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How to get caffeine without sugar or coffee?

Matter-Eater Lad

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Use a straw, it bypasses your teef.


EDIT: LOL, Nick, it just dawned on me how vain your post is. But it's okay, I think about stupid stuff like this all the time. I sleep on my stomach so sometimes I worry if I lay on one side of my face too much it'll create asymmetric wrinkles in my skin. :P

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Use a straw, it bypasses your teef.


EDIT: LOL, Nick, it just dawned on me how vain your post is. But it's okay, I think about stupid stuff like this all the time. I sleep on my stomach so sometimes I worry if I lay on one side of my face too much it'll create asymmetric wrinkles in my skin. :P


lol I worry about that too, I sleep on my stomach most the time too.:stunned:


White tea?


Never thought about that.

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Nick, we've totally gotta hang out sometime. You're like my long lost brother or something, lol. Let's find out when Peter Schiff is doing a tour near us and meet him together! I'm going to get him to sign my chest and we can both scream really high-pitched when he shows up.

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^ yeah :lol:


from Wiki:

Unless specifically decaffeinated, Green Tea contains caffeine.[3] Normal green tea itself may contain more caffeine than coffee, but the length of infusion with hot water and the amount of time you use the green tea leaves can greatly alter your caffeine intake.[3] Experiments have shown after the first 5 minutes of brewing, Green Tea contains 32 mg caffeine.[3] But if the same leaves are then used for a second and then a third five minute brew, the caffeine drops to 12 mg and then 4 mg.[3]


Green teas contain two caffeine metabolites (caffeine-like substances): theophylline, which is stronger than caffeine, and theobromine, which is slightly weaker than caffeine.


it also doesn't stain teeth (when you get a good and fair quality) and is sooo healthy, non?



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