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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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I'm definately not a fan of theirs ... ;)

It was only the first two names which came to my mind and which would 'mean' something.


I could have also gone for Michael Vartan (Michael who? you might say) and Colin Firth 'cause that's two guys I have a crush on :embarassed: :smug:




cant wait for the next chapter of your story:D




This one's kind of long, I think. It might take up some room. And to Kirsten: of course I didn't fall asleep!


About fifteen minutes later, Guy had joined everyone in Jonny’s room, toting his massive photography book. “Oh, Jon, have you seen the one where Plankton calls his family to help him steal the krabby patty formula, and they’re all like, from Texas, and they’re all like, ‘We want root beer’! Oh man, that one’s pretty funny.” He broke off, earning a massive sigh of relief from Chris.


“No. I haven’t seen it.”


“Oh, that’s too bad.” Guy buried himself in his book.


Chris was lying with his head resting on the arm of the couch, and Will was nearly directly below him on the ground. Jonny was sitting on the armchair, tuning one of the guitars he always brought with him.


“What about the one where…”


“No. We haven’t seen it.” muttered Chris.


“Oh, come on. What do you want to talk about, then?”


“We don’t want to talk about anything.” snapped Will.


“Okay,” Jonny said firmly. He sat up. “Chris, you fancy a walk?”


“To where?”


“Around the hotel, if you want. We could try to get outside, as well. The fans aren’t expecting us this early.”


Finally, Chris agreed to a brisk walk around the floors of the hotel. He and Jonny made their way out the door, and the air did seem easier to breathe without the constant presence of nausea. Chris shuffled along the thickly carpeted floor (still out of it), leaving Jonny to ramble about some chords he’d thought up for a song.






“I said ‘what do you think’?”


“Oh. Um…it’s good? Really good.”


Jonny stared at him.


“Uh…no, it’s bad.” Jonny continued to stare at him. “No, it’s terrible!”


Jonny raised his eyebrows. “Oh, come on, man, you know I wasn’t listening.” muttered Chris.


“I know. The correct answer to my question was ‘chocolate’, anyway.”


“What? What the hell were you asking?”


Before Jon could answer, they ran into someone. She was small, a bit shorter than Guy, with puffy brown hair and a sour look on her face. She wore fancy designer clothing and shoes with giant heels that made Chris wonder if she’d ever broken her ankles walking in them. She froze when she saw them, which made the two men stop as well.




“O. M. G. CHRIS MARTIN?” Her eyes grew large. She stared at Jonny for a moment, obviously having no idea who he was. “OH MY GOD, I love your music! You’re like, famous! Can I have your autograph? Are you staying here? Oh my god, Gwyneth Paltrow is so beautiful too!”


“Thank you…yes, yes...and um, thanks. I think.” he responded cautiously. He looked at her, a smile on his face. “Do you have a pen?” It was nearly impossible to tell he was sick.


“I got eyeliner!” she stuttered as she thrust it out to him. Jonny chuckled, content to stay behind Chris for this one. “Oh my god, thank you so much, you’re so hot! Do you know Lil' Wayne? Oh, that’s stupid, sorry…I have to get to a…a wedding, so I have to go, but can I have a picture first?”


After everything had been taken care of, and Chris had returned the woman’s eyeliner, she bustled off, looking back at them every three seconds. Jonny looked sideways at Chris, who looked back at him. “Wow.”



an eyeliner??

have i said i love the whole spongebob-guy thing?

i guess i have .....but i still love it



Poor Jonny

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What?? You'll be telling me there's no such thing as Santa next!


I will probably get in trouble with your parents now. Year after year they are spending expenses on a santa claus who will come to your house to give you your presents and now I come along and hint out, that this story is fiction and santa maybe also doesn't excist :confused:


Sorrray ... :D

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Oh please, carry on it's really fun!


Biggest problem:


You just can't let both leading characters constantly act like squabblers ;)


So they eventually have to calm down and this will be the point where it either gets extremely cheesy and schmaltzy or just plain boring ... :( :confused:


So I have to come up with any ideas to keep the story going ;)

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"Have you seen the one where he tries to enter Gary into a beauty competition for snails?"


"Yes!" groaned Will. "Alright? Yes, I have seen it!"


"Oh. Wasn't it funny?"


"Sure. Now please, Guy, leave me alone!" Will hoped Guy would finally listen to him. Surprisingly, the room fell into silence, except for the sound of pages being flipped through.


"I'm sorry, man." muttered Guy, peeking at Will over his book. "Are you okay?"


"I'm fine." snapped Will, wishing Guy would just shut his little mouth.


"What?" hissed Guy. "I do not have a little mouth!"


Will groaned as he realized he must have said that out loud. Guy snapped his book shut, picked it up, and stormed out of the room. Will sighed. He really hadn't meant to say that out loud. Whatever this thing was, it was messing with his head. "Will!"




"Where's Guy?" asked Chris, sliding down next to him.


"Gone." answered Will. Chris nodded and Jonny shrugged.


"Feeling any better?" asked Chris. Now it was Will's turn to shrug.


"I'm not sure." He really wasn't. Chris seemed to be doing a little better, but Will didn't feel much different. He wondered where this thing was going and when it would resolve itself. Hopefully soon, because the hours until the concert were dwindling away.


So...I'm getting a little lost with this story now. I'm not sure where it's going. I thought I had it planned, but it has a mind of its own. Oh well. This is sort of a filler chapter. It doesn't really move the story along, does it? xD

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I think ariadnasquire means that the fanfics should also be posted completely so that you don't have to look where all the parts are.

Maybe one can copy all parts and put them together.

yep i meant something like that.

is not that i'm lazy, but at times i get confused when there are two fanfics posted so close one to the other :confused:

it'll be easier for all us to know where a fanfic is, even if he posts only something like that:


name of the fanfic - author - page where it begins - how many chapters it has.


don't you think it will be helpful? :thinking:

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Okay, I didn't want to bump this thread earlier on but now it's up again so I will reply also.


Honestly speaking, I was wondering whether it was possible to move the whole thread to a different forum.

A forum only registered user have access to.


Or even better, maybe a moderated usergroup for people who are interested in reading these fics.


Not that I have something to hide but on the other hand I am not so comfortable with the fact, that literally EVERYONE can read the stuff ...


That's why I have also decided that I won't continue posting my following parts publically on here ...


Everyone who's still interested in reading it is more than welcome to send me a PM with their email-addy and I will send them the new episodes.


Hope that makes any sense to you?!?! :laugh3:

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Okay, I didn't want to bump this thread earlier on but now it's up again so I will reply also.

Honestly speaking, I was wondering whether it was possible to move the whole thread to a different forum.

A forum only registered user have access to.

Or even better, maybe a moderated usergroup for people who are interested in reading these fics.

Not that I have something to hide but on the other hand I am not so comfortable with the fact, that literally EVERYONE can read the stuff ...

That's why I have also decided that I won't continue posting my following parts publically on here ...

Everyone who's still interested in reading it is more than welcome to send me a PM with their email-addy and I will send them the new episodes.

Hope that makes any sense to you?!?! :laugh3:


Yeah it does, even if I don't have a problem with this. Do you know another forum for this?


And for the fanfics which are already in this thread it would be great if they were listed up in the first post which could be edited, but for this Simon had to do this or we could create another thread where we just post the fanfics without any comments.

Just a suggestion.

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Okay, I didn't want to bump this thread earlier on but now it's up again so I will reply also.


Honestly speaking, I was wondering whether it was possible to move the whole thread to a different forum.

A forum only registered user have access to.


Or even better, maybe a moderated usergroup for people who are interested in reading these fics.


Not that I have something to hide but on the other hand I am not so comfortable with the fact, that literally EVERYONE can read the stuff ...


That's why I have also decided that I won't continue posting my following parts publically on here ...


Everyone who's still interested in reading it is more than welcome to send me a PM with their email-addy and I will send them the new episodes.


Hope that makes any sense to you?!?! :laugh3:

sure it all makes sense ;)

and i agree with your suggestion, i think we might tell that to any mod.

i've been on other bands threads and they had a fanfic section, i don't know if it was just for certains users or not... but they followed a rule of rating the fanfic for the content. :)


i did said that here while ago i think. :thinking:

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Yeah it does, even if I don't have a problem with this. Do you know another forum for this?


And for the fanfics which are already in this thread it would be great if they were listed up in the first post which could be edited, but for this Simon had to do this or we could create another thread where we just post the fanfics without any comments.

Just a suggestion.

it'll be better if simon edit the first post and list the ones we have on this thread already.


if the admin agrees with opening a new sub-forum just for the fanfics, then it'll be better that we have a thread for each fanfic or for each author. :)


just my opinion.

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Well, maybe if the fanfics were moved to its very own special forum everyone could make up their own threads. On this way stories won't get so much mixed up, I think.


It's also a very good point about the rating.


I already contacted one of the mods about this topic and she wanted to check back with the others.


I guess the whole fanfic stuff is a really delicate topic anyway, as it might get too private and inappropriate concerning the respect of the guys and their families/friends.


I have posted on other musicians forums as well and the topic 'fanfics' was mostly a 'no go' there, as it invaded the 'private lifes' rule ... :(

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Whoa! Many posts! :stunned: *reads all*

Okay, I think I get what you're saying. xD


Alright, I get what everyone's saying now. I agree with everything, and I think we should limit this thread to registered users. But Kirsten said something about 'only people who want to read them'? How would we do that?

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