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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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Will’s Secret Diary

By 5142




At the Bakery, Chris, Guy, Will, Jonny and Phil are sat on the sofa…


Phil: Look, I’m telling you, I thought he was a woman!


Chris: Just stop it Phil, Guy is vomiting!


Guy makes vomiting sounds in the corner


Phil: Well sorry, I was just trying to make conversation!, unlike Will, hey Will what are you doing?


Will: Uhh, nothing…


Will scribbles away in a notebook


Phil: What’s that!


Phil grabs the notebook


Will: Give it back!


Phil starts reading


Phil: Ha!, Will’s Diary!


Jonny: Ha!, Will, YOU have a diary!


Will: Yes, now give it back


Phil: Oh, I will, after I have read a few pages, Hold him back Jonny!


Jonny holds Will back as Phil starts to read


Phil: September 4th, Dear Diary, Guy was teasing me about my baldness again today, I just wish that he would know how it feels, please god, can you make Guy bald!


Phil, Chris and Jonny burst out laughing and even Guy, still vomiting in the corner makes a little chuckle


Phil: Haha!, Wait, there’s more. If you do make him bald I will let you become the new drummer!


They all laugh again


Phil: Ha! This is priceless, let me find a bit where I am at, so Phil, phil, Ha!, here we go, Phil spoke to me today, I felt so amazed, his beauty is amazing!….


As they all laugh again, Will breaks free from Jonny’s hold and grabs the diary and runs out of the Bakery crying


Chris: What have you guy’s done?

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I just found this old post here. Such a shame that all these fics are deleted. Does someone maybe saved them?




I remember reading some of them, but ARGH I didn't save them :cry:


I have Forever since that's still up on a different site other than the Fanfic list but Google doesn't give me ANY of the others and Wayback Machine didn't archive that group. So unfortunately we may have lost all of those fics unless somebody has saved them somewhere.

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I have Forever since that's still up on a different site other than the Fanfic list but Google doesn't give me ANY of the others and Wayback Machine didn't archive that group. So unfortunately we may have lost all of those fics unless somebody has saved them somewhere.




Well okay, thank you for the information...




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Well okay, thank you for the information...





There was another link to In My Place, I think it was? On a Geocities site. But alas, it is down, and Wayback gives nothing. :cry:


I also remember there was a Chris/Jonny/Noel fic on here that I don't think was Get To You (either that or it might have been a slightly more censored version) but it was posted somewhere, the Unit maybe. It wasn't all THAT perv considering the Unit's standards but y'know

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Well okay then, it's about Chris and Guy, so it's slashy! :bobby:




It was raining outside.

Chris hated it, when it rained, it always rained and he was just about to explode because of this crappy weather.

"Fuckin' rain," he swore silently into the pillow under his face, then he turned over on his little bed.

He was on vacation, he needed a rest, so he bought a little house nearly the scottish coast, but the rain wasn't helping at all. It hammered on the glass of the windows, like tiny bullets.

Chris didn't miss his bandmates at all, because they have been together for so long, well, in the bakery and all, and they needed a break of each other.


For how long did he stay here?

For a few weeks now, maybe four, five weeks…


Chris stood up from the bed and rubbed his neck. He looked around in the little room, at the stony walls, the whole house he was staying in had this medieval style, well, because it was very old, the salesman said something about 200 years.

Chris finally found the wall clock.

"Bloody hell, why do I sleep so long?..." It was almost 2 pm, maybe he slept for so long, because it was unnormaly dark outside.

He went up and stumbled over clothes and old magazines on the floor, until he reached the little framework window.

He was slightly shivering, he only wore his black boxershorts. What's so great about them? Well, you just look fuckin' hot in them, tiger!

Chris laughed about his own stupid mind. "Pah, piss off.... great, now I'm speaking with myself again!" Chris rubbed his tired eyes and tried to focus on the area behind the dull window.

He could see the never-ending little and slightly overgrown hills on the one side, the cold and cragged cliffs on the other side.

When his warm breath loomed on the glass, he pulled away.

Should he grab his crappy raincoat and go out for a walk? Or maybe just stay here for the 5 next weeks and read loads of books and watch some trying-to-be-funny-comedy shows?

Chris turned around and tried to find something interesting. He went out of his bedroom and strolled down the wooden corridor. There were a few images of people who lived in this house before. Old oil paintings, already covered with little cracks, dust and dirt.

The image’s eyes silently looked down at Chris, with their serious glances.

Chris walked a little bit faster. The house he bought was beautiful, but this corridor always scared the crap out of him and the fact that there was no light in it made it only worse.

After the next turn, Chris stood in the kitchen. He wasn't hungry at all, but maybe there was something tasty looking to eat. With a finger on the light switch, the old metal lamp hanging from the ceiling buzzed in electricity. Chris turned to the fridge and was about to open it, when the phone rang.


It didn't ring for weeks.


He flew to the phone and grabbed the raunchy telephone receiver.

"Chris here"

"Hey man"

The voice was familiar, a little bit childish, but still very adult and earnest, slightly slurry, which made female fans die all over the world…


"Hey what's up Guy? What a nice surprise to hear your voice!"

"Just wanted to ask if I can bother you at your new vacation place?" The voice asked in a joking tone at the other end.

"Damnit! Okay, then I have to hide my beer!" Chris laughed back.

"Ohh don't you dare!" Guy hang up.

Chris put the telephone receiver back surprisingly and looked quite confused. Does Guy even know where Chris lives?

He went back to the fridge and grabbed an apple. The fridge door slammed back and he bit into the fruit.


Seconds after, the door bell ring.

"Holy shit!" Chris threw the apple away and turned to the main door.

What the hell! Who’s this? …wait, no, that’s impossible!

He went to the heavy door and looked through the little door viewer.


It was Guy. Of course…

"Open up you twat, I know you're in there!" He said, looking back into the door viewer, even if he didn't see a crap.

Chris abruptly opened the door in total surprise. "How did you-"

"You know, I just love the internet!" Guy went past Chris and grinned the whole time.

“God, you’re such a creep!” Chris peered outside and saw Guy’s black sport car.

Chris slammed the door shut, when the cold and freezing air blow around his almost naked body. Shit, he totally forgot to put some clothes on.

"So, this is your new place?" Guy stood there as he was in a museum.

He touched a little bit here, looked a little bit there…

"Yeah, isn't it nice?" Chris went fast into his messy bedroom to grab some wear.

"Uh-huh" He could hear through the open doors. Chris decided to grab his favourite white shirt and the black pants.

When he turned around to speak with Guy, he nearly let out a yell, because his band mate was right behind him.

"So, where's the beer Chris?" He asked, still grinning with his killersmile.

"Well, it’s hidden my friend, just because of the reason, that some unanticipated guests will appear in my house.”

Chris answered, trying to calm down.

"Oh well, then I have to stay until I find it." Guy said back, his eyes forming a challenging glance.

"I guess then you have to stay here for the next weeks" Chris answered meanly.

"Okay... Show me your place! I wanna see everything! The bakery is boring as hell, now where everybody is gone."

Chris was confused by the fast theme change, so he just answered with a short nod and went out of the room.

Chris guided Guy through his nice and little house, showed him the old attic and they also went outside, because the sun suddenly appeared behind the giant rain clouds.

The wind was still blowing and the leaves of a nearly tree flew around the two friends. Chris put his arms around his body, the cold air drew all the warmth out of him.

"This is really a lovely place Chris." Guy looked in the distance.

Nature. Everywhere. No other person, just the pure earth.




"Yeah I love it too, that's the reason why I bought it." Chris crossed his arms and looked at Guy from behind.

His guest wore a black but slim jacket and underneath his favourite a red shirt. And as always, Guy loved to wear his dark tight jeans.

His beard was at least 3 days old, his hair a bit messy but okay.

Chris was shocked by the fact, that he was analysing each little detail on Guy, so he looked ashamed aside. But he still wondered how Guy found him. And how long it took to find him...


"You know, before it gets moldy, we should drink some beer" Chris giggled into Guy's direction.

"...yeah" Guy was still dazzled by the beauty of this naturally place.

Chris rose his eyebrows, however he went back in the kitchen and opened the fridge. Guy didn't follow, he just stood there and breathed the fresh air. He could hear the crashing waves in the far and almost taste the salty froth from the sea.

"Here, I got you some." Chris handed a bottle over to Guy, who took it, with a slightly dreamy look.

"Everything okay?" Chris was worried now. Maybe it was a little bit TOO much fresh air for his friend.

"Yeah" Guy opened the bottle with his lighter, took a mouthful beer and swallowed it slowly. Then he lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

“You should really stop this.” Chris stared at the glowing end of the object.


“Because it’s unhealthy… and it ruins your voice.”

“My voice?”


“What’s wrong with my voice?” Now Guy finally turned around and gave Chris a strange glance.

“Nothing, but sooner or later, you’ll sound like… well, not as euphoniously as now anymore.”

“My voice sounds euphoniously?” Guy’s glance turned into total confusion.

More than that Guy, much more…


"Screw it, let's go inside, it's fuckin' cold outside!"

When Guy didn't move, Chris grabbed his arm and dragged him more or less inside his house.

"Did you smoke weed or what?" Chris joked.

"Damn I miss this crap man!" Guy laughed back.

"Nah, of course I didn't. I just did it when you and your never-ending worryness pissed me off, but these are old times." Guy took another swallow and made himself comfortable on a nearly sofa, Chris went over to the sideboard.

"You know, sometimes I'm still worried..." Chris gave Guy a serious glance.

"Oh COMMON!" Guy threw a pillow after his bandmate. Chris couldn't hold back a laugh and so it bursted out of him and Guy giggled with and soon there were tears of laugher.

"We are just as crazy as in old times!" Chris chuckled breathless.

"I love it" Guy said, looking back.

Chris finally opened a bottle and took a few swallows of the cool beer.

"Now no one, not even a paparazzi fuck can see me consuming alcohol. Isn't that great?" Chris grinned.

"Totally" The answer from Guy came that fast that Chris had trouble not to cough. He could literally feel the glance of the bassplayer on his skin.


Suddenly Guy stood up and walked slowly but steady over to Chris, who was standing next to the sideboard of the kitchen and leaning against it.

Still sipping from the beer bottle, Chris looked over to Guy who was far too close.

Guy stared into the blue eyes and Chris saw his exposed arms getting tensed. The tanned skin gleamed weirdly in the dim light.

Chris put down the hand which held the bottle and turned to Guy, who was at most a few inches away from Chris's face.

"Dude, what are you going to do?" Chris tried to get out of the awkward situation and smiled a little.

"Dunno. I'm just looking" Guy went closer, until Chris felt the heat in front of his face. "Guy..."

No reaction from the bass player. Chris felt the warm breathe against his lips .The cold tiles of the sideboard notched into the back of his thighs.

"Do you have to come so close to look?" Chris couldn't escape, Guy trapped him against the sideboard.

"No" Guy replied, then he froze in his move when his lips nearly touched Chris’s.

"Then stop it" Chris whispered scarcely audible.

Guy took a deep breath and pulled back. "I need to piss. Where's the toilet?"

"It's-" Chris could barely breathe "-the floor down and then the left door"

Guy followed the instruction and disappeared from the room.

"Holy mother of..." Chris ran his fingers through his hair. He looked around to find an explanation for what just happened.

But of course, he didn't find any. His heart racing, he went to the window and looked outside to calm down.

He looked down to his hands, which were trembling as they touched an electric fence. Why did he let Guy come so close? Why didn’t he just pushed him away, as always when they were fooling around… something was turning his sane mind into complete chaos.


The wind got louder outside, little water drops appeared on the glass in front of Chris’s face. He desperately tried to find a hole in the thick rain clouds, but there were no sun anymore.

Chris let out a silent sigh, then he went over to the TV and sat down with crossed legs. Sitting on the carpet in front of the TV, he zipped through the channels and finally found the weather guy talking about an upcoming storm.

"Please stay inside, heavy rain and big hail is possible, also heavy gusts are predicted"

"Shit" Chris scratched his neck.

"Means I have to stay here over night?" Guy had already returned to the living room.

"Probably" Chris answered with discomfort.


Guy, together in this house? The sofa was too small to sleep on, Chris had no matress...

He turned around to face Guy.

"I'm not going to sleep with you in my bed!"

"Nobody said you have to sleep with me" Guy grinned.

"You know what I mean!" Chris rolled his eyes, stood up really fast and threw an angry look at his mate.

"Calm down man, I'm not going to rape you!" Guy laughed and patted Chris on his shoulder.

Chris looked again at the wall clock. Almost 7pm. Time was passing by so fast, too fast.


After talking about new songs, records and playing on a few guitars Chris recently bought, he decided to prepare dinner. Well, prepare wasn’t really the right word, let’s say put-pizza-in-the-baking-oven.

The dinner was done in 20 minutes and Chris was literally drooling of hunger.

“Hooray for fast food!” he sat down at the dining table and stabbed with his fork into the pizza like a little child. Guy was at the other end of the table with a perfect view on his hungry opponent.

“You look so funny when you eat.” Guy was leaning his chin on his hand and pointing with the fork in his other hand on Chris.

“Why do I look funny?!” Chris asked with a full mouth.

“Well, because you probably can’t eat!” Guy laughed and threw the fork aside.

Chris looked down at his dish. Okay, there was more pizza around the dish than on it.

He squinted his eyes and ignored Guy’s laugher.


The men spent the rest of the evening with watching crappy horror movies on the little TV. The men were sitting on the little sofa and Chris wasn’t really sure if this was a good idea. He always felt those curious glances when he watched the TV and when he looked over to his band mate, Guy always smiled as if nothing happened. Of course nothing happened, but these looks, such a torture…

Chris couldn’t handle it, so he turned off the TV and gained heavy cursing from Mr. Berryman.

“Why did you turn the TV off?! The monster was right about to rip that woman apart!”

“Because the movie is shit.” Chris headed the big glass door.

“You’re such a bore…” Guy stood up and stopped next to Chris.

The rain was hammering against the windows, it sounded as it would shoot against the glass.

"Well, the landscape is great you know, but the weather is-"

"-slightly shit, I know" Chris interrupted Guy.

Chris turned over to his guest, who was looking outside into the dark.

His eyes had little sparkles from the dim light inside the room and when Chris realised that he stared into these brown eyes, he was freaked out by his own behaviour.

"It's late enough now, I'll go sleeping. You know where everything is, and if you need something, you can still ask me" Chris said tiredly. He left his guest alone and disappeared from the room.

Guy looked back at the point, where Chris just stood and slowly lifted his head.

This house had something magical. It was so secluded in this cliffy region, Guy wondered how Chris managed it not to drive insane in all this loneliness. How long has he been here? A few weeks, maybe four, five weeks…


A few weeks to long, that’s for sure.


Guy turned back to the big glass door and went closer to the cold material. He bended over to the glass and breathed long against it, until his breathes condensed. Then he drew a little smiley on there.





Chris silently arrived in the bathroom. In there, he suddenly discovered Guy's badass camera. He even took it to this place! Guy seemed to be a real photo addict or something.

There was a little display which shows the images which were taken with the camera. Chris carefully pressed the ON button and when a little buzzing sound went out of the cam, he almost jumped. Did he broke it!? Hopefully not!

Then the little machine went on and Chris could see the images on the display. He went to the most recently ones.

When he saw them, he was freaked out;


Pictures of himself, standing outside of his house, with his white shirt.


Guy probably took them, when Chris wasn't watching him, because the images were from today!

Chris went further, creeped out at the same time, but also amazed, because, without sounding cocky or so, he really looked fucking great in these images!

He could literally feel the atmosphere of the images, the wind blowing and everything. He went further and further on the images, amazed by the millions of details Guy captured there, flying leaves, shining in each colour of the autumn.


"YO! Are you ready? I have to use the toilet!" Guy was knocking at the door.


Oh shit. "Yeah, just a minute!!" Chris turned off the camera and put it back at its place, in the same position how he found it before.

Then he went to the door and unlocked it. Guy faced him, his hair totally wet, water dripping from it and he looked even hotter than before...

"What the fuck!?" Chris said out loud.

"I was outside, just to see if the weather guy was right!" Guy said smiling.

"Right about the rain you fool?!"

"No, about the hail. HE LIED! There's no hail at all, how boring!" Guy pushed into the little bathroom

"Well, good night Chris" he turned around and looked into Chris's eyes. Only for a short moment, but it was enough to make Chris feel all fuzzy inside again.

"Yeah, you too..." He went out and as the bathroom door shut, he looked into the empty space in front of his face. He roughly rubbed his face and tried to clear his mind.


Why does Guy have such a strong influence on me, why am I acting so weirdly the past few hours?


Chris tiredly stumbled into the direction of his favourite space.



He opened the door and it was pitch-black, he couldn't see a thing, but because the ground was covered with magazines and everything, he was sure he entered the right room.

He took of all of his clothes and threw them in a basket, then he crawled down to grab a new pair of shorts. The room was perfect, really great, little and comfortable, the only shitty thing about it was the fact, that there was no lamp or electricity. So he had to feel the way into his bed.

When he reached the soft blanket, he let out a reliefed sigh and crawled on the very left side of the bed, to let Guy enough space to sleep on.

With the soft warmth around him, his eyes went close instantly and his mind faded away, into the wide landscape with thousands of hills and clouds...



...he sat there on the grass, the sun was shining on his head and he threw his head back to let the sunshine touch his face. The heat embraced his body and made him feel ever so comfortable. He cuddled into the heat and sighed again. Everything was perfect...




He was indeed embraced, but not by the sun. He was back in his little cuddly bed. And something other than his blanket was warming him.

He slowly breathed in and out and could feel something heavy on his chest. He carefully moved one hand down to feel this something on his body.

It was an arm, Guy's arm properly.

Chris turned his head around and noticed a soft snoring next to him.

Guy somehow wrapped himself into the most part of the blanket and Chris was feeling not that warm anymore. He almost shivered! That little fucker next to him stole his loved blanket. HIS blanket!!


Chris bended over and tried to grab the blanket, but noticed that Guy was holding it with some kind of death grip.

"Bastard" Chris quietly swore into Guy's fuzzy hair, when he was bending over him.


"Are you cold?" suddenly came from man beneath.

"Of course I am! Give me the god damn blanket!" Chris swore it a little bit too loud, because when he ended the sentence, the slim man under him slipped away and pushed Chris down to the mattress.

"Fight for it!" Guy said, his eyes sparkling with the dim light of the moon outside.

"Fuck you" Chris mumbled back. He wanted to sleep, and not to fool around in the middle of the night, for heaven's sake!

"That means more blanket for me." Guy took all the blanket and wrapped it around himself, until he looked like a giant Eruca.

"Ahahah! You look so retarded!" Chris pointed a finger out to Guy and giggled evily.

"Oh, we'll see who will look stupid the next seconds!" with that sentence, Guy crushed down to Chris, who let out a surprised groan, when Guy's chest hit Chris's.

"You little fucker, I'll throw you out of my house when you don't give me the blanket!" Chris was angry now.

"You would?" Guy sat up on him, his head slightly hanging.

Chris was unable to speak when Guy was acting like this...

"Never. Just give me the blanket, I'm freezing my ass off." Chris said, he couldn't feel his cold fingers anymore.

Guy wasn't moving, just looking down to Chris.

Chris could feel the heath on his skin where Guy was sitting on. "...please" Chris moved his hands up and touched Guy's cheeks, to let him feel how cold he really was.

"Fuck, why didn't you say that earlier that you were that cold!"

Guy stretched both arms away from his body, each hand holding a corner of the blanket, then he went down to Chris and moved his hands fast under the cold body until his hands met back together under Chris's back.

His body pressed on the pale man, he could give all his heat away. He wanted Chris feeling better.

"Erm... thanks…" Chris shifted a little, because he wasn't used to the fact, that two strong hands were under his back and slightly massaging him.

They laid in this position for a while, when Guy suddenly made a decision.


"Chris?" The voice hit every alarm clock in Chris's brain.


"Please don't punch me for that." Guy's voice went to every part of Chris's mental alarm system.

This is SO wrong. Push him away, tell him to sleep in his car, he goes too far!!

"For what?" Chris whispered totally breathless.

"For this-" Guy moved up and stroked Chris's neck with his lips.


"This isn't right." Chris exhaled

"I can't help it." Chris felt Guy's lips moving on his exposed skin.


"Guy please..." The lips almost touched Chris's chin.

Major shit!

"Ah..." Guy's mouth was on Chris's now, his lips moving to a warm and big kiss.

Chris mind struck, his body was talking now. His hands moved up to touch Guy's warm back.

He opened his lips to let Guy enter, he felt the tongue in his own mouth and just let Guy do the rest.


That's Guy on you. GUY FOR FUCKS SAKE!

I know

Push him off!


Why not!?

I can't

... why not you prick?!

Because he's beautiful


Chris was talking to his inner voice.


The hands under his back moved away and landed on his cheeks. Thumps running down to his chin and opening his mouth a little.

"You're so fuckin' hot" Guy breathed into Chris's mouth

Chris answered with a moan and ran his fingers through the messy hair above him.

Chris was unable to think of possible consequences of all this. He just had this man in his mind now. This man and something else, something further...

And as Guy could read the thought in Chris's eyes, he disappeared in the blankets and moved down to the end of the bed.

Where did he go!?

Chris looked up, but couldn't see anything, of course. Then a hand landed on his shorts. SHIT

The hand started to move carefully over the bulge in Chris's shorts. fuck fuck fuck

Guy fortunately appeared back in Chris's sight again. "Do you want this?" Guy's voice was oozing pure lust

"I want you" Chris looked down.

"...in me" Guy's chin dropped. Chris didn't even know how he could say something like that.

Guy slowly lifted his hand and started to suck at two fingers.

Chris could feel the pressure below, but he was able to hold himself back.

Then, Guy stared into Chris eyes for a very long time. Well, maybe it was just a few seconds, but it seemed like an eternity.

"Do it" Chris commanded. Guy nodded and his wet hand disappeared in the blankets.

Chris's face didn't make any move when Guy slowly entered him.

Inside he was boiling, but he tried not to explode of all this lust.

But when Guy inserted a second finger, Chris let out a little whine, the sharp pain was too unexpected.

Guy slowly moved his fingers in and out, trying to comfort Chris as much as he was possible to.

Then he crawled over his trembling friend and slowly removed the whole blanket with the other free hand

Chris automatically straddled his legs and let Guy move further inside him.

"Fuck yeah..." Chris moaned, finally closing his eyes. He could see the dark-red waves of pure lust loving over his inner eye.

Then Guy pulled out and pulled down his shorts. Chris could only hear it, but it was enough to make him totally going crazy.

When he felt Guy at his sensitive spot, he clenched his teeth again, because now it would really hurt.

Guy pushed in very slowly, each of Chris's neurone was sending him nothing put pain and lust

"Ohh my..." Chris bended into the thrust.

When Guy reached his limit, he hissed through his pressed lips:

"Relax a little"

Chris was trying hard, he knew that it was also painful for Guy when Chris was cramped.

Chris wanted to feel this body above him, every inch of it, every inch of Guy, inside and outside of him.

He wanted to reach the top of possible lust, and he was close to it

"Fuck me, common, fuck me!" He was repeating over and over again. Guy pulled out and pushed in again, the pace increasing with every thrust

"Common! Harder!" Chris moved rhythmically with Guy, getting to the maximum

Guy was moaning Chris's name the whole time, sweating and moaning like an animal

He bended down and pressed his elbows into the soft mattress. He pressed himself as hard as he could into Chris, who could barely take all of Guy's length.

Chris was about to scream at his climax, when Guy suddenly stopped.

"What are you doing to me!?" Chris was speech- and breathless

"Not here..." Guy's chest was moving up and down heavily

"WHAT?!" Chris couldn't move, he still had Guy inside of him, and he was too horny to think further

Guy pulled out fast and jumped of the bed. "Common Chris, beds are boring."

"You are kidding me, right?" Chris was literally pinned on the mattress, his body didn't want to move.

"Does this-" Guy pointed down at his potency "-looks like if it would kid you? COMMON!"

Chris jumped off the bed and followed Guy into the kitchen.

"What are we doing here?" Chris didn't know what to do, he could barely stand.

Suddenly two strong hands pushed him from behind and he fell with his belly on the sideboard.

"FUCK!" Chris exhaled when Guy was thrusting him from behind

With a few further pushed Chris was ready to release, but not this way. When Guy pulled out completely for the last thrust, Chris turned around so fast, that Guy pushed in again before he could react, and Chris came against Guy's belly with a deep moan.

He wrapped his arms around Guy, pressing him against himself against the hot body and moving up and down for a few times more

Chris closed his eyes and felt the sweat dripping from his face.

"Fuck..." Guy was breathing against Chris's shoulder

Just as they finished their moving, the storm went over and the strong moonlight went through the curtains of the windows.

A weak moan went out off Guy’s mouth.

"I love this place," he said, still holding Chris in his arms.

"And I love you" Chris smiled and looked into those shiny dark eyes.





There might be some grammatical mistakes, because english isn't my mother tongue!




HOLY HELL!! I was just going back through all of the pages and I had forgotten about this one. I wish that I had the ability to write pervy stuff. not that I would ever go that far. :lol:

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HOLY HELL!! I was just going back through all of the pages and I had forgotten about this one. I wish that I had the ability to write pervy stuff. not that I would ever go that far. :lol:


Hell yes that is an epic perv fic. I likes :wink3:

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Will's Secret Diary

by 5142




Inside the bakery, Chris, Jonny, Phil.......and sort of Guy are feeling bad for what they have done to Will...


Chris: What you did Phil was downright mean! Go and find Will and apologise!


Phil: No way! From what I read he seems to have some sort of attraction to me!


Chris: Go and find him...NOW!


Phil: Oh fine, if it will get you off my back!


Phil walks out the Bakery


Jonny: Hey Guy, are you alright?


Guy: Just about...


Jonny: Look at the mess you have made!


Guy: I'm sorry...


Chris: Don't worry Phil will clean it up when he gets back!


Outside the Bakery, Phil is looking for Will


Phil: Will! Will!...Where are you?


James Morrison is strutting up the street...


Phil: Is that you Chris?


James: No, I'm James Morrison.


Phil: Hahaha, Chris, just leave me to it!


James: I'm telling you I am not bloody Chris Martin, I look nothing like him!


Phil: Okay whatever you say James!


James: Are you being sarcastic?


Phil: Duh!, Look Chris, I am looking for Will, that Is all I can do!


James: What? Will Champion is in trouble!


Phil: Yes, you know that!


James: Jump in my car and we will find him!


A Car pulls up and the two of them jump in...little do they know Will has just walked round the corner!

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James Morrison is strutting up the street...


Phil: Is that you Chris?


James: No, I'm James Morrison.


Phil: Hahaha, Chris, just leave me to it!


James: I'm telling you I am not bloody Chris Martin, I look nothing like him!


Phil: Okay whatever you say James!


:lol: Brilliant!



Phil: Duh!, Look Chris, I am looking for Will, that Is all I can do!


James: What? Will Champion is in trouble!


Phil: Yes, you know that!


James: Jump in my car and we will find him!

Looks like James has a secret conection with Will ... ? :wink3:


Love your Diary story, 5142! *waits patiently for part three*

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