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Gliz, Jiggs, LUSH, Glowing, Mars, Zoo, Dawcy, Maky, Caro and CRESTY need a place to talk! But EVERYO


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Well I am here but heading off now, sorry!! :D!!

Speak to you all soon!!


Ok bye! :hug:


John Locke's influence on Thomas Jefferson and James Madison's political philosophies...


edit: Uh yeah, that's my paper topic, I'm not just posting random sentences :P


Umm... whaaaat? :uhoh::lol:

Good luck with that...

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John Locke's influence on Thomas Jefferson and James Madison's political philosophies...


edit: Uh yeah, that's my paper topic, I'm not just posting random sentences :P


That's a good topic. You basically can discuss his influence on all the Foudning Fathers and the American Revolution. I would really love to read your paper when it's done.

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:bigcry: I'll need luck! Why did I come up with this topic?! Everyone else is doing stuff like Woodstock, and here I am writing about 17th century philosophers... *bangs head on desk*


You Americans have weird homework :lol:


LOST! Oh...not that John Locke.




Sorry for replying so late but I just woke up. LOL!!


Yeah, I like that show. It is one of the few shows I watch.



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That's a good topic. You basically can discuss his influence on all the Foudning Fathers and the American Revolution. I would really love to read your paper when it's done.


Well it used to be Locke, Montesquieu, Hume, and Rousseau, and their influence on a lot of Founding Fathers, but I had to cut it down A LOT. So now it's just Locke's influence on those two :P And sure, but the final draft won't be done for a couple of weeks! :)


You've never watched LOST?


:embarassed: I watched it when it first started, but I started missing episodes and couldn't catch up, so I gave it up :\ What does Locke have to do with Lost?

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Oh, I love Lost but last weeks episode was their weakest so far this season. I was hoping the black smoky monster was scarier than what they made it out to be.


Lost is interesting because of the names of their characters. You have John Locke, Rousseasu (now dead), Aaron, Jacob, and so on. These characters either deal with mankind in some form which is interesting.

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