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Awsomest Coldplay Guitar Solo of Life


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White shadows? what solo are you talking about? :thinking:


I think she meant just throughout the whole song. I know thats what I meant,when I said White Shadows up there. When Chris is not singing and Jonny's guitar and Guy's bass is just making this AMAZING sound.....but yeah i guess that really is not a guitar solo....per say. :P

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It's kind of funny yet kind of sad how much of a stretch some of these 'solos' are. Most of them are just the song's lead part played again (ie Spies, Lovers In Japan). Few songs really have Jonny break out and play something noticeable and different (Violet Hill, AROBTTH Live 03).

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Lost! guitar is :stunned:

Yeah okay. But like Violet Hill, it's very simple and repetitive. Few songs of theirs really let Jonny go off on a good solo. AROBTTH comes to mind, same at the ending of Daylight during that tour. It seems like on this tour he doesn't really have anything even mildly challenging or exciting.

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how so? the bridge riffs in both of spies and lovers never appear earlier in the song like, say, in my place and GPASUYF. How is the spies solo like its lead part?

Well what do you mean by 'bridge part' in Spies? If you're referring to what he plays while Chris sings "and if we don't hide here...", that's just the notes of the chords being plucked in tremolo (rapidly). Hardly a 'solo'. And if you're referring to what he plays right after Chris finishes singing the bridge part, he's just playing his chorus part again (what he plays after "they're all spies"), and it's just a few notes at that. He doesn't have much of a solo.


And in Lovers I think you're referring to what he plays after the second chorus? If so, there are several overlapping guitar parts, but basically it is a combination of the tremolo he plays throughout, with a new addition of some strummed power chords. Again, not much of a solo, more like a filler part.

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I guess all I'm saying is I wish the band would let him actually go for a really cool solo now and then. He obviously has the chops for it, but he is so restrained by the music. Even in Violet Hill it seemed to me amazing that they had a bridge of a guitar solo rather than some more singing, but it's the same tiny riff played 4 times in a row. Why don't they just let Jonny be a lead guitarist and put out a good solo even on one or two songs?

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