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OMFG!!! A friend of mine bought tickets for Wembley long ago and she won't be able to go so she's giving me her tickets! I'm so thereeee :dead:


I :heart: Coldplay!!


Who else is going? I'll be wearing a pink shirt so everyone can recognize me! :wacky:

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Ahhhh OMG....holy you'll be there, too? Argh lucky you, I sooooooooooooooo envy you...I actually thought of going there as well, but I thught I couldn't pay it, but I got some extra money for my holidays..so now I have more money than I thought ....and...ahhhh.......I am not really sure...:\


but uhm......if she got two tickets and she'll give the tickets to you...you will have one ticket left, right?:wink3:



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Who are you to speak about me like that? 'track record'? What are you even on about?


I think we both know.;)

If you feel like discussing this further you can PM me, although I won't be holding my breath on that score.;)



....and if you don't believe me, that's up to you.


I'd actually have far more respect for you if you at least admitted you were taking the p*ss, but whatever. I don't actually give a t*ss.:rolleyes:

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If you're referring to when I met you that time at the Travis concert, I would like to point out that when I met you......

I offered to shake your hand first and it really looked like it would not have happened the other way round, if we were thinking about your little 'bury the hatchet' scenario that you were talking about a few weeks ago.

I initiated many conversations. It was an awkward situation but I was perfectly polite to you, given how we have had many arguments over the Internet.

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If you're referring to when I met you that time at the Travis concert, I would like to point out that when I met you......

I offered to shake your hand first and it really looked like it would not have happened the other way round, if we were thinking about your little 'bury the hatchet' scenario that you were talking about a few weeks ago.

I initiated many conversations. It was an awkward situation but I was perfectly polite to you, given how we have had many arguments over the Internet.


I'm not discussing this here. If you want to discuss it privately (as it should have been in the first instance) then fine. Remember there are two witnesses to what happened that day, who would be more than happy to set the record straight privately.;)

If I don't receive any communication to that effect, I will assume you have no intention of sorting this out amicably, as your previous actions have indicated.


Anyway, this has nothing to do with this thread.

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