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23-Mar-09: Singapore Indoor Stadium, Singapore - Tickets, Previews, Meetups, Reviews, Setlists, Phot

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I just reached home. Thank god I came back in one piece! Min, you've no idea how hard I had a time travelling in SG. Basically, I got lost every freaking where i go! Given first time I'm travelling backpackers, I guess I did alright. Anyway, it was awful the whole time I tried navigating in SG. Terrible, terrible, terrible! My virgin trip to SG from Changi Airport to my hostel and getting back from Stadium are nothing but dramas!


On the other hand, Min.. I can totally get why you'd wanna go to so many COLDPLAY concerts! They're sooooo good! I won't get bored of them anytime! And the phone wave!! Yesssss! We're only the second place after NZ to do the magnificent phone wave!!!!!! Woohoooooo! I'll start saving for my next COLDPLAY trip/adventure/concert in a year's time! I HEART COLDPLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, I SAW YOU MIN!!!!!!!! Your banner, I mean! You did hold it up the beginning when they showed up right? Also, those lucky people on the left side of the stage!!!!!! I envy them!!!!!!! But they have sucky view of them performing back, only their arses they can see. LOL


I'm just sooooooooo excited to finally went to a COLDPLAY's concert after three years wait. So well worth it! And I'm still alive and kicking!

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I didn't get the chance to purchase the merch. They're so unbelievably freaking expensive! Choke blood! 1 shirt for SGD40? That's like almost RM100!! A lousy VIVA logo cloth bag SGD25?! Cannot justified the price. The program booklet, too big for me to carry around, inconvenient since I had to take the bus, MRT, walk..... Just had to forfeit buying it. :cry::cry::cry:

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I was nervewreck since I arrived SG. So excited about the gig, but sooo worried if I have no way to get back to hostel. After this complete first experience, I will def go backpacking again! AND go to any COLDPLAY's! Amidst all the lost in the middle of nowehere in a foreign place, it's actually quite exhilarating experience! *horror to my ears* :D

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Today was finally the day Coldplay came back to my home country of Singapore. I was so nervous about the gig I could hardly sleep last night. Despite the boys hardly stopping for fans before the show in Sydney, I decided to try my luck in Singapore. I went there about 2pm, waited around, said hi to Jonathan (frontman of Mercury Rev) and Bash. Bash was so surprised, and demanded to know 'How did you know my name???? :stunned:' So I told him I'm from the Coldplaying forum :laugh3: and he went 'Oh my picture is on there as well???' :lol:


After a while I got shooed by this man supposedly in charge (he doesn't leave a very good impression on me, I think he's too big for his boots) and I was relegated to behind a security barrier. So fiiiine, I'll stay there, whatever. I knew, however, that since they stepped up security, the band would be arriving soon.


And indeed they did come in a van. Saw Chris, Jonny, Guy and Will. I was holding on to my insane Jonny banner so Jonny smiled at me before he ducked under the door. Chris, however, recognised me from the Sydney shows and approached me :stunned: He said 'Nice to see you again! and gave me a tiny hug :bomb: He asked whether I had flown from Australia to Singapore, but I told him that I'm actually from here, and I had flown TO Australia instead. He then asked if I'm watching the show tonight. I said I had a ticket for myself, but my friends didn't have because they couldn't afford the money. He then said, 'OK I'll see what I can do, stay right here.' as he turned to leave.


Then the female security guard (I'm sorry I don't know her name :embarassed:) came out with Kelly and started looking around. Both of them pointed to me and she asked Kelly 'The one with the sign right?' and he nodded. So she came up to me to get my name and asked me to collect my tickets from the box office!


When I went to the box office, I said I was on the guest list and needed to collect tickets. The lady serving me asked, 'Are you with the promoters?' I looked around :uhoh: and said 'Umm... no...' Then she looked at me incredulously and asked 'You're with the band??? :stunned:' I sheepishly said yes :P She seemed so shocked. When she eventually found my tickets, I had to sign a list which had all the names of the ticketholders and the member of the crew who gave the tickets out. So my name was listed as under 'Chris' :dead:


I was so touched by Chris' gesture. I wanted to thank him but I couldn't since he never did come out after that.




... more to come... just hold up a little :nice:

OMG, Min! You're really a die-hard obsessive fan! There since 2pm?!!!! I was trapped in Bugis area, lost trying to find my way back to my hostel in between Little India and Bugis! WTH!!!

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I can't believe I brought my recently-bought cam to test at COLDPLAY's. Such a waste! The pix all turned out blurry, due to the weird settings (tho I tried setting them right but to no avail). The cam TOTALLY FAILED on me! I'm soooo disappointed! :( Can cry already....

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Sometimes, I think it's such a waste to put petty effort to take pix and vids! You shouldn't be taping or capturing them, seeing them LIVE through lens! It's so WRONG!! We should be seeing them with our OWN eyes, without hands holding stuff. Cos if not, we missed out all the good bits. Everybody just so busy recording these precious memories attending COLDPLAY once in a blue moon til we forgot we should just enjoy the show, that's all

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OMG! The gig was AWESOME!!!! I'm totally speechless now.:D

I couldn't take good photos cos I was too far away from the stage,

plus my camera is quite shitty.:lol:

Here, some of my best shots,:shy:well, it was my first time taking photos at a concert,

pretty bad huh.:P










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COldplay. As the lights dimmed everyone screamed really loudly. LiT, Violet Hill, Clocks, IMP, Yellow were received really really well. Chris said at one point that the Singaporean audience probably ranked near the top of the list of all audiences so far on the tour :D


However, I was pretty disappointed that not many people knew GoW or DWNC, and no one was really singing along to LiT ii, although we didn't miss a beat @ the 'ooooohhh ooooohhh oooh' ending :P


LiJ had probably the best audience reaction of all. When the confetti started dropping, everyone just started shrieking and trying to catch them and taking pictures of them :nice: It was a nice surprise for everyone, I heard soooo many comments that it was amazing and awesome and cool and brilliant :lol:


Chris saw me in the crowd (I was about 3rd row), pointed at me and smiled :nice:


We did the Coldwave :lol: But the audience wasn't really into it I guess :rolleyes: The first few rounds were amazing but it petered out really fast, it was quite embarassing.


At the end of the show, I went to the FOH but they had run out of setlists already. The soundman however was really nice and laughed at my hoarse voice and commented, 'So you were singing along, eh???' :lol: I went out, hopefully to catch a last look at the band. Unfortunately Jonny, Guy and Will did a runner again. I was pretty sure Chris was still inside, despite all the ushers and security guards saying everyone had left. So I didn't move an inch from where I stood.


When the crowds outside the stage door had thinned, one of the security guards suddenly and quietly slipped me a folded piece of paper. :stunned: A setlist :stunned: I was so shocked and surprised I just looked at it in amazement. When I finally got to my senses, I repeatedly thanked the guard quietly, over and over and over again. He just smiled :nice:


Then after a while, he came back up to me and said 'Why aren't you going back yet?' I told him I was waiting for the band. He looked around :uhoh: and then whispered, 'Yeah, the lead singer's still inside. But don't tell anyone I told you that.' How awesome is he???!


So I waited around a little more. I saw Matt coming out for a smoke. I quietly called his name and he turned around, saw me and climbed up the flowerbed. I told him 'I just wanted to say that it was a good show.' He thanked me and then said 'Here, a gift for you' and he gave me a customised Viva La Vida guitar pick :nice:


Chris came out after a short while, but he didn't stop for us, I think he's just really tired. He did wave to us though :nice:



So that wraps up the last of my adventures for the Viva la Vida tour.


I haven't met Jonny yet, despite trying at least 5 times. However, I should be content since he smiled at me a couple of times and gave me his guitar pick. Chris has been an absolute angel; I wish I had a way to thank him properly!!!!!!!

You. Are. THE. Most. Luckiest. Gal. IN THE WORLD. full stop!


sorry i backlogged and commented on those posts. trying ta catch up things i missed

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aweeesome pictures you guys! thanks for sharing!


i have a question though: how the hell did people with huge lenses get through?! i thought those weren't allowed! i just want to know.. for now i'm happy with my crappy videos/pictures, because i took 'em :cool:

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OMG, Min! You're really a die-hard obsessive fan! There since 2pm?!!!! I was trapped in Bugis area, lost trying to find my way back to my hostel in between Little India and Bugis! WTH!!!


If I was there I'd even be the first to bug Min to be at the arena by 7am! :laugh3:


I thought Chris gonna swing a lamp during Fix You :D


i thought so! :P

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The end of the set


I can't believe this whole thing is OVER just like that!! The month-long anticipation, over in 3 hours! Snap snap! Now, it's back to normal life. No more COLDPLAY concert near this region in 2009. So sad.... This time last night we were having so much fun singing and jumping and tapping our feet!

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The cover song? A famous cover of that song would be by the Smashing Pumpkins...used for the Shrek soundtrack...i guess that's why a lot of people know it


actually, it was covered by Smash Mouth for the Shrek soundtrack ;)


tho it would be interesting to hear a Smashing Pumpkins cover of this boppy ditty...heh

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Cant' believe I took so many bad, terrible pix and vids. Looking through my vids now, I'm having headache just viewing them. GOD!!


is your's a normal P&S digicam too? i took so many pix & vids that by the end (even before the encore) my cam was out of batt already. most of my vids were crap (i discovered only then that it's crap at zooming in for vids) & i relied a lot on the digital zoom, but the -ve of using it is pix turn out really grainy & you can't really see the band's faces in a lot of the photos. :(

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Disclaimer: Sorry for the lousy, shitty quality of the pix. I'm one of the world's worst photo taker ever! :embarassed:





The setting up and when crowd starting pouring in. I was on T04. I can see the FOH clearly from up there. I *heart* FOH. They're fascinating to me.








End note: It's amazing how some noobie tweaking on terrible pix can turned out to be okay quality. :rolleyes: Technology these days.. People don't actually need to take great photos, just PS them.

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