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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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Yeah, I totally lied a few weeks ago when I said it wouldn't be too Chris/Jonny-heavy. Anyways, here's the epic Chapter 4. I say "epic" because I think it turned out to be my favorite chapter...just when you thought things couldn't possibly get more ridiculous.








The temperature has soared about ten degrees (Fahrenheit) as the three band members struggle onward to Prospekt’s Emerald Shack.


Chris: *to himself* “I’d say that I’m hot, but Jonny might find that awkward.”


Jonny: *to himself* “I’d say Chris looks hot, but that might make him feel awkward.”


Will: *to himself* “I’d say the temperature is hot, but Mother Nature might find that awkward.”


Meanwhile, Guy Berryman is hunched over desperately beside the road. The trio eventually walks up to him.


Guy: “Whoa, gang?”


Jonny: “Oh crap, it’s a hitchhiker.”


Will: “Nah, looks more like a homeless man begging for food.”


Chris: “Just ignore it, gang, and it won’t bother us.”


Guy: “Hello? It’s me! Guy Berryman! Your bassist!”


Chris: “Just keep walking…”


Guy: “Come on, don’t ignore me now! We’re a band again! This is great!”


Will: “I don’t remember ever having a bassist. I just remember occasionally looking back to see some stranger playing the bass guitar.”


Guy: “All right, I’ve had it with your games. I tried to keep us all together, but you ignored me!”


Chris: “Huh? GUY? Where’d you come from?”


Guy: “…”


Will: “Ha ha, that was pretty clever, Guy. Pretending to be a hobo and all.”


Guy: “…”


Jonny: “Well, I suppose we can let you tag along. If we ever run out of food, it’s good to know we can resort to cannibalism.”


Chris: “We’re off to see Prospekt in the Emerald Shack. Got any wishes or problems and he’ll solve them just like magic.”


Guy: “Yeah, there’s something I have always wanted – RESPECT. Seriously, nobody respects me in spite of my insanely good looks and natural ability to look insanely good.”


Will: “That’s a retarded wish, Guy. At least mine and Jonny’s are reasonable.”


Jonny: “Yeah, a wig and a heart are actually physical objects. Respect is a figment of imagination. That’s like asking for courage.”


Chris: “Seriously, it’s not like this Prospekt is magic or anything.”


Guy: “But you just said…”


Jonny: “Hey, look! Is that a mailbox in the middle of nowhere?”


Indeed, a strange, glowing mailbox suddenly appears beside the road. The now-fully-reunited band walks up to it.


Will: “Should we open it?”


Guy: “Will, do you know anything about the laws regarding mail theft?”


Chris: “Damn it, Guy, just open it. There might be some pizza coupons inside.”


Guy: “Ugh…”


Guy opens the mailbox, only to find four strange glowing postcards addressed to the band.


Jonny: “Would you look at that!”


Chris: “Postcards from Far Away!”


Will: “This one’s from…OW!!”


Guy: “Uh-oh, he’s got a paper cut! OW!”


Jonny: “You got a paper cut, too? That’s why you always grab a postcard by the…OW!”


Chris: “Oh Jonny! Let me lick your wounds! OW!”


The entire band begins sucking their swollen fingers from their paper cuts. Meanwhile, Liam Gallagher is watching the chaos from his crystal ball.


Liam: “Mwa ha ha! My plan has succeeded! Wail in pain, fuckers! Now to bring them to me.”


Liam walks over to a dark cage.


Liam: “Hello, my flying monkeys. Are you hungry? Good. You see those fucking pretty boys on the screen? Fucking bring them to me!”


Liam first lifts the window, then slowly unlocks the cage door. Three so-called flying monkeys savagely emerge from their cage, making all sorts of strange monkey noises.




The flying monkeys swoop through the window towards the Yellow Line Road. Meanwhile, back on the road, the band members are still sucking their fingers.


Chris: “Cripes, this thing split right open. I might actually need a Band-Aid or something.”


Guy: “Holy hell, what are those things in the distance?”


Chris: “They’re drawing nearer.”


Will: “They look like…like…”


Jonny: “Oh shit, it’s the Jonas Brothers!”


Chris: “No! Not them! Anybody but them! They make me feel like such an old man!”


Guy: “But the youth of America loves them!”


Will: “Exactly! They’re easily the biggest threat to international security!”


Jonny: “And they totally showed us up at the AMA’s!”


The flying monkeys, a.k.a. The Jonas Brothers, quickly arrive on the scene.

*Author’s Note: I do not know any of the Jonas Brothers’ names, nor do I care to look them up.*


Jonas Bro 1: “Crap, there’s four Coldplay members, but only three of us!”


Jonas Bro 2: “Well, then we’ll just have to take two trips.”


Jonas Bro 3: “Ain’t gonna happen. Just grab the guitarist and the lead singer will follow us wherever we go.”


Jonas Bro 1: “I like the way you think. Holy cow, we’re such geniuses!”


Jonas Bro 2: “I know! Most boy bands just have the looks, but we’ve also got the brains!”


Jonas Bro 3: “Yeah, I know! Carrying around this jar of brains sure has its uses!”


Jonny: “Well, these teens sure are pretty. Err…uh…pretty attention-starved! Yeah!”


Jonas Bro 2: “All right, guys, let’s do this right, and maybe Master Liam will let us watch an R-rated movie!”


And with that, the Jonas Brothers snatch Jonny, Will, and Guy, and begin to fly off.


Chris: “Jonny! Not again!”


Jonny: “Chris! Help me!”


Will: “Yeah Chris, help him!”


Guy: “Would I be wrong to assume that I should just help myself?”


Chris: “Jonny, remember the name of our one song - Don’t Panic! I will follow you to the ends of the earth, forever and ever!”


Chris gives chase after the gang, who are being flown to Liam’s secret lair somewhere in the distance.




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Guy: “All right, I’ve had it with your games. I tried to keep us all together, but you ignored me!”


Chris: “Huh? GUY? Where’d you come from?”


Guy: “…”


Will: “Ha ha, that was pretty clever, Guy. Pretending to be a hobo and all.”


Guy: “…”



LMAO! I love this story




Chris: “Jonny! Not again!”


Jonny: “Chris! Help me!”


Will: “Yeah Chris, help him!”


Guy: “Would I be wrong to assume that I should just help myself?”



:laugh3: I can't wait for part 5!

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Chris: *to himself* “I’d say that I’m hot, but Jonny might find that awkward.”


Jonny: *to himself* “I’d say Chris looks hot, but that might make him feel awkward."




Jonny: “Well, I suppose we can let you tag along. If we ever run out of food, it’s good to know we can resort to cannibalism.”




Jonas Bro 3: “Ain’t gonna happen. Just grab the guitarist and the lead singer will follow us wherever we go.”




Chris: “Jonny! Not again!”


Jonny: “Chris! Help me!”


Will: “Yeah Chris, help him!”


Guy: “Would I be wrong to assume that I should just help myself?”


Chris: “Jonny, remember the name of our one song - Don’t Panic! I will follow you to the ends of the earth, forever and ever!”

:laugh3: Best parts :lol:

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Chapter 5 ahoy! This is probably my least favorite chapter, mainly because I spent a while on an exchange at the beginning that didn't turn out that funny. Oh well, at least it ends on a set-up for a rockin' next chapter (which I had much fun with)!








The Jonas Brothers eventually lead Chris to a towering outhouse in the middle of nowhere, with the other Coldplay members now unconscious from paper cut blood loss. They find that the window has been shut, forcing them to use the front door. One of the boys rings the doorbell.


Voice: “What is…the password?”


Jonas Bro 1: “Fuck every band except Oasis.”


Voice: “Incorrect.”


Jonas Bro 1: “Curses, he must have changed it.”


Jonas Bro 2: “I think you can get a password hint by pressing 2 on the pad.”


One of the Jonas boys presses the number key pad.


Voice: “Your hint is…the best song ever.”


Jonas Bro 1: “Okay, what does Liam think is the best song ever?”


Jonas Bro 3: “Wonderwall!”


Voice: “Incorrect.”


Jonas Bro 2: “Don’t Look Back in Anger?”


Voice: ‘Incorrect.”


Jonas Bro 1: “Okay, let’s just start naming all their hits.”


Jonas Bro 3: “There’s too many!”


Jonas Bro 2: “Well, at least let’s start narrowing things down by eliminating really obscure stuff like Eyeball Tickler.”


Voice: “Correct.”


Jonas Bros: “…”


Jonas Bro 2: “Okaaaaay…guess we can go in now.”


The trio marches into Liam’s lair, while Chris quietly yet swiftly dashes through the door behind them. The band is brought to Liam’s chamber where they conveniently regain consciousness.


Liam: “Good work, my monkeys, except you fucking missed one of them! No bedtime story!”


The Jonas Brothers begin sulking as they waddle back into their cage. Chris suddenly enters the room and sees Jonny on the floor.


Chris: “I’ve found you at last!”


Liam: “Ah, so the entire fucking band has been reunited right in front of me! How fucking delightful! I suppose you’re wondering why I have brought you here?”


Jonny: “Because you have no taste in music and therefore want to kill us on the spot?”


Liam: “Yes…but no. You see…in my entire fucking career with Oasis, there’s something I’ve always wanted. Something you over there – Mr. Martin – could fulfill. I’m talking, of course, about the fragrant properties you emit that attract Mr. Buckland.”


Jonny: “Wait, what?”


Chris: “So you want me to provide you with my essence and you’ll set them free?”


Liam: “Indeed, and Jonny will be mine forever! Mwa ha ha ha!”


Chris: “No…I cannot let you do that.”


Jonny: “What? Who said anything about me secretly harboring a fetish for Chris’ underwear because of a so-called ‘fragrance’ he emits?”


Will: “So wait…why the hell are Guy and I being held captive here, too?”


Guy: “Holy crap, someone actually acknowledged my presence!”


Liam: “I don’t know, I just don’t fucking like you. Isn’t that a good enough reason? Anyways, until you can comply with my requests, you will never be entitled to leave this fucking room.”


The doors and windows of the room suddenly slam shut.


Liam: “There’s a toilet behind that dresser if need be. Ah ha ha!”


Liam suddenly vanishes, having teleported to a room with cameras monitoring the band.


Liam: “Oh, why did The Fucking Office have to be pre-empted tonight? Now I have nothing better to do than to watch these fuckers on camera.”


The band squats and sulks in the chamber, pondering solutions.


Chris: “We have to think of a plan to devise our escape.”


Will: “I’ve got a thought – Jonny, you strip for Liam, leaving him so distracted that the rest of us can make our escape!”


Jonny: “Are you bloody insane?”


Chris: “Yeah, are you bloody insane? Hell no is he stripping for someone else!”


Guy: “Well, I liked the idea.”


Jonny: “Hey, what are those appliances in the corner?”


Will: “Why…they look like instruments! There’s a piano, a drum set, and a bunch of guitars!”


Chris: “Oh great, you mean Liam bought Rock Band for the monkeys?”


Will: “No, I mean we can play them! Think about it – what does Liam Gallagher hate more than our music? If we write a song and play it for him, he just might explode!”


Guy: “If that wasn’t a horribly convenient plot device if I ever saw one.”


Jonny: “Guy, we’re getting sick of your attitude. Now shut up and wipe the dust off those instruments until you can see your handsome reflection off them.”


And so while Guy unwillingly dusts off the equipment, Chris gets to songwriting while the other two begin practicing tunes. Liam, meanwhile, seems to have abandoned his post in order to run to the mini-mart, giving the Coldplay members a chance to formulate their battle plan.




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Guy: “Holy crap, someone actually acknowledged my presence!”




Jonny: “Guy, we’re getting sick of your attitude. Now shut up and wipe the dust off those instruments until you can see your handsome reflection off them.


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The great Chapter 6, in which I actually attempt to write a Coldplay song. We're approaching the end soon, but I'm glad the feedback has been so positive so far. Enjoy!








The chamber has become the stage. The band members are all set up. Liam has just returned from the mini-mart with a bag of monkey food. But he wants to quickly check up on his hostages, so he opens the locked door, only to discover the band’s stage in place.


Liam: “What the flying fuck is going on?”


Chris: “Mr. Gallagher, we felt like showing our appreciation for your hospitality by dedicating a new song to you.”


Liam: “What? NO! I’m so fucking outta here!”


But before he can do as much as turn around, Will seals the door with his magic sealant that he carries around at all times.


Will: “About time this thing came in handy.”


Liam: “Please…spare me! I…I’ll…I’ll have you fuckers know that all the other wicked witches will avenge me if I fall…please…don’t…”


Chris: “Ready, boys?”


Others: “Ready!”


Chris: “We’d like to dedicate this song to our good friend, Liam Gallagher. It’s called ‘I’ve Got Stilts to Keep My Feet Off the Ground’.


With that, the first notes chime, with Liam squirming about uncontrollably.


Chris: “Here we go! New song debut!”


Once I thought I was lost, that all was lost

Fell off that ladder to the sun

Oh, my head just won’t stop spinning

For you were the only one

Ohhh whoooa ohhh whooaa

I was so scared and confused

Through time and space, through noise and sound

Let me know, boys, give me heart

Now my feet won’t touch the ground




Chris: “We did it, boys!”


Will: “Good work! Jonny, you know what to do!”


Jonny: “Yes I do!”


Using his nerves of steel, Jonny busts open the chamber walls with one bum-rush.


Guy: “Okay, so why the hell didn’t we just do that before?”


Chris: “Who cares? Now I got yet another gig I can randomly tack onto the latter half of The Hardest Part!”


Will: “Let’s just get the heck out of here. Off to see Prospekt!”


And so the band leaves Liam’s lair and heads back off to the Yellow Line Road. But those poor Jonas Brothers are still trapped in their cage! Who will come to rescue them? More importantly, who the fuck cares?


Chris: “One hop away from our ticket home, boys! By the way, I’m still carrying this ruby guitar, you know. I just haven’t been repeatedly mentioning it because I felt it would be tedious.”


Will: “Oh, how I can’t wait to finally have a hefty head of hair!”


Jonny: “My heart is still empty, but soon it will be full! Though come to think of it, that Liam guy certainly wasn’t bad…”


Guy: “R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Find out what it means to me!”


Chris: “Say another line, Guy, and we’ll get charged for that song.”


Will: “Look! I think I see the Emerald Shack!”


Indeed, the Emerald Shack lies just beyond the band, looking ever-so-dilapidated. Chris rushes up to the door and knocks.


Voice: “Who is it? I’m in the middle of a telethon.”


Chris: “We seek the one known as Prospekt. The one who can solve all our troubles.”


Voice: “Yes. That is I.”


Guy: “Who are you, anyways?”


Voice: “I am…the one. The man. The myth. The legend.”


Chris: “Barack Obama?”


Voice: “No. I said other things besides ‘the myth’, if you paid any attention.”


Will: “Well, who are you?”


Voice: “My name…is Brian Eno.”


Jonny: “Ha ha, his last name sounds like ‘emo’.”


Brian: “Please, come on in.”


The band mates open the door, only to find a run-down interior filled with various band memorabilia. Brian Eno is waiting on the couch.


Brian: “What brings you to my humble shack?”


Chris: “We hear you can grant wishes. We’re looking for a way home to our world. Also, Will wants hair, Jonny wants a heart, and Guy wants resolve.”




Brian: “Ah, isn’t it funny how rumors spread? Alas, I am no magician. I’m just a really cool guy that everybody likes. I have no true power or fortune-telling ability. Sorry.”


Will: “So that’s it? We’re stuck here forever?”


Chris: “Maybe you should have a look at this, Mr. Eno. It’s a ruby guitar.”


Brian: “Hmm? Could it be?”


Jonny: “Could it be what?”


Brian: “Maybe…just maybe…there is a way…”




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Once I thought I was lost, that all was lost

Fell off that ladder to the sun

Oh, my head just won’t stop spinning

For you were the only one

Ohhh whoooa ohhh whooaa

I was so scared and confused

Through time and space, through noise and sound

Let me know, boys, give me heart

Now my feet won’t touch the ground




Guy: “R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Find out what it means to me!”


Chris: “Say another line, Guy, and we’ll get charged for that song.”



:dance: More please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Merry Christmas and here's the final part! I wasn't sure exactly how to end it, but I think it turned out okay. I hope you all enjoyed the whole thing! Probably not gonna write another one any time soon, but know that I had a lot of fun with this one. Commence Chapter 7!








Upon observing the ruby guitar for a few minutes, Brian Eno jumps to a conclusion.


Brian: “This is it! This is the treasure of 42! It’s your way home!”


Will: “Home? All I wanted was a wig!”


Brian: “Oh, Mr. Champion, take it from a similar seemingly bald man – chicks dig the stubby fuzz. Do you really want to end up like Guy Berryman?”


Will: “Yes.”


Brian: “Well, deal with it. As for you, Jonny, your heart is as big as Bono’s ego.”


Jonny: “Not anymore. Chris killing Liam pierced a hole through it. Sorry, Chris, but I just can’t go on with you.”


Chris: “But…but…Jonny!”


Guy: “Hey Brian, what about me?”


Brian: “What about you?”


Guy: “My respect!”


Brian: “Your what? Who were you, again?”


Guy: “…”


Brian: “Anyways, to return home, take this ruby guitar, Jonny.”


Jonny: “Me? I get to be the hero? Not Chris?”


Brian: “Indeed. I want you to play the main riff of Clocks on it. As for the rest of you three, I want you to do the chant from Viva La Vida as loudly as you can while Jonny is playing Clocks. It’ll be the ultimate Coldplay mix! Suddenly, you all should return from where you came.”


Chris: “Brian, will we ever see you again?”


Brian: “I already told you I’m not a damn fortune-teller.”


And so Jonny begins playing a guitar rendition of Clocks, while Chris, Will, and Guy begin the infamous “OohhoohhOOOOHHHHoohhOOOOHHHHooohhh”. Suddenly, a strange light begins to fill the room.


Brian: “It’s working!”


Within a few seconds, the band suddenly vanishes.


Brian: “…Oh crap. I forgot to tell them to take me with them.”


The band suddenly reappears back in the streets of Kansas City. Debris is being cleaned up, with police lining every corner.


Chris: “We’re back!”


Guy: “There’s no place like…”


Will: “DON’T SAY IT.”


Jonny: *sniff* “I’ll never forget you…Liam...”


A cop suddenly approaches the band.


Cop: “Is one of you Mr. Chris Martin?”


Chris: “That would be me, sir.”


Cop: “Your wife has ordered a searching party to investigate your disappearance. Please report to the station immediately. Your roadies are waiting there.”


Chris: “But can I explain?”


Cop: “You can explain to the authorities. Please hop in the car, sir.”


Jonny: “Go on, Chris. We’ll catch up to you.”


Chris: “Thanks, guys. It was a fun adventure, but the last thing I wanted to deal with when we got back was more of this crap. Anyways, you guys are the best. See you all!”


Chris hops in the police car, leaving Jonny, Will, and Guy on the sidewalk.


Jonny: “So, where do you guys think I can get the highest price for this ruby guitar?”


Will: “You mean you haven’t figured it out yet, Jonny?”


Guy: “Yeah, Jonny! Did you actually believe those were real rubies?”


Jonny: “But…but…”


Will: “Hey, I’ve got an idea! Let’s go shopping!”


Guy: “Woo! Shopping!”


Jonny: “Good idea, mates. It’s gonna be awesome without Chris always asking if something makes him look fat!”


Will: “Come to think of it, do we ever need Chris again? We could start our own band!”


Guy: “Yeah! COOLplay!”


Jonny: “But right now, guys, I’m just happy we’re a family again. And that I got to be the hero. Best story ever.”


And the threesome walked together towards the mall, each promising to best one another at a perfume fight in Macy’s. As for Chris, he was grounded by Gwyneth and placed under house arrest. And if he ever mysteriously left again, she told him, it would forever be the end of waffles for dinner as he knew it.




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Jonny as the hero :heart:

Brian: “Well, deal with it. As for you, Jonny, your heart is as big as Bono’s ego.”




Guy: “Hey Brian, what about me?”


Brian: “What about you?”


Guy: “My respect!”


Brian: “Your what? Who were you, again?”


Guy: “…”




Guy: “Yeah! COOLplay!”



I love your story, I hope you write more :dance:

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Here's the real Part 4, now that my horrific incident of embarrassment is over! :laugh3:

I like this one.




Will stumbled down the hallway, hammering away at Chris’s door. He heard a feral growl from somewhere inside and took a step back. The door swung open, revealing a very pale, very angry Chris Martin. “What?” he hissed.


“I’ve got an idea, mate, about why we’re sick.”


Chris sighed, replacing the angry look with exasperation. “Okay. Why?”


“Remember that creamy dessert we had last night that the others didn’t?”


“Yes…” Chris knew where this was going. “You think we’ve got food poisoning?”


“Well, it makes sense, doesn’t it?”


Chris nodded. “So how do you make it…stop?”


“Ahh…is that even possible?”


“It’d better be!” he hissed, making Will take another step back.


“Wow, Chris, you are really not pleasant when you’re sick.” Wrong thing to say. Chris’s jaw twitched, and a moment later, the door slammed shut in Will’s face.


“I’m sick too, you bastard!” he snapped. Jonny suddenly appeared out of the door on the other side of Chris’s.


“What’s all the yelling?”


“Chris is being a bitch!”


“Will’s being a bitch!” Chris had come back to argue.


“Oh my god, shut UP!” called Guy, coming out of nowhere. “I can’t watch SpongeBob with all this fucking arguing between you idiots!” He stormed back to his room, leaving the others in silent shock.


“This is a waste of time. Will, what did they say when you called about the show tonight?”




“You CALLED them?”






“You can barely stand; how can you perform?”


“I can sit most of the time! We can’t miss it!”


“Relax, Chris, we’re going to try and make it...” added Jonny, wincing.


“Mate, do you want to pass out onstage?”


“I’d rather do that than not show up at all!”


Did I not make myself clear?” howled Guy from inside his room.


“That’s IT. Go…somewhere else! Both of you!” yelled Jonny. Chris eyed him before slinking back into his darkened room. Will stormed off as well, wishing Chris would be attacked by a schizophrenic squirrel.


Unfortunately, that probably wouldn’t happen.


Just an angry squirrel, then. He laughed, immersing himself in his feverish thoughts. "Oh, lord..." he moaned, suddenly dizzy. This was just not his day.

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“Oh my god, shut UP!” called Guy, coming out of nowhere. “I can’t watch SpongeBob with all this fucking arguing between you idiots!”


“Did I not make myself clear?” howled Guy from inside his room.


“Chris is being a bitch!”


“Will’s being a bitch!”


:D :laugh4:


That's good! :D

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Here's the real Part 4, now that my horrific incident of embarrassment is over! :laugh3:

I like this one.




Will stumbled down the hallway, hammering away at Chris’s door. He heard a feral growl from somewhere inside and took a step back. The door swung open, revealing a very pale, very angry Chris Martin. “What?” he hissed.


“I’ve got an idea, mate, about why we’re sick.”


Chris sighed, replacing the angry look with exasperation. “Okay. Why?”


“Remember that creamy dessert we had last night that the others didn’t?”


“Yes…” Chris knew where this was going. “You think we’ve got food poisoning?”


“Well, it makes sense, doesn’t it?”


Chris nodded. “So how do you make it…stop?”


“Ahh…is that even possible?”


“It’d better be!” he hissed, making Will take another step back.


“Wow, Chris, you are really not pleasant when you’re sick.” Wrong thing to say. Chris’s jaw twitched, and a moment later, the door slammed shut in Will’s face.


“I’m sick too, you bastard!” he snapped. Jonny suddenly appeared out of the door on the other side of Chris’s.


“What’s all the yelling?”


“Chris is being a bitch!”


“Will’s being a bitch!” Chris had come back to argue.


“Oh my god, shut UP!” called Guy, coming out of nowhere. “I can’t watch SpongeBob with all this fucking arguing between you idiots!” He stormed back to his room, leaving the others in silent shock.


“This is a waste of time. Will, what did they say when you called about the show tonight?”




“You CALLED them?”






“You can barely stand; how can you perform?”


“I can sit most of the time! We can’t miss it!”


“Relax, Chris, we’re going to try and make it...” added Jonny, wincing.


“Mate, do you want to pass out onstage?”


“I’d rather do that than not show up at all!”


Did I not make myself clear?” howled Guy from inside his room.


“That’s IT. Go…somewhere else! Both of you!” yelled Jonny. Chris eyed him before slinking back into his darkened room. Will stormed off as well, wishing Chris would be attacked by a schizophrenic squirrel.


Unfortunately, that probably wouldn’t happen.


Just an angry squirrel, then. He laughed, immersing himself in his feverish thoughts. "Oh, lord..." he moaned, suddenly dizzy. This was just not his day.


omg :laugh3::laugh3:

I cant stop laughing.

n Guy loves Spongebob!!

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Well, no one posted here for such a long time. I thought that it would be time to do this again, but nobody wrote anything. Mmmhhh...

I got the solution which is that I wrote one :D

Some know it already, but I hope that others would like it, too.

I tried to make it a bit pervy, but even if I failed, I think this is something for the pervs among us :wink3:

To be or not to be? - That is the question!




Chapter One


It rained and it was quite grey outside.


“Stupid TV.”


At first they said it would be warm and sunny and now this. A lot of people have some prejudices against Britain but I’ve never believed in them. Now I somehow doubt it a bit. So now, I’m sitting here in my flat and do nothing.


The phone rang and when I answered a familiar voice screamed into my ear.


“Hey Jon. What’re you doing?”


“Nothing Chris! Just bumming around and hoping for the end of the world. And you? Do you have an idea what we could do?”


“Mmmh an idea? Right! Pub? We could meet Guy there and I also could ring Will up. I guess he’d like to join us and maybe we could have sex?”


I needed some seconds to realise what exactly Chris had said but my brain activity was too low at the moment.


“Ah, I prefer the first thing, you pervert, even if it’s too early to go to the pub.”


“Oh, come on Jon. It could be great having sex, don’t you think so?”


“Ehm, Chris? You call Will and I’ll be at the pub in about thirty minutes, right? Right and stop joking. I’m not in the mod for this.”


No reply and one second later I heard an annoying peep tone.


Thirty minutes later I arrived at the pub and Chris was right about Guy. He sat at the bar, a beer in his left hand and staring at an invisible point on the wall.


“Hey mate! How’s the beer today?”


“Like always! Why are you asking?”


I sat down next to him and ordered a beer. “Eh, well, I suppose I’m a bit twisted. Shit weather and Chris is fooling around. He said that he’d like to have sex with me.”


“Let me guess. He was too long on the internet?”


“Maybe. Lately he’s got fun by surfing on a website called ‘Coldplaying’.”


“What the hell is that?”


“A fan forum and Chris found out that we have some fans who imagine that Chris and I have a sexual relationship.”


Suddenly the familiar voice of Chris said behind me.


“Not just a sexual relationship Jon. We’re totally in love with each other. Hey Guy!”


“Where’s Will?” I didn’t want to be alone with Chris.


Ok, I wasn’t completely alone, but Guy stared again at the wall, completely absent-minded. I couldn’t count on him. Chris was my best mate but since he spoke to me as if we were a couple, I had a bad feeling in my stomach.


“Dunno! Called him! He answered! I hang on! Now I’m here. Why?” Chris looked at me with his blue eyes, which shined bright, and I could see the reflection of some candle sparkles.


“Nothing! What did he answer?” I had to look away. This weird feeling in my stomach came back and it had to do with Chris but I couldn’t explain why.


“I can’t remember. I just said that we’re going here and he should come. Do you expect from me that I remember every single word Will says? Maybe every single word you say JB.” Chris grinned at me when I turned my head.


“Chris please! You’ve got to stop this foolish things. You shouldn’t be allowed to hang around on the internet anymore. These fans are stupid.”


“No, they’re not. I talked to some of them. Of course they didn’t know who I was and when I asked why they’re doing this, they said that it’s just fun to imagine this, but everyone laughed about the fact that they imagine all these things but they don’t know anything about us. These fans are very intelligent!”


I just rolled my eyes and I knew that Chris would stop talking about this topic for a while. A half hour later Will appeared and he found all of us staring at any point in the room in silence. He sat down at Chris’s right site, ordered a beer and joined us by saying nothing at all.


Every other day in this week had the same cycle. Looking out of the window to see what the weather was like. Rainy! Bumming around, doing nothing, and waiting until midday to go to the pub. Meeting my band mates there, drinking beer, doing nothing at all and then going home.


On Saturday, we wanted to do something special, so we met in the bakery, sat down on the couch and then we did nothing.


After two hours, Will stood up and walked in a circle around the couch for five minutes. “Now stop it! I can’t bear this silence anymore! What’s wrong with you guys?”Chris and I were looking for help to Guy who has fallen asleep, which we didn’t notice.


“I mean you two guys, you idiots!” Will shouted at us. Chris blinked with his big blue eyes up to Will and tried to look like a very cute puppy. Well, he actually did. Unfortunately it didn’t work. Will was still looking at us with a grave and stony face.


“I don’t know what you mean man! It’s just shit weather, so we’re not in the mood to ... What exactly was your question?” I have started to answer without knowing what Will meant. He just told us to stop but he didn’t tell what.


“Even if the weather had been shit, we used to have fun with playing computer games or whatever. Everyone had an activity to be occupied with something for a while and now? This didn’t ever happen before that we’re just sitting around. Our tour stars in about two months and no one of you played any fucking song yet! So now, I am asking you again. What the hell is wrong with you?”


While Will spoke, his voice became louder and louder. I didn’t want to answer and I hadn’t to because Chris stood up to explain something. He put his right hand on Will’s left shoulder to calm him down. I didn’t really listen to what he was saying. After some time I realised that my eyes head fixed Chris’s ass.


Appalled I averted my gaze. What was wrong with me? Whatever Chris had said to Will to calm him down helped because he became quiet.


Chris turned around triumphantly, but I couldn’t brave this anymore. I jumped up and run out of the bakery. I ran onto the street and I ran it along. After some seconds, my hair was wet and so were my clothes. When I reached a park, I stopped. The park was empty and I couldn’t even get to see a person with a dog. I sat down on a bench and waited.


I wanted that the rain stopped but after a while, I didn’t notice that it started to rain harder. What if this feeling in my stomach had something to do with the fact that the relationship between Chris and me had changed? However, did it change? I couldn’t tell! I had to have some time for myself. However, what could I do? Soon the touring would start again, but I wasn’t in the mood for it. Two months left.


When I stood up to go home, I had made my decision. I wanted to make holidays far away from my mates and especially far away from Chris. Therefore, I decided to go to Spain. Just to get my head free of any thoughts and anything else.


I didn’t want to waste any time, therefore I booked a ticket for a plane which should fly the same day. As fast as I could I packed my suitcases and hasted to the airport London Heathrow. When I arrived there, it came to my mind that I should let the others know that I wouldn’t come for a while. However, I didn’t want to let them know where exactly I wanted to go. I feared that Chris could come after me. So, I wrote Will a text with my mobile and turned it off, when I checked in.


The flight was very good. It was about one and a half hour. I tried to sleep a bit and I could sleep, as I didn’t for a long time.


The first I did, when the plane landed, was to get a hotel where I could stay for a while, and I found one near the beach. I grabbed my bathing trunks and ran out to the beach where I rushed into the water. This was great no bondage, no bloody rain, no exhaust emissions and no Chris. I felt a bit guilty when I thought like this about my friend but this was sorely needed and I enjoyed it. Two months? Not a problem! I ruled the world and the water.


After the swimming, I lay on the beach in the sun, which embrowned my skin.

In the evening I went to a little restaurant and ate there fish with potatoes and salad. When I finished I ordered a dessert and when I was finished with it, I noticed that I woman watched me. She looked from her table over to mine. At first, I didn’t pay her much attention but suddenly she winked to me and then she stood up, came over to me and sat down.


“Hey, sweetie pie! Why are you sitting here completely alone? It’s a wonderful night to go party. Wanna join me and my friends? I won’t go without you, ‘cause it would be a waste of a man. I mean, look at you! You’re hot!!!”


I couldn’t believe my ears. This woman was very direct. I felt a bit helpless and I didn’t know how to react. I didn’t anticipate such a thing, so I wasn’t prepared. However I didn’t want to be rude and I said that I’d like to join her, but I didn’t feel well with this. I just hoped that this evening would pass very fast.


We went to a disco and I wanted to go to the bar to have a drink because I didn’t want to dance but the woman grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor. Politely as I am, I danced with her for a while and then I said I need a break and went to the bar.


I ordered a beer, but two minutes later, the woman came and wanted to dance with me again.


“I just need a break!”


“What? You did have your break, now come on! This is fun. You can drink your beer later!” She grabbed my hand, but I retracted my hand as fast as I could.


“What are you doing, you moron? I wanted to dance with you and this is a reason for you to break up with me?”


She slapped me very hard in the face, but still stood there and expected an answer from me.


I was quite puzzled and started to mumble something. I didn’t even know her name and she thought that I wanted to break up with her? This didn’t make any sense. She raised her hand again and I prepared myself for the worst, but suddenly someone hood her arm back. I couldn’t see who it was but the person shouted.


“Don’t dare it to assault my best friend, you bitch. Back off!”


“What the hell are you talking about? I’m just having a little small talk to your so-called friend.”


“Shove off, slut!”


The girl turned to me once more and winked. Then she disappeared. I still couldn’t discover who the person was, because the man had turned his head away to see where the woman was going. Then when he turned to face me, I nearly jumped out of my skin. Chris stood right in front of me with an anxious face. He eyeballed me.


“Come Jon; let’s run away from this place!”


Without saying anything else he grasped my hand and guided me out of the disco. He didn’t say anything, he just guided me. Some minutes later I recognised that we were going to the beach.


We must have been close to the sea because I heard the waves, but I couldn’t see them. It was too dark. The stars sparkled at the sky and some street lights glared in the gloom.




Chris had stopped and turned, so that I could see his blue eyes.


“We’ve got to talk about something!”


I feared what he wanted to say. I thought he wanted to apologise for being such annoying with the thing that we had a sexual relationship, but I had observed something.


When I was hassled by the woman, I wished that Chris would come. I wanted him by my site. I had noticed that I was my own problem. I had to discover that Chris was the person I really wanted.


So what could I do? If he apologised, I could forget everything, but what if he didn’t feel the same way.


“Yeah Chris, you’re right! We really have to talk about something. The first thing is, what the hell are you doing here? I didn’t tell Will where I’d go.”


I just didn’t know how I could stop him so I tried to beat about the bush.


“I was shocked that you wanted to go without saying anything to us. I was worried! I drove to every airport in London and asked for the passenger list but of course, they didn’t tell me. Somehow, I got to know on which plane you were and where it would land. Therefore, I bucked a ticket and tried to find you. It wasn’t easy but in the end I asked the man from the restaurant on the other site of the hotel you live in. He said that he saw you going away with a beautiful girl. If she got off with you, where could you be? I continued with asking for you and some saw you going into this disco. Well, and I think you know the end.”


Chris stopped and stared at me, but I didn’t know what to do. On the one hand, I was fascinated by his story and on the other hand, I looked vainly for a way to talk about anything but not about the relationship between us.


“You’ve got to see, I had to have some time for me. I don’t know what happened but it was like a fist in my stomach or ice water dumped over my head. Spain is really nice. You’ve got to see the beach in the sunlight and the water is very warm. It’s really relaxing here. You can stay in my hotel. We can fly back next week.” I tried to sound as normal as I could in this situation but what would happen if he accepted it and came with me in my hotel room. Would I be able to hold myself back?


I waited for his answer, but I couldn’t spot his thoughts. A group with youths walked past us. They were on drunk and bawled loud into the night. They were on their way to the next party. I tried to distract myself from the endless waiting and stared out to the sea, but still couldn’t see much. It seemed like eternity until Chris cleared his throat and started to speak.


“Sure, I’d like to have holidays. Not that we had to work very hard, but it can’t be that bad to escape from the reality. Eh, do you have a plan what to do now or should we go back to the hotel?”


I was so glad to hear that he’d stay and he didn’t continue with whatever he wanted to say.


“I don’t know. I didn’t even think that I would be beaten up by a girl!” I laughed carefully, but I didn’t have to be afraid that I could say anything bad. Chris patted me on the back joined my laughing.


“You don’t have to make it worse than it was. She just slapped you. That’s a normal reaction, women do, but tell me Jon. What did you say to her? I don’t have any experiences in this.”


“I don’t know what happened. She asked me to dance with her, but when I wanted to have a break, she babbled something about breaking up with her. Then she slapped me. Thank god that you came. You couldn’t have chosen a better time for your arrival. It wasn’t before time!”


“So, do you wanna go back to the hotel? We can explore the beach tomorrow. You know, I’m tired and I think you need sleep that urgent as I! Come on, let’s go!”


The fresh air made me feel awake but when we reached the hotel, I felt that I was very tired.






Chapter Two


The days spun away and everything went normal. Chris and I were at the beach all the time and we either fooled around or lay on the beach.


Now we both wanted to go back to England. It was hard to believe that one week afore I fled because of a stupid feeling in my stomach. Actually, it was a simple case. I had feelings for Chris. I still wasn’t sure how strong they were but I had to find it out while I spent time with him. I didn’t matter if he felt the same. At this moment, but this could change as fast as a bloom could shrivel.


The return flight was more convenient than the outward flight. When the plane landed in London City, it was sunny in. We took our luggage and went out into the sun. It wasn’t that warm as in Spain, but definitively better.


I looked to my right, but Chris wasn’t there. Then I looked the my left site, but he wasn’t there either. Did I lose him? He was right behind me. I waited for some minutes and I became more and more nervous. I went back into the entrance hall but it was overcrowded and I couldn’t see much. So I went to the information and asked if they could call for Chris’s name. They did so, but nothing happened.


I panicked. What should I do?


I waited for thirty more minutes, then I took a taxi to the bakery.


I hoped that Will and Guy were there and that they could help me.


When I arrived, I saw that the front door was open. Normally, it was closed even if someone was there. I paid the taxi driver and ran into the bakery. I was so confused that I forgot the luggage in the taxi.


The bakery was empty. I ran through all the rooms and called for Will and Guy. I shouted, but I didn’t get a reply.


The rooms looked as always. There wasn’t any sign of them.


I sank to the ground. I heard a noise behind me and turned fast around, but the taxi driver stood there. He had carried my luggage into the bakery. I thanked him and gave him tips.


Then I saw a little paper on a bureau. Someone had screwed it up.


I took it and unrolled it. The text was scrawled but I could read it without any problems, but it wasn’t helpful. On it was a message for me.


“No police! Wait for more instructions! Have your friends! Sincerely yours kidnapper!”


I sank to the ground the second time. How could this be? Why did this happen to them? Chris was right behind me, when we came out of the airport. This means that the kidnapper must have been there, but someone would have noticed a thing. There were a lot of people and nobody saw anything?


Now I found my love to Chris and in the next moment, it has been taken away.


The taxi driver still stood next to me. He shook me at my shoulder, but I didn’t realise it.


“Can I help you? Is everything alright?”


I awoke from my trance and looked up to him.


“It’s nothing. I just got a message that...”


What could I say? The truth? It would endanger my best friends.


“I was shocked because I forgot to call my grandma. She’s always worried if I fly with a plane. Thank you for everything and bye-bye!”


I guided him to the door and closed it. Then I made me a cup of coffee and sat down. The message said that I should wait, but how long? What if this message was just a joke and wanderers already found their dead bodies?


I waited and waited. It became dark outside and the street light went on. After a while, I dozed off, because of the dimed light.


When I woke up, I heard a very loud tinkle. It was the phone. I took it and answered and wanted to answer but my throat was raspy and I had to cough. Then I answered with a frightened voice.




A deformed voice answered.


“We have your friends!”


My brain worked with full speed. I wanted to get every single information the person said. Maybe it would help me. I wanted to save Chris’s life and of course Will and Guy.


I waited. Nothing happened. The person on the phone didn’t say anything else, but I could hear him breathing.


“Hello?” I wasn’t sure if he heard me, so I repeated it twice.

“We have your friends!”


Nothing else came out of the phone.


I felt fooled. Normally, a kidnapper would say what he wants and the victim would do everything it could do.


“You’ve already said this. What do you want?”


“Ten million pounds! Get it! Further instructions will follow!”


The person rang off and a peep tone boomed into my ear.


Something was weird about this all, but I didn’t get what. It confused me that the person didn’t say anything else at the beginning than this one sentence.


Of course I knew that he had my friends. I was waiting for this damn phone call the whole day and all I got was the information that he had my friends. No, wait!




I screamed aloud. This meant that there were more than one kidnapper. Would this help me?


“Ten million pounds!”


I paced up and down. This wasn’t a problem. I would make a call to the bank and they would have it for me. Therefore, I did without noticing that it was midnight. An answering machine told me that I should call during the week between 9 am and 6 pm.


Then I phoned the bank manager and he took the call. At first he shouted into the phone.


“Who the hell is there? Don’t you know what time we have?”


I had to say something without endangering the guys. The bank manager would call the police if I told him that I need the money for a kidnapper.


“Good morning Mr. Smith! Mr. Buckland here. It is 12.10 pm! I know that this isn’t a good time to call you and I apologise for this, but I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t know that this is very important for me. I’ll come tomorrow to your bank. I’ve got to remove 10 million pound and I wanted to announce this to you. It’s because of ... eh, a big project.”


“Well, Mr. Buckland, your money will be there!”


“Oh, fabulous Mr. Smith! Sorry that I called that late. Good night!”


“Never mind, but don’t do this ever again Mr. Buckland. Good night!”


This was done! Now I just had to wait until the bank opened.


I went to the couch and lay down. Within seconds, I fell asleep.






Chapter three


I woke up at about nine o’clock. I made myself ready and set out for the bank. There were no complications, when I arrived at the bank. Mr. Smith received me and led me to his office. There he handed me a briefcase out and saw me off.


I hurried to go back to the bakery because I had a lot of money in a briefcase and I didn’t want to miss the call of the kidnapper.


When I entered the bakery, I made me a cup of coffee. Then I sat down and waited. It was horrible to wait all the time.


Then, some hours later, the phone rang and when I answered, the same deformed voice sounded in my ears.


“Do you have the money?”


“Yes I have!”




I waited. There didn’t came another answer. That was strange, very strange! Then suddenly I heard a voice whispering and a swoosh. It was very low but I could understand it.


“What do I have to say now? He’s got the money. Why can’t one of you two talk to him?”




What the hell was that? I had a weird feeling but I couldn’t say why.


“Well, now! You’ve got to follow our instructions.”


“No! At first, I wanna talk to the guys! Why should I know that they’re alive?” I wanted to have a bit more time to think about my next steps.


“That is your problem. Either you come to the St. James’s Park at 2 pm or you won’t see your friends ever again! Do you understand me?”


I nodded. I didn’t consider the fact that the kidnapper couldn’t see me.


“Did you understand me?”




Then, before the kidnapper rang off, I heard a giggle in the background. What was wrong? Then it hit me like a fist.


“NO! This can’t be! They wouldn’t dare to do so!” I shouted it out aloud, but I didn’t feel better. There was just one way to figure this out.


I grabbed the briefcase and ran out. If this is true, I knew where to go. I reached the underground, took the Central line to Holborn.


I got off and ran the escalator up and then I turned left. After a while, I stopped in front of an apartment building. A man came out. Before the door was closed again, I slipped in. Then I went up to third floor and stopped in front of an old brown door. I held my ear at the door and listened.


Then I heard, for what I came. This crap thing! I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t want to believe it.


I looked on my watch and saw that I had half an hour to go to the St. James’s Park. Well, I knew what to do. I grabbed my cell phone, made a call and then I set off to the park.


I sat on a bench and waited. Then I saw him. He had tried to mask his face. He had big sunglasses and a black cap. He wore a black jacket and looked down to the ground. He hid his face in his jacket, but I recognised him because of the way he walked. Unmistakable, it was he.


I tried not to show that I saw him. Therefore, I looked straight the other way. I sensed him sitting next to me. I turned around.


He looked into my eyes.


“Buh!” He took off his sunglasses and grinned.


“HEY Chris!” I shouted at him. Suddenly, we were surrounded by constabularies. They aimed at Chris with their guns.


“Hands up, where I can see them!” An officer right next to Chris shouted at him.


Chris did as he was told and a officer came and handcuffed him. Then they brought him away.


“Stop! I didn’t want you to do this!” I jumped up and yelled at the officer.


“Everything’s alright! Don’t make any trouble. Please come with me. We need you, ‘cause we have some questions about the person.” The officer tried to calm me down, but it didn’t work.


As soon as I got to know that the whole kidnapping was a fake, I wanted to fool my mates too. When I got the call with the instructions and the *kidnapper* asked in the background what he should do, I recognised Guy’s voice. He didn’t deform it at that moment. Then I ran to the one place they could hide. It was the apartment of a friend who was on holiday. When I listened at the door, I could hear Will and Chris laughing. Then I called the police and told them what happened without telling them that there were no kidnappers. Then I told them to which place I should bring the money.


At the police station, I explained everything. The officer looked angrily at me, but he didn’t say anything else and let us go.


Chris trudged by my side, but I didn’t talk to him. I wanted to punish him for that joke which wasn’t funny.


When we were at the bakery, Will opened the door and he had an apologetic face. I waited until we all were inside. Guy sat on the ground with a beer in his hand.


“Hey, there you are!” He cheered to me.


Will and Chris came in and looked at me. Chris had the same apologetic face like Will now.


Will started to talk first.


“I think we all know that this was a bad joke. I would suggest that we forget everything and come back to our normal lives.”


I brooded over his words for a moment. Then I burst out into a big laughing. I couldn’t hold myself back. Actually, I wanted to be angry with the guys, but I couldn’t.


Will looked a bit confused as well as Chris.


“You want us to do nothing again?” I asked between my laughers.


“So, you’re not angry?” Chris asked this carefully.


“Angry? How could I? Well, I was, but now? No! Come on guys! Let’s go to the pub and party a bit!”


The three looked at me as if they saw a ghost, but then they joined me laughing. Guy jumped up. No one had to tell him this twice. Pub and party? He’ll be there.

When the guys started to go, I hold Chris back.


“You two go ahead. We’ll follow you.”


I waited until Guy closed the door. Then I turned around to Chris who looked enquiring.


“Well, Chris! Now I see everything clear. What I want and that I don’t have to be afraid of being what I am. Chris! I love you!”


I waited. His enquiring face turned first into a surprised one, but suddenly he made a step forward. Suddenly I felt his lips on mine and we kissed as if we did this for years.


Then we saw at each other and left the bakery to join Will and Guy.





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