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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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September 22, 2011 - submitted by Elizabeth, New Zealand


Q. I must say I was quite surprised to hear 'live goes on it gets so heavy' verse in Paradise. The phrase ' to get heavy' is quite uncommon in the way Chris sings it. What do you think?

Greetings, Liz



The Oracle replies:


It's not such an uncommon phrase to me Liz as life does get heavy! It's not always as easy and carefree as one would hope and in the context of the song it makes sense that life can take unexpected turns.

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September 22, 2011 - submitted by Tanner, United Kingdom


Q. In this image it says that it is made from the names of the songs that inspire Coldplay, and I found the word "teardrop" in there, but I couldn't find which song it was talking about in the interview below. Do you know if it is an actual song that inspires them, or if they already knew ETIAW's title and decided to put teardrop in that picture?



The Oracle replies:


No, that's actually referring to a song

by Massive Attack featuring the astounding vocals of Liz Frazer. What a song it is too.
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I love the Oracle.

I never understood why there was so much dislike for the song, I've always loved it.


Me too. I never got why people were like, "Ugh, awful song." I like Chris' low range there.


September 22, 2011 - submitted by Tanner, United Kingdom[/color][/b]


Q. In this image it says that it is made from the names of the songs that inspire Coldplay, and I found the word "teardrop" in there, but I couldn't find which song it was talking about in the interview below. Do you know if it is an actual song that inspires them, or if they already knew ETIAW's title and decided to put teardrop in that picture?



The Oracle replies:


No, that's actually referring to a song

by Massive Attack featuring the astounding vocals of Liz Frazer. What a song it is too.


Mmmmm, "Teardrop." What a great song. Elbow does an amazing cover of that, too. :heart:

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September 23, 2011 - submitted by Adam, United Kingdom


Q. Will Coldplay do a large scale show in their hometown of Exeter?



The Oracle replies:


Exeter isn't their home town. It's the nearest big town to where Chris grew up in Devon but the rest of the band are not from the area. There aren't many venues in Exeter to house a Coldplay show either. They did play there back in December 2009 at the castle in aid of the charity MENCAP, though.

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September 26, 2011 - submitted by Catalina, Mexico


Q. Q.Hi Oracle! The other day I saw the Movie The Bucket List. (In my opinion is a good movie) and I ask you if you have one?



The Oracle replies:


I am a simple soul with great ambition but I don't actually have a Bucket List (things to do before you kick the bucket). I love that film too but it never occurred to me to start a list. I have always wanted to go to the top of the Statue of Liberty as for one reason or another haven't managed to do that. It seems a rather pathetic one to start with, though. I may contemplate a bucket list in the coming weeks...

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September 26, 2011 - submitted by Milan, Serbia and Montenegro


Q. Hey O, quick - top 3 male and female vocals ever, in your opinion? :) Hello from Serbia ;)



The Oracle replies:


Quick? I'm not sure that's something I can answer quickly.


I change my mind a lot on this but ok, off the top of my head I'll go for these 6 all based only on live performances I have witnessed rather than recordings. I shall leave Chris out so I'm not accused of bias:


John Grant

George Michael (well he was faultless)

Tom Chaplin


Tori Amos

Amy Winehouse

Annie Lennox

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September 27, 2011 - submitted by Patrick, United States of America

Q. Okay this has been eating at for a long time, but in Major Minus, are the lyrics "I hear those clocks and dials ticking around the world" or is it "I hear those crocodiles ticking around the world"?



The Oracle replies:

It's crocodiles� I always think of Captain Hook from Peter Pan when I hear that line.

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September 27, 2011 - submitted by Emmanuel, United States of America


Q. Dear Oracle,

Is it true that Chris has a Boyz II Men tattoo? If so, where is it located?




The Oracle replies:


Ha, ha! Who on earth told you that? Gosh, that's pretty funny. I can assure you that Chris does not have a Boyz II Men tattoo but thank whoever told you for the laugh it gave me.

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September 27, 2011 - submitted by Emmanuel, United States of America[/color]


Q. Dear Oracle,

Is it true that Chris has a Boyz II Men tattoo? If so, where is it located?




The Oracle replies:


Ha, ha! Who on earth told you that? Gosh, that's pretty funny. I can assure you that Chris does not have a Boyz II Men tattoo but thank whoever told you for the laugh it gave me.




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September 28, 2011 - submitted by Anna, United States of America


Q. A few years ago, my friends and I decided to upload videos of ourselves dancing on Youtube. Along with the silly dancing videos, my friend decided to upload one of just me. In the video I'm rolling around and laughing and acting really weird, and I'm just wearing tight dance clothing. I've since looked back at the video and found really hateful comments and more views than I would want. Also, as most people feel when they look back at their own stupidity, I cringe when I see the video. So, I decided to ask my friend to take the video down, or give me the password to the account. I thought she would understand, but she keeps ignoring me whenever I ask, and telling me that she has to check her home computer where all of her passwords on. How do I really get the point across to her, without completely annoying her to the point where she doesn't ever let me remove the embarrassing video? I'm just tired of people having access to my cringe worthy moments...



The Oracle replies:


Hmmm well we all do things we're not proud of and sometimes those moments are captured on photo, audio or video. We can later regret those things or we just cringe and laugh at our younger selves. Sadly we live in an age where faceless nameless morons (sorry) feel fit to comment and for whatever reason leave venom regardless of people's feelings. You can rise above them and ignore their spite as they're not important to you. As far as your friend goes, keep asking her. Do not stop asking her and maybe start by explaining it's not the video as much as the words left. Ask her to try and see it from your point of view and ask how she would feel if it was happening to her. Assure her that you would respect her wishes if it was the other way around. It's horrible when we hear bad things said of course but if your friend doesn't remove the video, all you can do is stop looking at it yourself so you don't have to see the comments.

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September 28, 2011 - submitted by Steve, United Kingdom


Q. Hi Oracle!

Right now I reading some news of Coldplay and there is a picture of Coldplay photoshoot.I was wondering where this picture was taken? Thanks.



The Oracle replies:


It was taken while they were in Japan back in July.

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September 29, 2011 - submitted by Matt, United States of America


Q. Ok so I was just watching the 60 Minutes feature on Coldplay in which Chris points out the band's explicitly written rule number 1- an album may be no long than 42 minutes, or 9 tracks, long. The track listing for Mylo Xloto was just released, and it was revealed that the new album will contain 14 songs. What's with the sudden change?



The Oracle replies:


As with most things, there may have been an element of truth at the time it was said but everything is subject to change. Out of all their albums, Parachutes is, in fact, the nearest to 42 minutes with its length of 41'48. That said, Mylo Xyloto is actually only a shade over 44 minutes long.

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September 29, 2011 - submitted by Martin Johannessen, Norway


Q. Dear Oracle! How many people work with Coldplay in the studio and in the dailylife?



The Oracle replies:


Well on any given day in the studio there are probably anything from 6 to the more common these days 13. On tour there is a much larger crew which I would hate to account for (in terms of numbers, I mean).

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September 30, 2011 - submitted by Simon, United Kingdom


Q. Hi Oracle. I heard a rumour that the new album was going to be a soundtrack to a Yellow Submarine style film, but this was decided against because of it would've took 5 years to make. Is there any truth in this?



The Oracle replies:


It's not a rumour; it has been documented in recent press interviews.

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September 30, 2011 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom



Team Oracle is back!

When I answer questions of a personal nature, Coldplay.com readers often get in touch with their own thoughts. So, we now have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday (with the question asker's permission) we open up a question to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I'll post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.

ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in no more than 250 words, to [email protected] before Thursday 6th October.


"Dear Oracle, I am having friend troubles. I have two groups of friends and both hate each other. Right now they are both mad at me because I have been "spending too much time" with both of them. I don't know how to deal with this! Please help! Cydney."


Look forward to seeing your replies.

The Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Please email your replies to [email protected]

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September 22, 2011 - submitted by Elizabeth, New Zealand[/color][/b]


Q. I must say I was quite surprised to hear 'live goes on it gets so heavy' verse in Paradise. The phrase ' to get heavy' is quite uncommon in the way Chris sings it. What do you think?

Greetings, Liz



The Oracle replies:


It's not such an uncommon phrase to me Liz as life does get heavy! It's not always as easy and carefree as one would hope and in the context of the song it makes sense that life can take unexpected turns.


Does anyone else think Debs made a fool of Elizabeth here? Like, I don't think she is a princess and wonders how on earth can life be hard, but only meant to say that there are other words that would be more appropriate than 'heavy'.

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Does anyone else think Debs made a fool of Elizabeth here? Like, I don't think she is a princess and wonders how on earth can life be hard, but only meant to say that there are other words that would be more appropriate than 'heavy'.


I noticed that Debs sometimes (nah, often I would say) answers a bit haughty and irritated. I don't want to say anything bad about Debs, but I feel bad for people who receive such answers. I don't think that Debs is a bad person or something, but why from the hundreds of questions choose that ones that annoy her?

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