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Over this weekend us Brits put our clocks back an hour and anyway I was over at my parents place and we were moaning about how confused that we all were with the clock change and everything and I said "The whole world has to thank Coldplays' Chris Martins great great grandfather for all this!! His great great grandfather is the Inventor/scientist William Willet!!!". Anyway, my dad said to me "Your joking!!!! I used to work with William Willets grand-daughter!!!" You could have knocked me down with a feather!!! So my father used to know a descendant of Chris Martin!!!!!!??????:o:o:o



I was on Cloud Nine all day after that!!!!!:D:D:D



My dad is a retired senior architect/draughtsman, by the way!!!!

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I mean its no great big deal or anything, I just thought i would share this with everybody!!


Yet the thing is, I always thought that I had some sort of spiritual or mystical connection in someway or another with Chris!! I used 2 look at pics of him and look into his eyes and see his smile and knew deep inside that in some way large or small I had a connection with him!!! Then when my dad told me this today it was like a missing piece of a puzzle had somehow been found!!!:D:D

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Oooh, wait I have a weird, very indirect and convoluted Chris Martin connection as well! My friend's mom's friend is a cousin (I think) of Mario Batali, who did that cooking show with Gywneth, who (duh) is married to Chris!

That's my 6 degrees of separation right there! :D

It was funny, because my friend and I were sitting around watching the Food Network one day, and Mario Batali came up in our conversation, and then she told me about her distant connection with him, and then I very excitedly connected the rest of the dots. ;)

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A close friend of my Mother's is cousins with the man who owns the studio in NYC where Coldplay mixed Viva La Vida. I only just found out in the summer when I went to the Today show to see them. My Mom told her where I was on 6/27 and she said she wished she knew I liked them since her cousin worked with them back December. I practically begged her to let me know the next time (if/when) they visit her cousins studio again.

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