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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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Havent been here for ages!! So much to read!! All of them AWSOME! :clap:



I mean, he always acts like he is God's gift to women,


Isnt he? :sneaky:


ooh, i think i'll go with Sarah. thanks! :nice:


If you love me...

Part 1



We had been together for six years. We shared everything- stories, secrets, an apartment. We even used the same hair brush. Granted, he didn't really have that much hair to brush, but when he did he'd use mine. We were so comfortable with each other. It was nice.


I remember the first day we met. I was waiting in line for coffee at this convenience store, and I think he was waiting in line for cigarettes. I was still about four people away from the register, and he was right behind me. The cashier was some new kid that had just started that day, and with my luck he had no clue what he was doing. Every few seconds he would mumble something to the effect of, "Sorry.. new here.. first day... sorry."


I was getting really annoyed, and while I understood that he was new, I also hadn't had coffee in over 12 hours. It's a terrible addiction that I still have today. Anyway, I think I started cursing at him, not loud enough for him to hear, but loud enough for the guy behind me to hear.


"Getting a little antsy, eh?" a voice asked.


"I haven't had coffee in a while," I replied, turning around as I did. When I first saw him, there was something inside me that lit up. He was beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, hott, and... beautiful.


"Ah, I get you. It's cigarettes for me. I ran out yesterday and didn't get a chance to get more, and... like you care." He laughed nervously.


"Addictions are tough, huh?"


"Yeah. And we've probably got two of the worst ones." He paused, and thoughtfully stared at the wall. He looked like he was trying to make a decision. "I'm Guy." He held out his hand. It was a sexy hand, that's for sure.


"... Sarah. It's nice to meet you." I shook his hand. It felt sexy, too, if that makes any sense.


"The pleasure is all mine." He smiled at me. Absolutely gorgeous.




It was our six-year anniversary. He told me that he had this spectacular night planned, but he wouldn't reveal anything. He only said one thing while I was making his lunch that same morning.


"So, you've got a fancy dress to wear, right?"


"For tonight?" I walked over to him with his lunch bag in my hand. He was standing next to our dining room table, making sure that he had put his shirt on the right way.


"Well, yeah."


"So... we're going to... dinner?"


"Maybe." He wasn't going to tell me any more. To be honest, I didn't really care.


"Yes, I have a dress."


"Fantastic! We'll go out when I get home, OK? I love you." He smiled at me.


"I love you!" I repeated, kissing his cheek and handing him his lunch.


But I didn't anymore.





Guy & Sarah :wink3:


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If you love me...


Part 2






"...Yes?" I looked into his eyes. He knew.


"I can't live without you." It hurt. For some odd reason, it hurt. Guilt, maybe, because I didn't feel the same? Because I spent months not telling him that I didn't feel the same?


I started crying. In the middle of this extremely fancy restaurant, dressed in the nicest dress I'd ever worn in my life, sitting across from the man I once thought was beautiful, I started to cry.


He reached across the table and stroked my cheek with his thumb. I turned away. I couldn't look at him. I couldn't look at him and see the care and love for me that I hadn't returned in months.


I don't know what happened. I used to love him so much. Every morning I would wake up next to his gorgeous sleeping body, and I'd be happy. Absolutely blissful. Even the stream of drool traveling from his mouth to the pillow made me smile. Then one day it changed. One day, I woke up and I was just... content. Not sad, or displeased, or anything, because no one could ever be sad or displeased around Guy, but not happy either. Just content.


It was enough for me, though, at first. For the first few weeks I don't think I even noticed much of a change. After a while, it made a huge difference. There was this emptiness inside of me. All day I would count down the minutes until I could see Guy's smiling beauty again, but when I saw him, it was just like seeing an old friend. I missed him when he was gone, but when he was around I could see that I wasn't as excited to see him as he was to see me.


"Sarah, what's wrong?" I think the ignoring tipped him off. I didn't want to have to break his heart, but I couldn't keep the act up any longer. It was destroying me.


"I.. don't.."


"You don't what?"




"Sarah, you don't what? What's wrong?" There was a worried tone in his voice. He knew. I couldn't tell him. My stomach was churning. It felt like I was gonna throw up. Isn't that how you're supposed to feel when you tell someone you love them, not when you tell them you don't love them?


"I don't." That was as far as I got. I decided that it was finally time to look at him again. I moved my eyes slowly, trying to stall as long as I could. For the most part, he looked extremely confused and concerned, but deep in his eyes there was a hint of fear.


"... you don't."


"I don't."


"You don't... know what's wrong?" I shook my head. "You don't... want to say?"




"You don't want to hurt me."


"No, I don't."


"But you're going to." Tears overflew my eyes again as I nodded.


"Maybe we should get out of here." The other people in the restaurant were starting to look over at us, I could tell.


"OK," I sniffed, trying to wipe the tears from eyes. He called the waiter over for the bill, then we paid and left. There wasn't really anywhere to go, so we just kinda walked around for a bit. Neither of us said anything, but there was this tension between us. He knew, but he still wanted me to tell him. Tell him in order to make it real, or at least to let him know he wasn't imagining things.


"You aren't. You're not imagining anything." That was my way of telling him. Looking back on it, that was extremely cold.





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"Sarah?"..."I can't live without you." :bomb::wacky:

Every morning I would wake up next to his gorgeous sleeping body :dead:

because no one could ever be sad or displeased around Guy:wink3:

"You don't want to hurt me."

"No, I don't."

"But you're going to." :bigcry:


Guy, dump her!!:angry:

Oh Brooke, You shouldn´t have named her Sarah! Now I read this and seems everything is real! :stunned:

OMG I´m such a freak! :uhoh:

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Radio advertisement with Chrissy boy! Along with Viva! Yay! Though it is distracting me from all these stories... I hate computer crashes I have over a hundred pages of fanfics to read now! Thanks for all the stories guys, you're inspiring me to write one! Maybe soon I'll post my own! ;)

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Now that the tour had ended, the boys had more time on their hands. And, with more time on their hands, Jonny and Guy decided to join a baseball league together.


After many practices, it was finally their first game. And, trying to be supportive, Chris and Will decided to come watch.


"What are you doing here?" Jonny asked, tossing a ball into the air and catching it in his mitt. He looked over the two boys. Chris was dressed in his usual black pants, but was also wearing a red tee that said "GO TEAM GO" and a red baseball cap. Will...well, he was carrying a plastic bag filled with snacks.


"We're here to cheer you on!" Chris hugged Jonny.


Guy laughed. "Nice shirt! You got matching pom-poms, too?"


Will frowned. "Maybe."


"TEAM HUDDLE!" the coach called.


"Later guys!" Jon and Guy shouted, running towards their team.


Chris and Will took a seat on the bleachers, not bothering to notice the awkward glances coming from the other fans. Will pulled a hat out of his bag...one of the ones with a beer can on each side and the straws coming down and combining for the ultimate drinking cap.


The players were heading out onto the diamond now, but Chris jumped up and ran to the pitcher's mound. "You guys forgot something!"


"Chris! We have to start the game!!" Guy yelled from left field.


"Oh-oh say can you see?!" Chris started blaring the national anthem, his eyes closed and his head lifted up to the heavens. Out of nowhere, a very muscualar ump picked Chris up and set him down by the bleachers.


"You cause any more problems, and I'll have you carted! Got it?!" The ump stomped away.


"Geeze," Chris muttered. "Now I know how the fans feel when Kelly gets mad at them."


Will laughed. "Just watch the game."


Seven innings passed, Chris and Will lazily munching on chips and cheering on their friends. Finally, the game was at a close...the teams tied 10 to 10 and Jonny the last batter up.


"GO JON!!!" Chris screamed at the top of his lungs.


Jonny swung.


"Striiike!" the ump blared.




Jonny swung.


"Striiike two!"


Chris started jumping up and down on the bleachers. "HIT THE BALL JONNYCAKES!"


Jonny swung, the bat making a connection and the ball flying past the outfielders and soaring into the nearby woods.


"RUN, JONNY, RUN!!!" Chris thought his voice was going to explode as Jonny headed for second. Then, the unthinkable happened.


Chris went running out to third base, catching up with Jon, the two of them sprinting home.


The team cheered, Will and Guy rushing out so they could all embrace in a big group hug. :hug:





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