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what was the weirdest thing about your last dream/nightmare?


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I got lost in the subway/grand central terminal. I met up w/ people I go to college with (all of which I couldn't stand), and went to a small diner. In there people were giving speeches for some reason and some Football player and Sarah Palin gave a speech, and both speeches were terrible... complete idiots. what a weird dream

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This morning my mum woke me up with a cup of tea before she left for work but i was still really tired so i drunk it and went back to sleep again for a couple of hours. I kinda wish i hadn't now cos i had a really horrible dream. Basically my teeth were falling out. It started with a few at the back of my mouth coming loose and then they came out completely but it was a group of about 6 of them together, still somehow joined next to each other. :stunned: Then after that they just kept coming out in groups of about 2 or 3 and i couldn't feel any pain but i kept running my tongue over my gums where the teeth had come out and i could taste lots of blood. :sick: The worst thing about this dream was how vivid it was - it was one of those ones that felt that so real that i really thought it was happening right until i woke up and when i woke up, i immediately had to check that my teeth were actually all still there. :uhoh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The ceiling of my room was full of centipedes, and some of them were really huge. :sick: They were dark brown but red/pink in the dark as if they were phosphorescent.


I was trying to drown them by making them fall with a hose of high pressure water to a barrel/cask of water.


Later I found there was some kind of witchcraft object in my room which was probably the cause of the huge ammount of insects... It consisted in a rare dust in a NMR tube (I have worked with those, lol) with weird inscriptions on it.

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I've been having really word dreams lately. The one I remember most was it was the last day of school, and everyone had to come in for an exam. For some reason, my eyes wouldn't stay open, and it was so freaking scary. :freak:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a dream I was trying to rush around trying to find a dress for some end of the schoolyear dance. :lol: How girly.


And when I was going home, I stopped at my one friend's house, and she was having a party, but forgot to invite me. Like, everyone from school, this bitch we all hate and this cute guy from my Spanish class, were there...but she forgot me. D: thankss dude

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I had the weirdest dream the other night. It was looooong and :awesome: but I dont remember any of it now other that Reilly was in it and we used these tiny machines to collect wood from beds, tabels, chairs and other objects :thinking:

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I dreamt that I was in a competition with like a couple other people where you had to grab as many items in a grocery store you could, in like 10 minutes, and it had to be ingredients for a meal and a dessert :wtf: And then I wanted to get some pickles in the freezer, but no one would help me cus they we're all so mean :snobby: But then I stumbled upon a technology section in the store, and there was this beautiful boy there who showed me this crazy radio thing. And then I wasn't impressed by it, and he got all pissed off.



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