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Am and have been since I was 13 (nearly seven years now). And to everyone who says they like it to much, for you I shall throw in a big ol' cliche: once you've not had it for a month or two, you won't miss it. And buy a good veggie cookbook, that helps.

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where i'm from, during Buddhist funerals, they don't serve anything BUT vegetarian food. unfortunately for me, vegetarian food doesn't really fill up my tummy & i end up sneaking off for some meat/fish to fill the void...so to speak. so i think i'd make a lousy excuse of a vegetarian/vegan.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Pure Vegetarian!!

Not even eggs............ :D


I guess i am the only one here.............:thinking:



Not the only one...I'm vegan as well. No meat, dairy, eggs or honey. I don't use or buy products that have animal by-products or that have been tested on animals. I don't wear leather, wool, or other animal products either.


Just a bit of info for those of you that say humans are meant to eat meat.....our bodies aren't actually designed like the bodies of true carnivorous animals. First, our incisor teeth aren't nearly sharp enough to rip apart raw flesh. Our molar teeth are flat, carnivores are not. Our jaw moves up and down and side to side, making it easy to grind plant foods. Carnivores jaws only hinge up and down, ideal for chewing through tough flesh. Our intestinal track is very long, for extracting nutrients from plant foods. The intestinal track of a carnivore is very short, best to quickly eliminate decaying meat. And finally, the liver of a carnivore contains the enzyme Uricase, used to break down the uric acid in meat. The Liver of a human has a low tolerance for breaking down uric acid from meat. So really, humans are not meant to eat meat.


Besides the physiological evidence, meat consumption is a completely uneccessary part of the diet. It pollutes our environment worse than our addiction to our automobiles, and it is terribly, terribly cruel

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Not the only one...I'm vegan as well. No meat, dairy, eggs or honey. I don't use or buy products that have animal by-products or that have been tested on animals. I don't wear leather, wool, or other animal products either.


Just a bit of info for those of you that say humans are meant to eat meat.....our bodies aren't actually designed like the bodies of true carnivorous animals. First, our incisor teeth aren't nearly sharp enough to rip apart raw flesh. Our molar teeth are flat, carnivores are not. Our jaw moves up and down and side to side, making it easy to grind plant foods. Carnivores jaws only hinge up and down, ideal for chewing through tough flesh. Our intestinal track is very long, for extracting nutrients from plant foods. The intestinal track of a carnivore is very short, best to quickly eliminate decaying meat. And finally, the liver of a carnivore contains the enzyme Uricase, used to break down the uric acid in meat. The Liver of a human has a low tolerance for breaking down uric acid from meat. So really, humans are not meant to eat meat.


Besides the physiological evidence, meat consumption is a completely uneccessary part of the diet. It pollutes our environment worse than our addiction to our automobiles, and it is terribly, terribly cruel



Ummm I think there's a lot to discuss about this. Of course we're not pure carnivores, the more exact term is omnivores, right?


and I actually believe that starting eating flesh, for us humans was a very important step in our evolution because it gave us lots of energy and cause the development of our brain. The problem comes when we examine today's diets which tend to be over-calorific.


And yes, eating flesh in excess might cause some of the problems that you're talking about. These days I'm trying of not eating so much meat on my meals. Actually I'm thinking of trying being a "moderate" vegetarian at least for a while. :) To see how it feels... I sometimes get the idea that we eat very heavy things in our diet, not sure if I can explain...


I think I could start not eating red meats.

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I love meat.

I understand the many reasons people choose not to eat it, but those reasons do not affect me on such a level that I have ever had any intention of not consuming it.

Don't plan on changing my meat eating status any time soon lol

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Not the only one...I'm vegan as well. No meat, dairy, eggs or honey. I don't use or buy products that have animal by-products or that have been tested on animals. I don't wear leather, wool, or other animal products either.


Just a bit of info for those of you that say humans are meant to eat meat.....our bodies aren't actually designed like the bodies of true carnivorous animals. First, our incisor teeth aren't nearly sharp enough to rip apart raw flesh. Our molar teeth are flat, carnivores are not. Our jaw moves up and down and side to side, making it easy to grind plant foods. Carnivores jaws only hinge up and down, ideal for chewing through tough flesh. Our intestinal track is very long, for extracting nutrients from plant foods. The intestinal track of a carnivore is very short, best to quickly eliminate decaying meat. And finally, the liver of a carnivore contains the enzyme Uricase, used to break down the uric acid in meat. The Liver of a human has a low tolerance for breaking down uric acid from meat. So really, humans are not meant to eat meat.


Besides the physiological evidence, meat consumption is a completely uneccessary part of the diet. It pollutes our environment worse than our addiction to our automobiles, and it is terribly, terribly cruel



:surprised: :happy2:

that reminds me about my Biology teacher........


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Ummm I think there's a lot to discuss about this. Of course we're not pure carnivores, the more exact term is omnivores, right?


and I actually believe that starting eating flesh, for us humans was a very important step in our evolution because it gave us lots of energy and cause the development of our brain. The problem comes when we examine today's diets which tend to be over-calorific.


And yes, eating flesh in excess might cause some of the problems that you're talking about. These days I'm trying of not eating so much meat on my meals. Actually I'm thinking of trying being a "moderate" vegetarian at least for a while. :) To see how it feels... I sometimes get the idea that we eat very heavy things in our diet, not sure if I can explain...


I think I could start not eating red meats.



Yes, omnivore is the more exact term for humans, and evolutionarily speaking it may have been important for us to begin eating flesh at some point. The point is, that it is no longer necessary, and is in fact unhealthy.


But more to the point, it is incredibly cruel. Just have a look at this if you don't believe me. Unfortunately this lack of regard for life has further reaching affects than just the animals that are treated cruelly. Often times the human beings that work in these conditions have become so numb to the violence that they often abuse substances to remain numb. They also exhibit a lack of regard and compassion for other humans, whome they often times abuse (namely their peers and family).


I applaud your choice to include more vegetarian choices in your diet, you are doing a fantastic thing for your health and for the welfare of other beings!!!

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I love meat.

I understand the many reasons people choose not to eat it, but those reasons do not affect me on such a level that I have ever had any intention of not consuming it.

Don't plan on changing my meat eating status any time soon lol


Actually, they do affect you.....Livestock farming produces more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire transportation industry. Fresh water is wasted on livestock farming, corn and grain are used in massive quantitites to feed these animals, 1/5 of that amount is required to feed a human. Livestock farming is destroying our planet.....the same planet that we all share, therefore, affecting you.


Consuming meat also directly affects your health. Obesity, heart disease, many forms of cancer, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, etc. have all been associated with meat consumption. There are also many who believe that the energy we take in from our food affects us. Imagine all of the negative energy you consume with each bite of flesh......fear, anger, violence.....is that really what you want to be putting into your body??


I understand that you feel you aren't affected by this, I haven't been a vegetarian my whole life, and I once took the same view you have. However, before you make such a broad assumption, I urge you to do some research regarding meat consumption and animal farming. You will be surprised what you find out. And remember, at some level, we are all connected, so what affects one of us, affects us all.

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Yeah, i have not had any meat since the 6th grade and now im a 3rd year uni student. So its been a good amount of years. I did however try squid like a small piece nearly 3-4years ago. took one bite and spit it out. It was nasty! I dont care really if people et meat, that is their own choice, just like me being a vegetarian is. However it bugs me when people ar elike "how do u get protein" "we were made to eat meat" Sure, humans are omnivores, which means we can assume both meat and plants. People eat waaaay to much meat, and while protein is good for u, u can get it through other resources. Eating meat is a choice. i could care less. I have friends who eat meat, and i know people who go deer hunting. They dont tease me for being a veggiehead and while hunting bugs me, im not gonna force them tostop.


All im saying is i feel like people who are the animal actvist who shove it down peoples throats are somewhat hypocrits. I am one, i do enjoy advocating and supporting non factory farms*read diet for a deadplanet, it may make u think twice bout the next time u eat a hamburger* But, i hate when non vegetarians hassle me about not eating meat. So I try not to do it to those who do.


There is no reason not to assume some meats*its just a persnal thing for me* but assuming alot is where the problem is and where it affects the environment.

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