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Coldplay most powerful Brits in Forbes 'Most Powerful Celebrity' List


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Angelina Jolie topples Oprah as world's most powerful celebrity




Superstar actress and humanitarian advocate Angelina Jolie has unseated talkshow diva Oprah Winfrey as the world's most powerful celebrity in a new survey published by Forbes magazine Wednesday.


The top ranking is based on income over the past 12 months as well as web references, press clippings, broadcast mentions and major magazine covers devoted to the celebrity, Forbes said.


Oscar winner Jolie, 33, one half of the Hollywood golden couple dubbed Brangelina with Brad Pitt, earned $US27 million ($32.89 million) between June 2008 and June 2009.


Her earnings and "famous face," Forbes said, were enough to dethrone media maven Winfrey, who earned $US275 million.


Jolie, who came in third last year, is known for balancing her movie career and work as a goodwill ambassador for the UN refugee agency with her ever-growing six-child family with Pitt.


In third place was pop legend Madonna - absent from last year's top ten - whose tabloid antics and hit world tour Hard Candy boosted her profile and earned her $US110 million, the magazine said.


In fourth place was singer and actress Beyonce Knowles with earnings of $US87 million, who was lauded by Forbes for her "multi-platform empire."

The top male power-player Tiger Woods came in fifth with $US110 million in earnings. Despite a year beset by injury, the star golfer remained the world's highest paid athlete.


A lucrative touring schedule was enough to catapult rock legend Bruce Springsteen to the sixth spot with $US70 million in earnings, and bump director Steven Spielberg to seventh, whose work on the Indiana Jones sequel earned him $US150 million.


Actress Jennifer Aniston took the next spot, a cut above her former husband Pitt, with movie hits and tabloid splashes earning her the eighth spot.


With earnings of $US28 million, Pitt came in at ninth with his headline-making family life with partner Jolie and a blockbuster turn in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.


Rounding out the top ten was basketball wizard Kobe Bryant, whose first appearance in the upper echelons of celebrity power came thanks to big-bucks endorsement deals after the Beijing Olympics.


Anthemic, soul-searching band Coldplay were the most powerful Brits on the list this year with a debut at the 15th spot, following a sold-out world tour and a smash hit album Viva la Vida.


Also debuting, at number 49, was Barack Obama - the first head of state to hit the Forbes's Celebrity 100.


With his historic election to the US presidency in November 2008, the former Illinois senator and bestselling author became "the most famous person in the world," Forbes said.




I do hate Angelina Jolie...just FYI :P

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Oprah Winfrey will have to wriggle up to make room on the sofa because the queen of daytime TV has just been toppled as the most powerful celebrity on the planet.


Step forward Angelina Jolie, whose roles in Changeling and Kung Fu Panda last year pale in comparison to the starring role she plays in her own family drama, the latest episode of which adorns the cover of at least two celebrity gossip mags each week.


Surfing the wave of publicity generated by the birth of her twins last July, she has been crowned by Forbes magazine atop its Power List of the 100 most influential celebrities in 2009.


"Oprah is still our biggest earner, but when it comes to fame, Angelina Jolie is hands down the most famous woman on the planet," says Macey Rose, a senior editor at Forbes.


"There's a mystique about her that she has been able to maintain for years now, and there is always another story to tell about her children, about her films, about her philanthropic work and about her relationship with Brad Pitt. She is part of the pop culture dialogue on a daily basis and that sets her apart from every other celebrity."


The magazine ranks celebrities not just for the earnings power they are packing, but for the impact of their "brand", counting up magazine covers, TV appearances, and the acres of newsprint and gigabytes of internet space that are given over to discussing their movements.


The list itself, in the issue which hits news-stands this morning, will no doubt become the latest chapter in that eternally fascinating love triangle: Brad Pitt is overtaken this year by his former wife, Jennifer Aniston, who pips him to No 8.


The top 10 most powerful stars is split 50-50 between men and women, but if the list had been based on earnings alone, only Oprah, Madonna and Beyoncé Knowles would have made the top 10.


Angelina Jolie's earnings last year are estimated at $27m (£17m), putting her at No 60, one-tenth of the sum raked in by Oprah from her TV, magazine and lifestyle empire.


And what of the Brits? They may well discover that their castles stand upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand, but for now Coldplay rule the world.


It is a rare radio station in Middle America that doesn't play something penned by Chris Martin at least once an hour, and his troupe is officially the most powerful band on the planet, according to Forbes, which reckons that the band racked up about $70m in earnings in the past year, mainly from their giant stadium tour. They are at No 15 on the list.


They were out-earned by the equally ubiquitous international sourpuss that is Simon Cowell, who made $75m last year from judging American Idol, the nation's most popular TV show, and from his own talent show formats on both sides of the Atlantic.


But Cowell has to settle for 25th place in the power rankings.


JK Rowling, having exhausted her seven wizard books, did not make the 100 at all this year, despite having made more money than Oprah the previous time out, the year when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was published. Daniel Radcliffe – described by Forbes as a "tween star" – stays on the list, at No 70, having taken his clothes off on Broadway for the play Equus.


New to the list this year is the country star Taylor Swift, who made $18m in the past year from selling four million albums and touring, along with one Barack Obama, to whom Forbes magazine gives the designation "author".


He is the first sitting head of state to qualify for the list, after his rise to the US presidency helped him shift a million copies of Dreams From My Father and The Audacity of Hope. President Obama sits at No 49, a place behind George Clooney – and two places behind Australian grizzlerockers AC/DC.


Big names: Who made it


The 'Forbes' celebrity 100 power list:


Top 10


1. Angelina Jolie

2. Oprah Winfrey

3. Madonna

4. Beyoncé Knowles

5. Tiger Woods

6. Bruce Springsteen

7. Steven Spielberg

8. Jennifer Aniston

9. Brad Pitt

10. Kobe Bryant


The Brits


15. Coldplay

25. Simon Cowell

28. David Beckham

70. Daniel Radcliffe

94. Hugh Laurie

97. Kate Moss



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She annoys me no end, her and Brad do, I really dislike them and I'm not sure why :lol:


They just seem so fake...especially her. Bleugh.


Plus neither of them are fantastic actors, she's slightly better than him, but they're far more successful then they should be (mostly because they're gorgeous and know how to sell themselves)





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:surprised: Noooooo....he's terrible. Terrible for someone who has made such a successful living out of it.


I'll concede he was uncharacteristically good in Benjamin Button, but ordinarily he is average at best, verging on wooden.

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I don't care for either one of them. She is just a disgusting skank. Anyone who kisses their brother the way she did and carried a vial of blood around their neck is missing a few marbles in their brain. He, well, he just sucks.


Nice to see Coldplay on the list.

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Anyone who ... carried a vial of blood around their neck is missing a few marbles in their brain.


That rings of more of a gothic/Wiccan thing to do (moreso Wiccan I would say but I don't want to stereotype since I know diddly squat about these things), but hey, celebrities trying out random crap to get attention is nothing new.

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That rings of more of a gothic/Wiccan thing to do (moreso Wiccan I would say but I don't want to stereotype since I know diddly squat about these things), but hey, celebrities trying out random crap to get attention is nothing new.


I'm not that familiar with either one but her and Billy Bob Thorton each carried a vial of the other's blood so they could be close to one another. Angelina tries a lot of things to get attention. It would be nice if she simply took a break. LOL!!

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^ yeah and he sound quite pissed and said "he wish it was true"

but maybe he's trying to fool us because I mean the boys have been buying real estate etc. so they must be making a pretty "decent" amount of money


p.s. 70 mil \4 = 17.5 mil :)


who knows ?!

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Guest LiquidSky

I think Angelina is a better actor than Brad is but I hate to see them on the list.. honestly..:dozey:

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