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Live Photoblog from Exeter December 19th (A Spammer's Dream, An F5 Key's Nightmare)


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how comes that you don't have snow in Germany? :stunned:

We only had like, 1 inch of snow yesterday. But because it was so windy it was all blown away! :angry:


I dunno why we don't get snow, everywhere in Germany it's snowing, but not where I live, ARRRR!!! I've got the feeling the snow clouds are kinda hate my town! :laugh3::dozey:

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omg. :bomb:


You say "it's snowing" so casually, as though it means diddly squat. :lol:


I WISH IT SNOWED IN SYDNEY! I would kill to see snow. :P


Aww, I'm sorry. I can understand you! :hug: Well, you know: Here in Southern Germany, we've got loads of snow, I'd really like to share it with you. ;) If you want to, I'll take a photo of the snowy streets for you later...? Is that a deal? :nice:


@Thalia: Ja, alles klar hier. ;) Und nee, ich glaub', hier hält sich's noch einigermaßen in Grenzen. Bin grad viel zu müde und faul, um richtig abzugehen. :lol: Später vielleicht. ;) Und wie geht's dir? :)

Kannst auch gern was vom Schnee abhaben, wenn du magst. :laugh3:

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^ Tamara: It's Summer here in the southern hemisphere; wanna switch continents for 3 months? :)


Aww, I'm sorry. I can understand you! :hug: Well, you know: Here in Southern Germany, we've got loads of snow, I'd really like to share it with you. ;) If you want to, I'll take a photo of the snowy streets for you later...? Is that a deal? :nice:




That would be perfect. Deal. :heart:


I can photoshop a picture of myself in the street and make believe that I am there in the snow. :cool:

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Aww, I'm sorry. I can understand you! :hug: Well, you know: Here in Southern Germany, we've got loads of snow, I'd really like to share it with you. ;) If you want to, I'll take a photo of the snowy streets for you later...? Is that a deal? :nice:


@Thalia: Ja, alles klar hier. ;) Und nee, ich glaub', hier hält sich's noch einigermaßen in Grenzen. Bin grad viel zu müde und faul, um richtig abzugehen. :lol: Später vielleicht. ;) Und wie geht's dir? :)

Kannst auch gern was vom Schnee abhaben, wenn du magst. :laugh3:


I can understand like half of what you say in German :lol: I get lessons at school, but I suck :lol:

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@Thalia: Ja, alles klar hier. ;) Und nee, ich glaub', hier hält sich's noch einigermaßen in Grenzen. Bin grad viel zu müde und faul, um richtig abzugehen. :lol: Später vielleicht. ;) Und wie geht's dir? :)

Kannst auch gern was vom Schnee abhaben, wenn du magst. :laugh3:


:lol: Hach ja, bei dem Wetter gammel ich aber auch gerne rum :D

Mir gehts ganz gut, nur habe ich einfach keine Lust auf diesen geburtstag zu gehen, ich will 'hier' bleiben und mit party machen, auch wenn das irgendwie komisch klingt! :laugh3:


Schneeeee :wideeyed: MAN will auch :sad:


i have some relatives in Germany, and they have very much snow, that's why i was asking. :D

Yeah, lucky them!! :shame:;)

Aww :sad: we have quite a lot snow right now! :P
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Me too! I love to take a long walk in the white nature and then come home and sit by the fire and have warm chocolate, I think I sound very cliche now :lol:


Ah I know :heart:

I run a lot though and it's annoying when all roads are so slippery and the snow gets stuck in my training shoes soles :lol:

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