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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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April 24, 2012 - submitted by Stewart, United States of America


Q. Dear Oracle,

I saw the question about the crew vs. band football match and I was wondering, with all of the crew in that picture and only 4 (or 5 if Phil was there) band members, wouldn't the crew have had way more people on their team than the band did on theirs?



The Oracle replies:


If you look at the photo Stuart, you'll see that not all the band members are there. I think they actually play 5 a side so I can spot Jonny, Will, Phil, Frosty, Dan & Kelly as Team CP and I am guessing that the rest of the motley crew (no pun intended) will be the varying options for Roadie FC.

I did actually say to Roadie #42 yesterday that I hardly recognized anyone in the team!

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April 24, 2012 - submitted by Molly, United Kingdom


Q. Coming to see Coldplay in Manchester on the 9th June, but just heard that you're playing Capital summertime ball on the same day? U still gonna come Manchester? :(



The Oracle replies:


As Anchorman reported, the band will play BOTH Wembley and Manchester's Etihad Stadium on 9th June.

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April 24, 2012 - submitted by Saz, United States of America


Q. Hello dear Oracle,


This is not so much a question as it is a request. I will soon be going to see Coldplay at the Hollywood Bowl and I always hoped that at a Coldplay concert I would be able to hear the song Yellow, but experience it like seen in videos with giant yellow bouncy balls. So if you could put in a good word for us Cali kids to get to experience that live, that would be fantastic. Thanks. :)



The Oracle replies:


I don't need to put a good word in for you as that will definitely be happening. If you read the review of the first show in Edmonton, you'll see the yellow balloons are still very much a feature of Yellow live.

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April 24, 2012 - submitted by Craig Shackleton, United Kingdom


Q. Dear Oracle you mentioned recently about suggesting songs that may fit for the stripped down B-stage part of the show. How about Amsterdam? It can start of intimate on the X then Will and guy can get back down to the main stage for the big end to the song



The Oracle replies:


I actually mentioned that Phil Harvey had tweeted, "Need suggestions for acoustic bit in middle of the show".

I have been receiving suggestions but it's not me that wants them.

Tweet @coldplay to make suggestions but obviously, they can't play them all!

I have to say Amsterdam would certainly be a popular choice (not just for me) a much-loved fan favourite.

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April 25, 2012 - submitted by Muhammad, Malaysia


Q. Dear Oracle

My friend and I planning on doing a shirt of our own for Coldplay. It's for our fan club here in Malaysia. Hope you're okay with it.



The Oracle replies:


Coldplay images and logos are copyrighted so you can not reproduce them without seeking permission (you won't be granted that) or licensing - that's not something that we get involved with by the way.

I'd be very careful before using someone else's design work or photography for your own profit, there could be legal implications.

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April 25, 2012 - submitted by Rolando, Mexico


Q. Hey Oracle, what happen with the Coldplay puppets?



The Oracle replies:


They were sold with proceeds going to charity. Chris the puppet emails me* to tell me where they are and he even has a MX costume now that the new owner had made for him.

*I am NOT joking!

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April 25, 2012 - submitted by Lauren, United Kingdom


Q. Are there any songs the guys have wrote about themselves as a band or are there any songs about anyone in the band beside Chris?



The Oracle replies:


I think many of us know that Green Eyes was partly written about Jonny (awwww) and although songs have been written for and inspired by people close, I think that's the only one.

I do recall that Help Is Around the Corner - the b side to Yellow - was written about the band's situation whilst recording the first album during their studio stint at Parr St, Liverpool.

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April 25, 2012 - submitted by Lauren, United Kingdom[/color][/b]


Q. Are there any songs the guys have wrote about themselves as a band or are there any songs about anyone in the band beside Chris?



The Oracle replies:


I think many of us know that Green Eyes was partly written about Jonny (awwww) and although songs have been written for and inspired by people close, I think that's the only one.

I do recall that Help Is Around the Corner - the b side to Yellow - was written about the band's situation whilst recording the first album during their studio stint at Parr St, Liverpool.


Awwwww indeeed :dazzled: :wacky:

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April 25, 2012 - submitted by Rolando, Mexico[/color][/b]


Q. Hey Oracle, what happen with the Coldplay puppets?



The Oracle replies:


They were sold with proceeds going to charity. Chris the puppet emails me* to tell me where they are and he even has a MX costume now that the new owner had made for him.

*I am NOT joking!


I need to see this :awesome:

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April 25, 2012 - submitted by Lauren, United Kingdom[/color][/b]


Q. Are there any songs the guys have wrote about themselves as a band or are there any songs about anyone in the band beside Chris?



The Oracle replies:


I think many of us know that Green Eyes was partly written about Jonny (awwww) and although songs have been written for and inspired by people close, I think that's the only one.

I do recall that Help Is Around the Corner - the b side to Yellow - was written about the band's situation whilst recording the first album during their studio stint at Parr St, Liverpool.

Haha even she has got the Buckin syndrome :lol: :wacky:

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As far as songs about the band or people close, Yellow was about 'platonic love', Chris has said of 'What If' that it's easier to say it's about a woman then your guitarist, and what about 'Sweet Marianne'? I'm sure there are a gazillion other examples. :)

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April 26, 2012 - submitted by Steven, United States of America


Q. Oracle, I really need some guidance. I'm a musician and I've been playing about five years. About two years ago, I could write a song in five minutes. And I'd have fun playing guitar doing it. Now I feel like I've had a writers block that has lasted forever. I really need help to get out of this rut and back writing music. I'm scheduled to start recording next Friday and I have no idea what to do. Please Oracle, any assistance would be great.

Have a nice week!



The Oracle replies:


I don't totally believe in writer's block Steven. I think it means you have nothing to say. The thing about it is, once you can't think what to write you can almost panic causing that period of time to go on longer than it might have. The problem manifests itself as a block if you see it as such.


I think the key is to relax. It may be that you don't think what you write will be good enough. Allow yourself to make crap music too and maybe from there a seed of a great idea will come. It's ok to fail. It's ok to not write. It's ok to take your time. I'd cancel the recording too because that's not going to necessarily help you get back into creating music if you sit doing nothing in the studio.


Once you tell yourself you can't, you most likely can't.

Believe in yourself - take all the pressure off. Try to do a little bit each day without feeling you have to but rather, want to. If you find yourself humming a tune or some ideas pop into your head, record them into your phone or whatever. If they stay just as that for a while, at least you'll have something that may be used again in the future when you get your mojo back.


My last suggestion is that during the next couple of weeks, don't listen to other people's music. If you hear something brilliant, rather than motivate you, it may leave you feeling even more despondent.

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April 26, 2012 - submitted by Louise, United Kingdom


Q. What time will the boys be on stage for the Arsenal gig on 02 Jun. Also have tickets for the England game at Wembley, but don't want to miss any of your set ;)



The Oracle replies:


Probably around 9pm. If you get a tube from Wembley at 7.15 ish, you should get to the Emirates Stadium* just after 8, if not sooner.


* It's not an Arsenal gig! None of the band support that team.

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April 26, 2012 - submitted by Sarah, France


Q. Hello Oracle,

Have Coldplay ever thought of adding a feminine voice to their songs. I am not talking about a duet like they did with Rihanna in Princess of China, but about a feminine voice to sing one of their songs (existing or future) with them.

Thank you for your answer!



The Oracle replies:


Other than Rihanna which is a duet, there actually has also been a recording with another female vocalist.

from Prospekt's March features Emily Bart-Smith on backing vocals.
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Sorry, Debs, but having 'writer's block' does not at all mean you have nothing to say. In my case (just coming off a 5 year long block) it was my fear that I couldn't say it adequately, or as well as I used to. But I wholly agree with the rest of your answer. :)


As far as that feminine voice goes, if the boys are looking for that, I'm always available and my rates are fair,lol.:lol:


(Incidentally, that writer's block broke shortly after MX came out. Nothing like new Coldplay to get my creative juices going again. :D

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April 27, 2012 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom



When I answer questions of a personal nature, Coldplay.com readers often get in touch with their own thoughts. So, we now have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday (with the question asker's permission) we open up a question to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I'll post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.

ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in no more than 250 words, to [email protected] before midnight Thursday 3rd May.


I don't know where to start. I'm tired of being put down by my brother it may not seem much but it hurts, so sadly I'm scared all the time. I'm tired of crying. I act so happy but on the inside I'm dying. I don't want to be here anymore. I don't know what to do. Katelyn, United States of America.


Look forward to seeing your replies.

The Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Please email your replies to [email protected]

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April 27, 2012 - submitted by Gutty, Brazil



My life has changed so much in the past 10 years that sometimes I feel kind of lost. I'm divorced since 2004, have a 9 years old girl and my business is ok but I feel empty and need to make a change in my life but how to change your soul in the way that you can be happy every moment? Thank you in advance. Gutty, Brazil.



The Oracle replies:


Many of us do change Gutty and if we don't, our circumstances can and do. I've experienced many things that have led to life change; some good, some not so good. Whatever those experiences it's how I choose to deal with them that ultimately dictates whether I'm happy or not.

What would make you happy? That's a very important question.

Getting married, having a child, running a business and getting divorced are all big things to deal with so I'm not surprised you're feeling lost! I don't have kids but I'd imagine that becoming a parent might lead to feeling a loss of self because they become the focus of your life rather than you. I can see why everything changes when you have children. Especially for you having been a single parent for most of your daughter's life.

Life is short and it's important to get what you want from it. It may be you feel detached from friends or family. I would think running your home and business is taking up a lot of your time. Try taking some time for yourself to do fun things that YOU want to do. You could join a group or club of something you like or are interested in. It'd be good to have something outside of work and the home.

It can be an exciting prospect not knowing what the future holds whilst having a say in that future - the future you want.

You can make it what you want if you set your mind to it. Ask yourself what you'd like to be, where you'd like to be and how you'd like your life to be. Visualize it. What changes would you like to see and then work out a plan of how to make that happen. Start with small steps.

Surround yourself with things that make you feel happy. Corny as it sounds, have happy thoughts. Negativity breeds negativity.

I'm hoping that you're not feeling lonely. You don't mention if you're single - I am assuming you are - you don't need a man to make you happy or take away the empty feeling. That will come from you filling it with happiness.

There are so many books to motivate and inspire people these days. If you find the right one for you, that could be the key to change.

I'm a qualified Life Coach so know all about setting goals and achieving them. Trust me, once you know what you want, it will be easier to work on getting it.

It's your life Gutty and although you have a responsibility to your child and business, you have a greater one to yourself. Work out what will fill the void and then fill it!

Over to you.


No one can tell you how to be happy. You have to find out by yourself. Take your time and find out your real passions, discover yourself again and consider things in a positive way. However, there is a little tip for you: spend time with people who make you laugh a lot and listen to Coldplay for god's sake!

Janine, Germany.


It is almost in our nature to get stuck in these little ruts. The best thing I can tell you is that your life is manifested entirely from your thoughts and focuses. Focus on things you are grateful for, whether it be your daughter, your achievements, ect. Focus on what you want in the future, write it down, read that every morning when you wake up, and when you go back to sleep. Make those positive thoughts your only way of living. If you do this, something great will happen, I swear to it! The only reason it won't is because you won't let it. Good luck! And hey if that doesn't work just listen to more Coldplay, that works too. Sean.


I think no one is able to feel happy every moment of his or her life. My experience is that the periods of sadness will help you to experience and appreciate the periods of happiness. To get rid of your feelings of emptiness, you could try to enjoy the small things in life. For example your daughter, a long walk, night out with friends or simply how your bed feels after a long workday. If you take a moment to appreciate the little good things in your life, you will be able to feel happier. Furthermore, maybe you could try to find out what you really want in life. Make your own goals and missions, and accomplish them. Take small steps, those should give you the feeling of happiness and success. Good luck, Renske.


Philosophers have always claimed that change is the only constant in life. But even lay people acknowledge that all around the world, people experience change in their life.

Yet, change is not necessarily a bad thing. Although it may be difficult to realise, there is a flip-side to most situations.

A common way to bring happiness is to discover your passions, talents and joys. Some ways to do this may include starting a hobby, joining a group or becoming involved in the community. Also, don't underestimate the amount of joy friends (new or old), family and pets can bring into your life.

It has also been proven that people derive a sense of purpose and satisfaction from helping others. There are a million ways to do this, ranging from one or two random acts of kindness to formal volunteering networks.

A good activity to focus the mind on being positive is to take some time every few days to reflect. In this time, think about the things that you are grateful for in your life. Next, think of the moments in your life when you were happy. Next, dwell on the difficult or sad moments in your life and reflect upon how these experiences made you stronger and what you learned from them. It is difficult to begin this process, but it becomes easier the more often you do it. In the end, don't forget to take the time to relax, pamper and refresh yourself.



Gutty, I find when people are raising their children they are pretty much numb. There is so much to do and responsibility that we move kind of on autopilot. Our work can get repetitive and less exciting. More passion in our lives is needed. You love your daughter, but that is not the passion I'm talking about. It is doing things that give you joy and happiness. Making lists can help you discover more of what you really want; like a long list of things you love to do and another list of the things you loved to do as a child, what are the reoccurring themes in either or both? I've made lists of the things I like about my job/work, to help me stay focused on the positives and not on the negatives. We set our life's tone by what we focus on. When we focus on what we don't like, happiness is hard to find and depression can set in. Once you get an idea of what gets you excited, start adding that into your routine; like taking a class, painting a picture, walking in nature, reading for pleasure, whatever it is, give yourself permission for what I call "me time" and once you feel more fulfilled your attitude about everything else will be better. Big changes can be overwhelming, but just changing your attitude, focus, routine and adding more passion and maybe more charity into your life should have you glowing on the inside. Dawn.


Basing my opinion on personal experiences, I believe that the change in your life is precisely connected to your soul. I'm currently seeking that kind of happiness you're talking about. In order to obtain it, I'm trying to be in peace with myself.

That is, feeling comfortable with who I am, trying to change the things that I dislike about my personality and appearance as well. I'm somehow trying to find a balance. I believe that once you're OK with your very self, that's when you can truly start enjoying the company of others, and also the activities you take part in.

Boosting your confidence should really help. Once you feel confident you're ready to conquer the world and stand your ground, and therefore ENJOY LIFE AND BE HAPPY.

You're saying that your business is OK and that you have a precious child, so... we have to look for that something somewhere else.

Why don't you try out yoga, meditation, self help groups...?

Sometimes we need help to reach it. I believe that little by little you'll find it. Caro.


Since you have a nine year old child to support and your business is going well, you should not think about changing your career at all (you need financial stability for your daughter; she comes first). I would recommend you to think about the hobbies you had when you were younger or something you ever wanted to do and never had time to (e.g. taking classes of a foreign language, painting, learning to play an instrument or sing, etc). These things that we love, have passion for and make as a hobby are a big escape from reality and fill our souls. You should really consider it. You could also change your looks. Some people feel better and more confident when they change their appearance.

To be happy at every moment of your life is impossible. It's part of life: we have good and bad moments and that's inevitable. The only thing we can do regarding the bad moments is looking for the best way to surpass them and learn from that experience and from our and other people's mistakes. It's important for you to talk to your friends. They will always be there to give you their support no matter what and they could also help you to discover something that makes you feel better. Don't keep it to yourself and don't let your divorce to define who you are (you decide the kind of person you are) Love from Argentina. Noelia.


It's hard to always put joy and happiness into everything you do. It's even harder being happy every second of every day. I won't live your life for you, but I do think that while it might be hard, the first step to being happy every moment is acceptance. Not just of others, but of yourself as well. You are more than your actions, and so are other people. Once you accept yourself for who you are, and others for who they are (and who they will never be) it's much easier to put happiness into your actions and to be happy every day. Liam.


I don't think anyone can be happy all the time. However, you can be happy more often by doing certain things, new things. Pick up a hobby, or maybe just go out more. Its so easy to become bored of our lives if we're constantly doing the same things over and over again. You might also be feeling empty because of all the changes you've had to deal with, maybe you feel as if you've lost your identity through all of it. Rediscover the things you love to do and have fun with your life. Try to remember though, that no ones happy at every moment of their lives, its often the opposite. You can make the best of it though. Love, Darem.


When feeling lost, the best thing to do is to think about all the things that are going well in life. In your case, that means a daughter and a business that, as you said, is OK. Believe that the time will come when you'll feel happy and complete again. There are struggles in life for everybody. So I hope you don't feel alone, because you never are. The change you can make is to try and think positive. Tell yourself that you'll get past this, and if you start to truly believe that, I promise you that it will happen. Never give up and never lose hope. There is always something bright to find, no matter how dark it gets. Sincerely, Medina.


If you think on it, perhaps it's better to experience change than to remain static for 10 years! I understand that these changes may not be in your favor, but you are still presented with new opportunities. Stay positive! Variety is the spice of life, so try new things you wouldn't normally think about doing, even if you are hesitant. I'm sure most of your happiness comes from your daugther, so spend time with her and embrace new experiences with her. Plan a small trip or special dinner each week so you have something to look forward to every day you wake up. Take photographs every time you go somewhere new and make a photo album to smile back on your memories. It's the small things in life that keep us from feeling overwhelmed, so everytime you laugh or smile, remember you are truly happy. Warm regards, Blake.


Team Oracle is open to anyone so if you fancy replying, click to read this week's question, and send us your answer.

Thanks to all everyone who got in touch this week.

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April 30, 2012 - submitted by James, United Kingdom



Hello Oracle,

I've printed off a seating plan for Coldplay's upcoming gig at the Emirates Stadium but there is no sign of the 'X' stage in the middle, will it be there?

Many Many Thanks :)



The Oracle replies:


As far as I know, the X Stage is the B stage which is situated at the end of one of the runways from the main stage.

I have a feeling you are referring to the C stage, as that is positioned in the seated area at the back within the audience.

That wouldn't appear on a seating plan. Apart from it being a surprise on the night, the seating plan from show to show isn't modified too much online.

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April 30, 2012 - submitted by Piyush, India


Q. Hi Oracle. I have noticed several pictures of a Coldplay Aeroplane (Coldplay written on the outer body) on the internet. I want to know if any such thing really exists officially or those picture are just photoshopped? although I do know that the band travels in a private chartered plane.




The Oracle replies:


The band have never owned a plane. What you may have seen is a chartered plane that has been branded with Coldplay on it for the tour. That's quite usual.

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April 30, 2012 - submitted by Amber, United States of America


Q. Hello dear Oracle,

I saw Coldplay perform on Friday April 27 in San Jose, California. Before they took the stage, there was a song playing on the speakers. The lyrics were something like, "How do I know if I love you" and then another line about "How do I know if I know you when you come out of the shower squeak to the touch and you smell like a flower".

Do you know what this song is called? I've looked everywhere and I can't find it. Thanks very much!



The Oracle replies:


Yes, it's the song Chris tweeted about back on the 18th April, "check out

by Here We Go Magic. I love it".
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May 1, 2012 - submitted by Zuzana, Slovakia


Q. Dear Oracle,

there is a reality show in our country called Hotel Paradise (which is not of very high quality, and that is quite an understatement).

They are using the Coldplay song (Paradise, obviously) as their theme tune. Is it legal? I would be very surprised if it was approved by the band. Here is the trailer.

Many thanks for replying!



The Oracle replies:


When you say "here is the trailer", that is all it seems to be. The music can be used in the trailer but it will not be the theme tune for the actual show - that would be a different case completely.

As far as I can tell the theme tune is performed by Tereza Kerndlova and Slovak Miso Biely. The song it titled Vsetko sa da.

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May 1, 2012 - submitted by Naomi, United Kingdom


Q. I have been looking all over the place for a live version of twisted logic. Could you possibly find one for me all knowing oracle? It would be greatly appreciated :)



The Oracle replies:


I'm pretty sure that the song was never actually performed live so I can't point you in any direction I'm afraid.

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May 1, 2012 - submitted by Joshua, United Kingdom


Q. Oracle,

It has recently been rumoured that the official Princess of China music video will be released during the London gig on 2nd June. Can you confirm this?



The Oracle replies:


I can't confirm when the video will be premiered but I can tell you that it wouldn't be at a show mid-tour. They will have already played London the night before not to mention Coventry a few days earlier.

It wouldn't make sense to show it at their 3rd UK show so no, that won't be the case.

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