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what was the weirdest thing about your last dream/nightmare?


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I Was walking down Cavern st (Liverpool; probably cos I was there at the weekend ) and I Heard music, as I Got closer I Knew it was Clocks playing. I Opened the door and walked down the long twisting stairs getting louder with each step. I Walked into the room where it was Empty and the lights were bright. Coldplay appeared on the stage and were playing Clocks.

I Closed my eyes and danced along to the music then when the music had stopped I Opened my eyes and all four of them were surrounding me , (Will and his creepy stare :embarrassed:) Thats all I Remember :D

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^haha "n stuff"


I had a Dream that i was walking along this cliff/edge thing and below me was all the shark/fish/whale whatever tanks from Sea World all in one wierd huge tank piping thing

on the other side on this huge stage coldplay was playing


and I fell in

almost gotz eaten

climbed out



logged on to Windows Live Messenger and somehow found Chris' account and added him and started messaging him

and i just wrote and thanked him for the concert and started to tell him i almost died in the shark tank


...and he was really mean and said he didnt know me and didnt care and told me to fuck off


then he unfriended me and signed off


I woke up with a sad :(

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I had a Scott Pilgrim-ish dream, like, it wasn't even about me. :freak: And he fell in love with a fairy puppet. :lol:


The person I was with in my dream last night is someone I have yet to meet in person.


I had a dream like that once, a week later this uber hot kid from Tennesee (?) who looked exactly like the person started going to our school. :wacky:

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Well, what I meant was is that I actually know this person that was in my dream, but I haven't actually met him yet.


Although I did have a dream like the one you were talking about. I had a dream about this guy, and two days later, I became friends with a guy on MySpace who looked exactly like him. It was so weird. :freak:

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  • 2 weeks later...
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last weird dream that i remember, was like 2 weeks ago.

there were people from the board that went together to a summer open air festival, which had some falls, rocks, sea and so....

well all was great but some of them started to jump from rock to rock near the sea, and one fall down and crashed.

what was really weird and worrying.

dunno who fall, but i remember few who were there anyways.

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It was like Harry Potter except not. This reads like some retarded fanfic but this is what I dreamt of.







The reason why character's names were used in quotation marks is because I am unsure whether this is the character those dream people were meant to be, but they sure looked like them, or were similar to them in many ways.

"Hermione" was outside this house and got a letter meant for "Harry"

It told "Harry" to go to some restaurant in town. "Hermione" goes there, well, flies there somehow, sailing through the air...

Then she overhears some guy coming in. He starts talking to himself I think... about using two trucks out side to blow up, and destroy the whole Dimension by causing lava to flood the whole thing (the world in this dream was referred to as Dimension 1, worlds were Dimensions). Pretty much right away. He got up and started to leave.

"Hermione" got scared because there were two big trucks right outside some petrol station so she know this crazy be srs. She flies to some place where the "Weasley twins" are getting married to some chick right near one of the highest spots in Dimension 1. She runs up to them and hugs them and sobs a bit, then is all like "you have to run to that hill behind you now there is lava coming to destroy this whole place"

They all start clambering up this hill, and in the back you can see an explosion. Lava starts spewing out somehow and slowly rises in the Dimension.

The whole group manage to scramble up the hill before the lava stops, right at the top of said hill thing. They look around at the utter destruction.


They go inside and for some reason all decide to hide in the bathtub. (at this point the group has shrunk to "Mr Weasley" "Harry" "Ron" "Hermione" "Ginny" "purple hair Tonks")

The evil dude that has blown up the Dimension flies to them and tells them they must be wizards, and knowledgeable ones for being able to escape the lava. He will offer them shelter in the form of his house if they co-operate with him, otherwise he will raise the lava higher to come over the hill they stand on. They discuss options but they have no other - the people in Dimension 1 have no idea how to get through to the next Dimension right beside the hill (visible through a blue wall, a city) as nobody as ever been to another one or come from another one. All reluctantly agree except for "Mr Weasley" who is burned in the lava that comes over as the group fly away.


They fly to Mr. Evil's purple weatherboard two-story house (it has a faded white porch out the front, lols). They settle in. All are ok although not happy they are under the rule of Mr. Evil, who now basically has control over Dimension 1.

Mr. Evil orders "purple haired Tonks" to do something but she refuses. She runs from the house but Mr. Evil blows her up and kills her with his wand. :sad:

Mr. Evil tells the rest they cannot step onto the lava as it is still hot, and they will disintegrate on touch and burn up. A tree that stands near the lava-bank is not affected by what would normally be the extremely hot ambient temperature of the lava... the grass doesn't seem to be too affected either.

Somehow one day "Hermione" and "Ginny" discover that they can walk on the lava without being hurt. Nobody understands why. The two make sure that whenever they do so sparsely, they stay out of Evil Dude's sight.

Eventually yo, Evil Dude starts asking the two chicks to do stuff, as in dress up sexy around the house in fishnets and stuff. (my is it quite a sight to see "Hermione" in denim shorts and red fishnets)


But it gets out of hand when he starts asking them to do even more stuff. Like giving him sexy tiems.

They refuse at first but soon enough Evil Dude tries to drag "Hermione" into bathroom for stuff. "Ginny" hears her yelling and runs in, magically unlocks the bathroom door and yanks "Hermione" out of the house.

"Harry" and "Ron" now pursue Mr. Evil around the house. However he proves too high a match for "Ron" at least and "Ron" retreats outside.

Mr. Evil decides to raise the stakes and raise the land that the house is standing on extremely high into ze sky, and to grab a sword.

In an enthralling battle around the house, "Harry" works out that Evil Dude's weakness is the opposite to lava - ice. He manages to shatter the sword using a particularly strong ice spell and the duel continues on the porch. Evil Dude somehow falls over and is hanging from the house cliff by the porch railing. "Harry" decides that letting him fall will let him fly up again, so he must freeze Mr. Evil. A spell is cast on Mr. Evil's hand but it doesn't quite do the trick. "Hermione" runs in in the nick of time and adds another strong ice spell to send him hurtling from the cliff thing down to his doom. (don't ask me how it just happens)


The house cliff goes back to its natural state, the lava disappears, but the damage is done. Dimension 1 is kinda screwed. The group decide to remain in Mr. Evil's house for a while. In his papers they find out that he is actually from another Dimension, and he came here from the one next to the highest hill. They rummage through his stuff and find a "key", one that will take them to that Dimension. It had obviously been meant for Mr. Evil's escape if he needed one, and it only allowed two uses - one in and one out. Obviously the key thing was on it's last use.

After some consideration, the group decide they will use the key and go to the other Dimension, and abandon the ruined Dimension 1. This is risky because nobody has ever been to another Dimension, and nobody has ever come from another one in Dimension 1. But they take the risk. They fly over to the highest hill and "Harry" plops the key into the wall.

A liquidy archway appears into the barrier and they are let through.

They did miss some notes about Mr. Evil being a part of an organization though, and more Dimension take overs being planned...


Afterwards I believe they also learn that their Dimension was completely separate from all the other ones, and previously no contact was possible. There are several like this.



Anyway I might save it as some silly storyline I might chase up later.


Weirdly enough the dream ended with me dreaming I had just seen it as a movie and thought it was good! Then had to go down a huge and silly walk way that twirled round and around until I could get to the ground floor foyer again. Durp.

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