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Coldplay End of Decade Clearout Sale (catalogue discussion pg43 onwards, winning item pics pg151 onw


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Yeah, it's gonna be 4 am for me as well. I've been planning an all-nighter ever since I learnt the time, but I'm getting the flu and I know that it's not going to be healthy AT ALL for me to lose any sleep. And I'm really getting a bad dose... summer flu is the worse... argh.


So I think I'm gonna have to bow out on this and just have a look tomorrow. Have fun Coldplayers! :nice:


Hey there fellow Aussie :D


That sux that you're sick, what an innapropriate time!

I'll just have a big long nanna nap tomoz, before heading out for a rare night out on the town.

And yes, the time difference is a pain in the arse :annoyed:

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Yes that would be me :D Me and my friend were first in the queue :laugh3:


Soooo, soooo lucky!

Now THAT'S dedication! I am in the comfort of my lounge room; with a heater for when it gets cold at 3am; snacks and drinks and most importantly a bathroom!


You are going to have an absolutely amazing experience :awesome:


If you get a chance tell Guy his wife loves him! ;)

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Soooo, soooo lucky!

Now THAT'S dedication! I am in the comfort of my lounge room; with a heater for when it gets cold at 3am; snacks and drinks and most importantly a bathroom!


You are going to have an absolutely amazing experience :awesome:


If you get a chance tell Guy his wife loves him! ;)


I will do :D LOL

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Ohhhh where is this catalogue I want to see it I want to see it!! The excitement is killing me. :bomb: I don't think I have a chance in hell of winning anything but if only I had money. :bigcry: Not fair... hoping to bid on something really little. I wonder how much the smallest items will go for... I don't think even the posters will be described as cheap when the auction ends.. it is all for charity afterall.


Oh well I guess I shouldn't complain too much... I am going to Exeter for the Christmas party and should feel extremely lucky anyway! :nice:

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