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Jay Z wants Chris Martin to give him yoga lessons


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Just found this in a Belgian newspaper :D


Jay-Z wil yogalessen van Chris Martin


Jay-Z, die het voorprogramma verzorgt van Coldplay tijdens hun Amerikaanse tournee, is jaloers op de souplesse van Chris Martin en wil dat de Coldplayzanger hem yogalessen geeft.


"Ik probeer vier keer per week naar de sportzaal te gaan, maar de voorbije maand ben ik er niet geraakt wegens vakantie en de tournee. Ik ben jaloers op wat Chris presteert op het podium. Hij beweegt echt goddelijk. Mijn been achter mijn oor leggen, dat wil ik ook kunnen".


Hoezeer Jay-Z ook van het toerleven houdt, hij mist het comfort van thuis. "Ik mis mijn bed, er gaat niets boven je eigen bed. Volgende keer neem ik mijn eigen lakens mee". (bang/lb)






Sorry it's in Dutch, but it basically says Jay Z is jealous about the way Chris moves on stage. He also wants to be able to put his leg behind his ear :lol: And for that he wants Chris to give him yoga lessons :lol:

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Jay-Z, who is doing the support act for Coldplay during the American tour, is jealous with Chris Martin's limberness and he wants Chris giving him Yoga lessons.


"I try to go to the gym four times a week, but the past month I didn't because of holidays and the tour. I'm jealous of the way Chris performs on stage. Putting my leg behind my ears, is something I want to do too


However Jay-Z does love the life of being on tour, he misses the comfort of being home.

"I miss my own bed, there's nothing better then you're own bed. Next time I'll bring my own sheets.

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