoria Airport to go back to England instead of using Bilbao's one?




The Oracle replies:


The band do not own their own plane but hire one to transport them and their entourage* . It's very usual for such aircraft to use smaller airports that don't necessarily handle commercial flights. It's quicker, more economical and much easier.


*The word entourage always conjures up an image of a lot of people to me and indeed it can be; they do manage to practically fill the plane.

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July 12, 2011 - submitted by Kalon, United States of America


Q. Hello Oracle,

I just watched the astounding video from T In The Park of Why Does It Always Rain On Me / Fix You. What an excellent performance! Can I ask you, why does Chris say "I'm playing this for my mom tonight?" I hope she's alright!

Also, why were his eyes closed the entire performance?

My best wishes to the band and yourself,




The Oracle replies:


Chris said "I am playing this for my Mum tonight". She's fine! She was there watching so he dedicated the song to her. I realise that Fix You may seem sad to many people in sentiment but it's often the song in the set that Chris will dedicate to a friend or family member.

As for the eyes being closed, that's not unusual for most singers... there is no real explanation as it's both a natural reaction and habit. It certainly shows they're feeling the music.

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would anyone please ask about the new clothes? what brand they are? she answered the question about the watches, so why not this one too?

- answer to last question: because i'm asking xD

i'm kinda ignored constantly so i won't even bother saking =/

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July 13, 2011 - submitted by Kieran, United Kingdom


Q. Hey Oracle!

After watching Coldplay via the BBC at T in the Park and Glasto, I saw that the setlists were virtually the same; is this usually the case for a tour/string of festivals? Don't the guys get just a little tired of the same order every night? AND the big question - why did they only play one X&Y song? In fact, Fix You is kind of a given for a Coldplay concert, so why essentially no songs from X&Y?



The Oracle replies:


Yes, it is very usual for bands to play the exact same set at festivals. Not just at festivals, but there's also little movement during a tour with few songs changing in and out. If you have seen Kings of Leon or Foo Fighters or Pulp or Beyonce over the summer, they have all stuck to the same set.

Bruce Springsteen does like to mix it up and bar a few tracks will have a different show every night, however, Bruce doesn't have the visuals/lights that Coldplay have. I know Radiohead once did a tour and changed the setlist every night, but had planned the tour to be that way deliberately.

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July 13, 2011 - submitted by Rebekah, United Kingdom


Q. Did Guy enjoy playing in his hometown at the weekend? Did he go home to stay?



The Oracle replies:


Yes, he did enjoy playing Scotland again but the band didn't stay as they travelled to Ireland immediately after to play Oxegen on Sunday night.

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After reviewing your answer several times, I realized you didn't answer Kieran's question yesterday concerning the lack of X&Y songs in the set. Is it because the boys aren't to keen to any songs on it except for Fix You? I know they are a little self-concious concerning the album, as Chris has hinted towards in some interviews. But, I know Coldplay diehards like myself would LOVE to see them play any other songs from the album during this upcoming tour. It would be a special treat just like Shiver has been. So please inform the boys of this sentiment, if you can.


Thank you,


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After reviewing your answer several times, I realized you didn't answer Kieran's question yesterday concerning the lack of X&Y songs in the set. Is it because the boys aren't to keen to any songs on it except for Fix You? I know they are a little self-concious concerning the album, as Chris has hinted towards in some interviews. But, I know Coldplay diehards like myself would LOVE to see them play any other songs from the album during this upcoming tour. It would be a special treat just like Shiver has been. So please inform the boys of this sentiment, if you can.


Thank you,



You can submit your question here

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July 14, 2011 - submitted by Erica, Ireland


Q. Hey Oracle, saw Coldplay at Oxegen on Sunday, they were absolutely incredible! Haven't heard any reactions or anything from them yet so I was just wondering how they found it and if they enjoyed it?



The Oracle replies:


They had a great time! I am sure we will hear more about Oxegen given that Christy Moore joined them onstage and I happen to know that will have been like Christmas for one Mr. Will Champion particularly!

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July 14, 2011 - submitted by Crathan, United Kingdom


Q. Was the album that Coldplay are letting people have for free leftrightleftrightleft recorded at Glastonbury? Just wondered.



The Oracle replies:


No, LRLRL was recorded in different locations over a period of time but way before Glastonbury. We've had it available to download on our site for over two years. Click here to read an interview with Chris talking about the free giveaway.

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July 15, 2011 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom



When I answer questions of a personal nature, Coldplay.com readers often get in touch with their own thoughts. So, we now have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday (with the question asker's permission) we open up a question to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I'll post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.

ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in NO MORE than 200 words, to [email protected] before Thursday 21st July.


"My Dad can no longer pay the mortgage on the house where he has lived all his life and I have lived all my life and I think tonight he is going to tell our family we are going to lose our home, what should I do? Meg"


Look forward to seeing your replies.

The Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Please email your replies to [email protected]

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July 15, 2011 - submitted by Glenn, Belgium




"I'm single now for almost 3 years. My last girlfriend dumped me after nine months. My confidence just hit rockbottom since then. In the past 3 years she started and ended relationships on a regular basis. The only time I heard from her is when she either started dating a fellow again or got dumped. So the other day she starts texting me that she needs my help: she is tired of life and doesn't want to live anymore because she got dumped again. So yet again I keep talking courage into her like always. And as I predicted I heard nothing from her after a couple of days. In other words: when I boosted her self image enough, she didn't know me. This being the eigth or nineth time this happened in this exact fashion, I had enough. I told her what was who and that if she saw me only as a booster of her confidence while she destroyed mine completely, she should fine herself another fool. She said, I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone. Now I'm starting to doubt my action because that was not my intent. Dear Oracle, PLEASE, I need some advise! Glenn".



The Oracle replies:


I thought this was going to involve a lengthy response but quite honestly, I could just say this: you've done the right thing.

It took you a while to realise how selfish she was being which shows how much you still care about her and what a lovely chap you are but she is no longer your responsibility. She has no right to treat you that way and has totally disregarded your feelings. Her cries for help are attention seeking and each time you help, her ego is boosted while you're left deflated when she drops you.

I'm really glad you are finally putting yourself first. Self respect is a good sign you're moving on. Chances are she will come back and try again so I implore you to try and stick to your guns. It may feel like you're being unkind and acting against your better judgement but again, you have done the right thing. Over to you...


I do not think you should doubt your action. I think it was the right thing to do. You were tired of the way she treated you (and I think you were right, it was not correct) and you made that clear to her, that does make sense to me. You may (not must) doubt the way you made the message clear to her, maybe it was too roughly. My advice to you is: learn from it and let it go. If you apologize now, the statement will come undone and she will go back to you if she has a similar problem. I am for sure she has found another person who listens to her problems. So let it go, everything will be alright! Good luck, Renske.


It was great that you helped your ex in time of trouble and that you tried to boost her self-confidence. Glenn, the people we meet in our lives, our loves, our, ex's, our friends, our foes, they all have different needs and different attitudes. And I understand how you felt when it came to boosting her confidence while she totally destroyed yours. If you still care about her and still want to help her, then calmly tell her that you do. Since she knows how you feel, hopefully she'll treat you better. And hopefully in doing this you fix old wounds and become friends again. You did the right thing Glenn and I hope the best for you. Billy N.


At the end of your question, you mention that you set her straight, and she said she will leave you alone. You then mention that this was not your intent. I have one question for you: Do you still have feelings for your ex-girlfriend? You told her how you feel, and she agreed not to bother you anymore, so why would you question your action? (unless you still want to be with her, of course). If she is continuing to bring down your confidence 3 years after you broke up, then why are you still communicating with her? It seems to me like you indeed still want to be with her. It is also possible that she is contacting you for advice because she may have unresolved feelings for you as well. Talk with her and get these feelings sorted out, and if you two are done, then make sure to separate from each other entirely. Talking with her will only continue to hinder your confidence, and you'll never be able to move on. Best of luck. Blake.


It is good to boost another's self confidence, but not at the risk of losing your own. Breaking patterns is good. Look inside your heart and you will find that you have all the answers. Your time will come, but it is not necessarily obvious or easy to see which way to go. Always take the most difficult path, you will learn the most. Think about unconditional love, and what it takes to honor yourself and your friends respectfully. M.A


Glenn, dude, just let her go. It's obvious this "relationship" isn't healthy for either of you. She's basically using you for her own gain. You did the right thing, and you shouldn't feel bad about it at all. Good luck with everything. Violet.


It's okay, I'm thinking you misinterpreted what you think she saw in you, and you overreacted. You two were in a relationship, and it didn't work out, but she still valued you as a friend, she felt as if she could talk to you, and she came to you for advice where she needed it, dating. You need to go talk to her, tell her you still care about her, but if you don't want to be giving her dating advice, make that clear. You two still care about each other, and that's a great recipe for good friends. Best wishes, Bradley H.


Please do join in and submit your replies.

Click to read this week's Team Oracle question, and send us your answer.

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July 18, 2011 - submitted by Eileen, United States of America


Q. Hi Oracle. Lately my best friend has been very distant from me. We don't talk or spend time together like we used to and I'm afraid we may be drifting apart. We have been through a lot together and he's the most important existence in my life outside my family. What should I do?



The Oracle replies:


Hmm, I might be wrong but has he got a new girlfriend by any chance? If he has, then I'm afraid it's one of those things; there's little you can do. If there's one thing I can't abide it's friends being ditched for lovers. If that's his reason, tell him to jog on as he's no true friend in my opinion.

If he hasn't, it's not that unusual for friends to drift apart whether same sex or not. There could be many reasons he's distancing himself; work, new friends, perception of your relationship or maybe it's just part of growing up. There may be a reason he's not letting you know about. It's sad when friendships come to an end and I do hope your feelings for him are purely platonic or this could be causing you more heartache than you're letting on.

If you have tried to make plans to see him and they're not coming to fruition, I suggest you write him a letter or talk to him. Tell him how you feel and be honest. I'd probably find a way to ask right out if there's a problem and see if there's a way to fix it.

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July 18, 2011 - submitted by Jacob, United States of America


Q. You said in a previous question that LRLRL was recorded in different locations -how could that be? I've listened to the album as a whole, and the crowd's screams are consistent throughout, as if it was all taken at one concert.


Thanks and glad to hear LP5's almost done!





The Oracle replies:


Didn't you click the link I gave in my previous response? I am taking Chris' word for it and besides, crowds/audiences pretty much sound the same when recorded but levels/mixes can make them sound more so.

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July 18, 2011 - submitted by Dave, United States of America


Q. Will the boys play the same new stuff they have been playing at the Festivals, at the iTunes festival since it will be able to be downloaded? Will they want it to be out there before the actual album comes out?



The Oracle replies:


Phil tweeted last night that they were working on the setlist for Friday so expect some changes. I won't reveal what they are but it won't be identical.

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According to ASCAP Clocks, 42, Strawberry Swing and Death And All His Friends were recorded in Spain, Viva La Vida was recorded in France and The Hardest Part, Glass Of Water, Death Will Never Conquer and Fix You were recorded in Australia

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