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Farewell Coldplaying


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i don't mean to be trollish, here, but it's better if you don't say this.


because if you get bored and have 5 minutes online and feel like posting here, you'll think "ah, but i said i wouldn't go back! i had a thread and everything" and it'll stop you doing it.



it's better to just say privately to the people you talk to the most "i'm not gonna post for a while" and then if someone misses you, they say that and you come back if you feel like it.

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Justin nooooooooooooo! You are the only person to make me my own thread.......which everyone ignores and is located some where back on page 400 and something. :laugh3: Best of luck. Do pop in from time to time, just don't post one of those lazy ass "so tell me what I missed" threads....I will beat you senseless if you do. :P

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i don't mean to be trollish, here, but it's better if you don't say this.


because if you get bored and have 5 minutes online and feel like posting here, you'll think "ah, but i said i wouldn't go back! i had a thread and everything" and it'll stop you doing it.



it's better to just say privately to the people you talk to the most "i'm not gonna post for a while" and then if someone misses you, they say that and you come back if you feel like it.

Yes you're quite right, I think I should recind his posting rights to make sure he keeps to his word ;)
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See ya later Justin.

Glad that you've enjoyed some of the music I've shared with you. One thing that makes me really happy is when people like music that I show them. Not just to be proud or anything. But its juts fun when you get to know people, and get to know them enough you can share something that is special to you with them.


And always a blast talking sports. You still have me on AIM if you ever are getting music deprived :P

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