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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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October 10, 2011 - submitted by Tom, France


Q. Hello everybody,

I heard a rumour which says Will Champion is gonna sing on MMIX.

Is it true?

Thanks for everything you do.



The Oracle replies:


As I just mentioned on the previous post, there's a mere two weeks to go before we get our hands (and ears) all over Mylo Xyloto & rumours are everywhere. Most are made up and not based on any truth. I don't want to go through and confirm or deny them all but I'll put this one to bed; Will doesn't sing on MMIX.

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October 11, 2011 - submitted by Jaime, Mexico


Q. Hi Oracle.

I was watching some Coldplay pictures on facebook. Then I found this picture.


Is it real or fake? If its real where this was taken?


PS: Johnny's elephant looks funny with his typical hat.



The Oracle replies:


Ha, ha, ha, yes that is a real photo taken only this weekend in South Africa. It was the Saturday night encore / goodnight bow.

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October 11, 2011 - submitted by Sofiane, France


Q. Hi Oracle !

My girlfriends told me yesterday that she wants a week break in our couple, a week to think about us. I'm so worried, does a break mean always the end? Everything was so perfect, I don't know what happened.

Thank you Oracle,

greetings from France.



The Oracle replies:


It doesn't always mean the end, no. I have to say I don't think anyone can make such a huge decision in a short week - even thought it may feel like the longest time for you Sofiane. If you decide to respect her decision, be aware that things may not be back to normal after so don't take any of it for granted and maybe you can both work something out.

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October 11, 2011 - submitted by AJ, United States of America


Q. Was there ever any official album art for Coldplay's first song, Ode to Deodorant.

Also on YouTube there is a comment that says their first song was Love I'm So Tired released in 1997. Sorry about all these questions but is there an official release of Ode to Deodorant I can download.



The Oracle replies:


Personally I have never heard a song of that name and there definitely wasn't a release in 1997 of any kind. Ode to Deodorant was a professionally recorded demo that followed the Safety ep but it was never officially released in any capacity. This means there is not an endorsed download available. There are a handful of physical copies floating around and I have seen it online but that was a while ago.

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October 12, 2011 - submitted by Abby, United States of America


Q. Dear Oracle,

I had this awesome idea today (my friends agree). Here it is: Coldplay Day. It's on April 2nd. Get it? The date would be 4/2. My friends and I (along with some other Coldplayers) thought it was a brilliant idea. It would be cool if everyone in the Coldplay community recognized it. Sort of like "Star Wars Day" which is on May 4th (May the Fourth be with you). It's not official, but it's kind of recognized by all of the fans and even non-fans. What do you think?



The Oracle replies:


Well, given they're a British band your day is incorrect. 4/2 here would be the 4th of February as we position the number before the month.

I think if fans want to claim a Coldplay day as their own, go ahead but it won't be celebrated here as everyday is Coldplay day!

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October 12, 2011 - submitted by Melina, Mexico


Q. Is going to be a music video of Paradise?

and if the answer is "yes", Are we going to see it before October 24th?




The Oracle replies:


Yes there is. I haven't got a date for you as yet so not sure if we'll get to see it before the album's release. I'm sure our trusty Anchorman will make an announcement.

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10/10 would be better for a Coldplay day since it's reversible so works in any country...and we have a year to plan a HUGE party!


:cheesy: yeah! it fits in with MMIX, even though that doesn't actually mean 1010. :P

(and 10/10 is also my birthday :whistle:)



but really, i agree with the Oracle. every day is Coldplay day. :nod:

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October 13, 2011 - submitted by Khwezi, South Africa


Q. Will Coldplay ever come to South Africa?



The Oracle replies:


I think I am really mean for this but I can never ever resist replying...

The day you sent me this question Khwezi, the band had just landed back in London from South Africa! They played 2 dates there on the 5th and 8th October so I'm afraid you missed their first visit to your country. Oops. You can read about the gigs in Roadie #42's two recent blogs.

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October 13, 2011 - submitted by Eva, Netherlands


Q. Hi Oracle, I have a question. What is the official release date of Mylo Xyloto in the Netherlands? Some people say 24 October and other people say 21 October.

Thanks, Eva



The Oracle replies:


Well, as it goes you are getting it on the 21st which is sooner than many countries. Last week the band's official facebook page was updated with this message:

Hello people of the Netherlands. Coldplay's new album, Mylo Xyloto, is released in your country on 21 October.

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October 14, 2011 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom




When I answer questions of a personal nature, Coldplay.com readers often get in touch with their own thoughts. So, we now have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday (with the question asker's permission) we open up a question to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I'll post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.

ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in no more than 250 words, to [email protected] before Thursday 20th October.


"So I have to decide between 2 girls, (we'll call them Sarah and Melissa) I have liked Sarah for 5 years, we dated for a while but we broke up. I met Melissa a few weeks ago, and we've been talking. and then when I'm about to ask Melissa to be my girlfriend, Sarah calls me and basically confesses that she made a mistake letting me go and wants me back, forever. Going back to Sarah could be a risk because I could get hurt again, but she thinks I'm the one for her. And I don't know how to decide who I should pick. please help me Oracle. Chance."


Look forward to seeing your replies.

The Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Please email your replies to [email protected]

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October 14, 2011 - submitted by Michelle, United States of America




I've been with my boyfriend for about 4 months and we've had problems in the relationship since the beginning. I love him and he loves me, but we everything seems so much more complicated than it really is. We cannot seem to be completely happy all the time. I guess I am not asking for your help, but rather your point of view. Michelle.



The Oracle replies:


I guess relationships can be tricky at the start but most people expect them to be all perfect and plain sailing with flipping stomachs, skipping heart beats and proclamations of undying love. As you're finding out, they can also be very much a learning experience of trying to work each other out; what makes the other tick, what their moods are, best times of day, tempers, patience levels and just trying to fit with each other. Neither way make for a guaranteed long term relationship so it's really a case of working out what you want from it, what you give and more importantly, what you get back. If that all feels unbalanced and your needs aren't being met, it may be time to reassess the relationship and whether there's any future in it. I do sort of feel that relationships don't need to be such hard work. I'm all for mutually working at it to make it better but I ultimately - and perhaps somewhat cynically - think if you're not making each other happy, it's not worth it.

Over to you.


My girlfriend and I have had the same problems, only we've been going out for nearly a year and a half. If I were you, I'd talk to your other half about the problems, and try and work out why you're not happy. Sometimes you need time to adjust to a relationship, or maybe you just don't spend enough time together. You can try going on a break, or you could just stay friends, but you have to work out what makes you happy, what complicates things, and then try to work from that. By discussing with him the things that you both want, you don't have to bottle things up, and it makes your relationship stronger. Mark, UK.


4 months isn't exactly a long period of time, consistent problems (differing though they may be), your uncertainty, your love for him and his to you (in such a short period?!), and your age (I do not know how old you are, however I feel this may also be a factor) lead me to believe that this relationship isn't fantastic for you.

Obviously because you have written in and asked about this relationship you are unsure yourself, either wanting to be reassured or given direction.

Why are you in the relationship if it doesn't make you happy, if it doesn't make you feel good?

You should re-think this relationship. I am not saying you should end it, but from what you've told us you aren't happy, and you are confused. My point of view is that this relationship you are in needs simplifying, you need to be enjoying it, having fun, happy but this has to be a point of view shared by both you and your boyfriend. I however feel that if this confusion and unhappiness continues for much longer you will not be in the relationship for the right reasons, and it will become unhealthy.

Good luck if you decided to do something. I hope in whatever decision you make that you are happy. Love from Australia, Mindy.


My friend, as long as there is love and respect for each other, it is worth all the difficulties. Marcelo.


Couples are not happy all the time. Always there are some problems in a relationship but you have to analyze what kind of problems there are and what kind of importance they have for your future. Good luck! Paula.


Well Michelle, in my point of view, I think that you and your boyfriend are together because of a reason, and that reason is love. But there must be certain things that put you and him in the same way in your life, things in common, people, places, music - things like that. Maybe you love him because the way he is, but you should know that, in love's game, nothing is easy. You might be jealous of a friend of him, or be sad because you two had a silly argument. It's always hard to go on with a relationship but you must be strong and carry that weight, because that's what you have to do to be happy. You should talk with your boyfriend, but not only to tell him how much you love him, but to talk to him about your problems, your fears, and your insecurities. I'm sure he will understand you, and love you more because he'll know that you trust him, and he can trust you. Mariano.


Love comes in many forms. Some younger than others, some that last a lifetime, and some that are there to teach us something about ourselves. While 4 months might feel for you like a long time, it's important to value the time & commitment that each you and your boyfriend have put into this relationship. The truth is that we can only help ourselves, but since you are asking for Oracle's point of view, then perhaps taking a step back for a little while might help you realize if whether or not the problems this relationship is causing you really is worth it to you (and even to him). This might just teach you something about yourself which you might not have thought you were capable of learning! Just remember: There is a great love inside all of us that we each have to share, including you. Continue letting your love shine and in turn, you will be loved greatly. Erica.


Quoting a band we barely know: 'nobody said it was easy...'. Sharing our lives with someone is far from simple and gets worse when you take a 24/7 happiness schedule for granted. Many 'downs' will come followed by uncountable 'ups' teaching us what truly matters. And believe me: perfection is unreachable for human kind standards. Don't waste your energy in a quest for a role model relationship, live yours to the fullest aware that you're just a girl in front of a boy asking him to love you back and if he really does, he has been doing his best, just like you. Don't be fooled by the "finding your missing part" theory: everyone was born complete and nobody deserves to bear the burden of being responsible for fulfilling someone's "half". You're supposed to add happiness in a person's life in your own way, and filling a hole shouldn't be part of the deal - eventually you will fail, after all, you're only human. Such theory raises each other's expectations in an unrealistic way: dissatisfied with your partners' efforts, both of you will spend more time dreaming of what you wanted that person to be instead of living with the beauty of a real heart and mind beating and thinking beside yours. And last, but not least, choice can be the most beautiful evidence of love. Waking up every morning and choosing you/him with all your/his qualities and flaws amongst an ocean of opportunities DOES mean something. All the best, Carolina, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Firstly sorry, but the fact that you wrote to The Oracle shows how much your relationship isn't fulfilling at all. I don't know how old you are, but have to tell you that 4 months of relationship isn't really long. I'll rather say that it's the beginning of your love story. Anyway, you've to learn that NO ONE can be TOTALLY HAPPY ALL THE TIME. In Love (like in Life), there is UP & DOWN. NOTHING is always black or always white all the time, so you just have to deal with it. My advise for you is follow your feelings, listen to your heart. ONLY these two things can help you & make you choose rights decisions.

So don't worry about the future/tomorrow, cause it doesn't happen yet. Forget about the past for it's yesterday & already done. Just simply live the present & make your possible in order to have no regrets. And MOST IMPORTANT THING is. remember that PERFECTION DOESN'T EXIST!

We never know if the person with which we are living is THE ONE for us, but one thing is SURE, when you'll find the ONE, it won't be complicated & you'll feel it in your chest, cause I guess this will be like the sun is rising in your Life. If you think that it's worth it to continue trying to fix it, just think that you're young & that you've the entire life in front of you, so a lots of things are always going to happen to you.

Sorry but I can to much relate to your story and in the end all I got was a big sad waste of 5 years time. Finally, PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR HEART. That's the only GOOD ADVICE I can give you (your feelings are always right). I share all my love & support with you Michelle & hope this could help you. Take care, Delphine.


Relationship complications are never fun but to be brutally honest. If you are having problems now, at the onset of the relationship, chances are it is not going to get any easier as time goes on. I know that is something very hard to hear because I am sure you care about each other a great deal. But maybe a relationship between you two is not the best thing right now. Sometimes being friends is better because it removes a lot of expectation. Again, I know it is something hard to hear but take it from a 25 year old who has been in many bad relationships. I think the question I want to leave you with is this. If you both love each other as much as you say you do, why aren't you ever truly happy? I hope truly hope it all works out. Joseph S.


I have been in the same situation you've been. I've had a few girlfriends and in the end none of them went well, but one thing my dad always asked me for each girl, "where do you see yourself in a year?" You have a long time to work things out, but do think about what makes you happy at the end of the day and what's best for you. Whether that's making it work or not. Evan.


A relationship cannot exist without it's odds and ends. Your relationship is young, four months isn't a long time, when it comes to dating someone. You're probably a little worried because of that, all of the little things seem like massive catalysts, but you really don't need to fret about your relationship. I'm certain you just need some time to settle into this relationship, and you two will be fine. How am I certain? Because you said you love him, and that he loves you. Bradley H.


Love is just one of many variables involved. He loves you and you love him, but it's not enough to sustain any relationship all by itself. Respect, consideration, honesty, and compatibility weigh equally. Since you didn't state the problems you've been having, I've no idea where the weakness lies. Do you like him? Do you generally have fun together? Are you open and honest about your wants and expectations? Do you expect him to fix you and make you happy? Because it's not his responsibility to make you happy. That's your job! And besides, no one is happy all the time. Life's a roller coaster - it's got its ups, downs and flat spots. It seems time to start asking yourself (and him) what you want from this relationship and are you both willing to work to improve it - or - is it time to move on? Good luck to you both! Aimee.


I think you two need some time to see if this is really love. You must sit and talk to him, try to figure this out together. Most of all you have to be happy with him. And if not there is really something wrong. All couples have problem, but just 4 months and having problem since the begging? Try talking to him and see what happens. Ayla.


Thank you all for your replies. Click to read this week's Team Oracle question, and send us your answer.

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October 13, 2011 - submitted by Eva, Netherlands[/color][/b]


Q. Hi Oracle, I have a question. What is the official release date of Mylo Xyloto in the Netherlands? Some people say 24 October and other people say 21 October.

Thanks, Eva



The Oracle replies:


Well, as it goes you are getting it on the 21st which is sooner than many countries. Last week the band's official facebook page was updated with this message:

Hello people of the Netherlands. Coldplay's new album, Mylo Xyloto, is released in your country on 21 October.


Nooo... So unfair. >.<

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October 17, 2011 - submitted by Ariel, United Kingdom


Q. I'm sorry that this question is neither interesting or bizzare, but it is important! - when will Coldplay be touring again, or playing a UK venue other than a Students Union?



The Oracle replies:


I can only assume that you only read the News section (& mine - thank you) but we do also have a live section with all current show dates. You'll see that yes they are going to be touring again and yes they are playing other UK venues. This is what they call the first European leg of the tour.

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October 17, 2011 - submitted by Ian, United Kingdom


Q. With such serious subject matter, how would Chris riding on a unicycle fit in with Paradise? Not that I don't think it is a wonderful idea haha.



The Oracle replies:


What, no mention of wearing an elephant costume whilst riding a unicycle? I would have thought that was stranger! You'll have to wait and see but as Phil said earlier today, he's at the video edit with Mat Whitecross so not much longer until you find out.

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