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skinny? I am serious....I lost so much weight and I still don't feel slim sometimes....But THANK YOU:blush:


so I can wear it?


Yes, dear. Skinny :nice:. Well I guess if you're not used to being skinny then it takes a while to get used to it if you see what I mean :surprised:




Looking good Julia!


I'm going to get my hair cut like this...



HAHA at the dood's pose and facial expression :uhoh: but I like the hair :awesome: do you want it cut like really short on the sides and keep it longer "in the middle"? Hmm if you know what I mean.

You know you have to post pics after you get your hair cut, right? :wacko:

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HAHA at the dood's pose and facial expression :uhoh: but I like the hair :awesome: do you want it cut like really short on the sides and keep it longer "in the middle"? Hmm if you know what I mean.

You know you have to post pics after you get your hair cut, right? :wacko:


That is the pose I will pull for the first week after getting it cut.

Yes, I'll post pics. It won't be quite as long at the front as his, especially not yet, but I want it to not simply be lying on my head doing nothing haha. And yes, short at the sides.


Here was me, tonight. (Not knowing the pic was being taken btw, so I look like a weirdo with my hands :lol:)

I hate my hair like this.


Hairdresser butchered it mang, it's grown so badly :(

I'll be losing the beard when I get it cut as well, to at least stubble anyway.


You an almost see my grey streak on that pic though, it's only subtle, on my right side in the middle.

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Haha you'll be proper badass like that advert dood :cool3:


spider hand spider hand, does whatever a spider hand does :anxious:


I think the new haircut will suit you very from the what I can imagine in my head haha :thinking: eventhough I cant see anything wrong with your current hairdo :wacko:. I see what you mean though, I used to think my hair looked really boring, like it was just there without doing anything. Not that hair should be doing anything in particular :wreck: I should be the one doing something with it. But anyway, I had it cut, nothing special just a "trim" or whatever and it felt a lot better :wacky:.


I wouldnt have been able to see your grey streak if you hadnt mentioned it and even now it's like I can barely see it :wacky:


Nice pic btw :awesome:

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Uuhmhmm no I mean you look like a newborn with facial hair :wreck:


Haha I always lul a little inside when people talk about beard cause two of my fiends hate it and I'm like "wuts so wrong about it ? :thinking:" so we get into heated debates about it sometimes :wacko:

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julia you look really, really good.

& you really do look skinny :surprised: & even tho I don't listen to my own advice,

it doesn't matter.. skinny, fat.. tall.. short, pale, golden :uhoh: ..

:nice: every girl is pretty for who they are, not how they look. & that nice top looks just fine on you :heart:


as for greg, I don't like that haircut you posted :disappointed:

but I like your hair now, just the bangs need a little fix.. but you look great as always.

hahaha facial hair is weird for me.. it looks good on guys but when it comes to kissing I can't stand the poking :anxious:


that probably sounds rrrreally weird.. :curtain:

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as for greg, I don't like that haircut you posted :disappointed:

but I like your hair now, just the bangs need a little fix.. but you look great as always.

hahaha facial hair is weird for me.. it looks good on guys but when it comes to kissing I can't stand the poking :anxious:


that probably sounds rrrreally weird.. :curtain:


That doesn't sound weird at all, don't worry. At first I thought you were going to say it looks good on guys, but not on girls.


And yes, the haircut is a risky one and could go very very wrong.

I'm getting it cut in just over an hour. Will take a pic this afternoon unless it is beyond awful.


Also, Julia, aint no way I'll be shaving it all off haha.

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