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The 6th Mixtape Exchange (closed for entries)

Black Rose

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ok here goes.

some good tracks on here with a range of genres included. the album artwork was left on a few of the tracks, but i didn't mind and that isn't a criticism, i just hope mine has sent properly since when i tested mine the song titles came up too.


1. kicks off with some delphic with some nice beats. very 80's. a nice opener to the mixtape. not a band i would normally listen to but so it was good to get some exposure to them.


2. slows down with the arctic monkeys, a song i haven't actually heard. very pretty, dreamy and as usual lyrically strong and including only fools and horses references. i haven't listened to the arctic monkeys in a while but this has inspired me to listen to some of the stuff i have yet to hear.


3. i'm not a fan of athlete, but i know of a lot of people on here who would be. i find this song a little bit repetitive and i remember hearing it on the radio loads so i am a tad biased. they have nice little melodies an their chorus' are usually very strong so i would recommend fans of snow patrol/keane (and to a more developed sense elbow) to give them a listen.


4. next is an acoustic number centred around a layered vocal. folky but not amazingly inventive. still worth a listen though and if it's what you're into i'm sure they'll have more where that came from.


5. cold war kids quicken the pace a little. i've only heard hang me out to dry by these until now. strong track. vocals reminiscent of jack white. good musically. this song has some nice subtle touches and they work well as a band together.


6. placebo. very good song with bowie adding vocals too. another relatively slow track which fits nicely into the playlist. it's tricky to get placebo into a playlist as eclectic as this since they are different to the rest but you managed it almost seamlessly.


7. things speed up with the next track as it goes electro. edgy sound, i liked it. once again not something i would normally listen to but it was catchy and had a decent driving beat.


8. razorlight next. i'm biased again because i think johnny borrell should be kicked in the nuts but i know a lot of people on here would like them and i recommend it for fans of fratellis, kaiser chiefs, killers


9. sea wolf. not a band i have heard of before but the song itself sounded familiar. a band i will be looking into. the guitars reminded me a bit of the cure in places. very chilled out. enjoyed it.


10. next song is chilled out again with a high vocal. synthy with a faster paced chorus.


11. another slow song (not a criticism at all, i think i may have made the slowest playlist incidentally). more guitar based music and a little heavier than most of the songs before it (but not heavy in the great scheme of things at all). not the kind of music i would listen to but i know a lot of people on here who would like it.


12. the xx. keeping it chilled. another strong track. well produced music with pretty guitars. nice harmonising on the vocals too.


13. buble. someone i have heard a few songs by but don't enjoy, but once again there will be people on here who will like it, so when this becomes available for everyone to download don't let me put you off. it just isn't a genre i'm interested in.




overall a good playlist. some tracks on there i really like, a couple i really don't like (but that is because i'm stubborn. i know many people on here who will like it), and a solid middle ground. it was better than i expected since i am so hard to please and to get me interested in a few bands when you don't know me all that well (if at all) is impressive. i think there is a lot of things on here that many would want to listen to and there is something for everyone.


personally i give it a 7/10 though for a lot of others it would be an 8 or 9/10. i cannot imagine anybody giving it under 6/10 as it has something to please all and will likely contain something you have yet to hear.


thank you so much whoever made the playlist :)

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My review:

Track 1)

Nice, electronical sounding intro that builds itself up and a great sounding male singer. Strong guitar at the end of this song. I also like the synths in the background. A new song for me, but it will go directly into my music folder!


Track 2)

Starts with a subtle guitar and followed by powerful drums. Again a calm male voice, very relaxing. Some synths in the background, also some spacey sounding stuff. I really like the beat of this song.


Track 3)

Whoop that song already starts with some strong bass and a nice sounding piano. The beat is very uplifting. The singer’s voice (again male) sounds calm but determining. There’s also clapping, electronic beats, and some choir, which goes like “uuoohohohooo” :lol: I like this!


Track 4)

The song starts with fast drums and a nice fast played guitar. There’s some strange “wooohoo” sound in the background, maybe choir or something else? Anyway, fits perfectly to the song. There are again some synths and a nice sounding male voice singing. The refrain goes straight into my braiiinn, haaanaaaaanaaaaa-na-nanaaaaaa :laugh3:


Track 5)

Woah many instruments! Violins, guitars, rattles, even some cowbells? The guitar sounds strong and goes through the whole song. I find the singers voice very funny, he always goes from a low voice into a high, creates a very dynamic atmosphere.


Track 6)

The Middle East – Blood! I love this song! Well the whole album is great. What a nice surprise to listen to it again! Everybody who doesn’t know them… check this song out on youtube, it’s great!


Track 7)

A female singer, a calm guitar, a violin and other string instruments at the beginning. Later a powerful drum comes in, the guitar gets louder, there’s also some quiet choir, oh how I love this!


Track 8)

Crazy distorted guitar! Sounds spacy. Same for the vocals. The easy intro turns into a lively and strong song. The drums also give this song a certain touch. There’s a little instrumental part in the middle of the song (I like instrumental pieces :wideeyed:), and suddenly the voice becomes louder. At the end the songs get a little bit messy, hehe. Nice!


Track 9)

Synthesisers and strong bassline, combined with fresh, young sounding female voice. Towards the end there’s a funny “woooooooooo” in the background. Amazing!


Track 10)

Subtle guitar and “click” noise in the beginning. Followed by a heavy drum. Some interesting instrument I can't decipher. It’s a short song that builds up an incredible atmosphere… I really want to know the artist!


Track 11)

Oh this is nice. An upbeat song with funky guitars and drums. A perfect song when you’re walking along the beach or having a bad day. The singers voice is friendly. Bahaha and there’s even some cheering and background talking in this piece! Awesome!


Track 12)

Damn, that’s some heavy bass :lol: Interesting guitar play. Again lots of instruments, synths, drums and many other things. I really like the heavy drum. And a very nice beat, great for humming along. At the end he’s repeating a word I can’t understand but he sings it with a very great sounding voice, and even with some choir. The song ends with the epic bass that was also in the intro.


Track 13)

Great guitar-ish intro! Followed by clapping, quick drumming and a nice calmly bass.

Synths again! Someone really discovered my weakness for synthesiser! Great strong ending, too.


Track 14)

Songs starts with choir and sounds rather dark. The guitar playing follows. Clear male voice, and the song turns from dark to bright to epic. Again some “Oooh oohh oohh” at the end of the song. Very atmospheric. I love songs like this.


Track 15)

Funny guitar playing and singing in the beginning. There’s a male and female singer,

They create an interesting dynamic. And some crazy “Ohwayhowayhowayo”! Strong/dirty bass and mad clapping with mad singer and even an organ! What a combination, geez! :laugh3:


Track 16)

Epic intro! Strong bass/guitar/drums. Great voice. Great lyrics. Builds up a very good mood and has a perfect outro. Awesome song.


Track 17)

Again some epic song with powerful guitars, drums and male voice!


Track 18)

Cute male singing voice! :blush: Perfect slow and calming voice and piano playing for the end of this great mixtape.



This mixtape is not good, it’s not even great, it’s PERFECT! Whoever made it, a huge “Thank You” to you, because now I’ve got some great new songs to listen to. The mixtape itself has a very nice ‘flow’. The songs itself all fit perfectly into each other. And the unpacked folder named Mixtape for Twisted mind =) made me smile. :D

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Am downloading mine, I just can't wait to listen to it :dance: . It is most probable that I'll take my time to review the tape I've been sent though... I just don't want to rush through it, so I apologize in advance for my lateness in reviewing it :sweatdrop:

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Song #1)

This song is amazing! I love a song that slowly builds up to become a wonderful piece. It has a lot of instrumental, which I love. The guitar in this is brilliant, in the end especially. I can't tell you how much I love this one. Perfect start for a mixtape.


Song #2)

I really like this one. Once again, the instruments all coming together sounds brilliant. I especially like how in the end it becomes very calm and sweet from all that epic guitar playing and what not.


Song #3)

Oh, one by Vampire Weekend! I recognized the singer's voice fairly quickly. This must be off their debut, because I haven't yet listened to most of the tracks off it. I'm also going to take a guess and say this is 'I Stand Corrected' (which would make sense because of the lyrics)?


Song #4)

This song sounds really good. He has a lovely voice and the music flows with it nicely. It's different from the previous songs, I like it.


Song #5)

I had to listen to this one a few times to find words for it. The drum beat sounds nice and clear in the beginning and then it's followed by a very nice group of instruments. Me like.


Song #6)

So here we are, standing alone... Very nice intro, too. Starts with very little and comes to be a lot. Once again, a great song that builds up to something greater. This song is beautiful.


Song #7)

I really like how strong the buildup of instruments is at the beginning is. It sounds like the lead singer's very laid back with his vocals.


Song #8)

I listened to this one a couple times, I love this one. Beautiful voice and piano in the beginning. The guitar and drums really make the song though, that is what I love. A song with good guitar is a song I like. The drums and guitar make their way in and out. Did I already mention I like the guitar playing? I really love the guitar playing in this. Brilliant.


Song #9)

Sufjan, am I right? I don't know this song, but I recognize the voice well. I listened to some of his work previously, wasn't interested. But now, that I've heard this song... I love this! The lyrics also make me think horror zombie movie, which is also super awesome.


Song #10)

I give this one a few listens at once. This one is good. Nothing big really catches my attention though except that little, little bit near the middle, which actually sounded really cool. Seems like there isn't enough instrument in it, like something is missing.


Song #11)

I like this song. It's overall a very peaceful, mellow song, not exactly something I would usually listen to. The first listen to this track I wasn't really that interested in it, but on my second listen I really liked it. Good song.


Song #12)

Oh, another good one! I listened to this a few times in a row. I love the lyrics (from what I can hear of them). The instruments go very well all together and the singer's vocals sound were very nice.


Song #13)

Z-O-M-B-I-E, zombie. This is probably another one of my favorites off this mixtape. It starts sweet and slow, then that line comes in and... amazing! Oh and I also love zombies, so that's cool.


Song #14)

Another great song, what a great way to end. It's a song hard to find words for besides awesome.It's really something I'd be caught listening to. Patience, patience....


This mixtape was amazing! I love how the music on here is really diverse, it's PERFECT. I was looking for different styles of music to listen too and you gave me just that. Love the ones with lots of instrumental. If you can't tell, the first one is certainly my favorite, followed by #8. Brilliant mixtape, the songs are superb. So many thanks to you!




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Song #13)

Z-O-M-B-I-E, zombie. This is probably another one of my favorites off this mixtape. It starts sweet and slow, then that line comes in and... amazing! Oh and I also love zombies, so that's cool.


Ooooooo I think I know what this song is.... if I'm right, then it's a *brilliant* song :thumbsup:



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Ugh, I have to write a giantly long review like that? :sick:


What if I just say that mine's wonderfully brilliant and I'm so happy. :wacky: Thank you thank you thank you! *hugs super tight*




To the person who got mine, it's my first mixtape EVER, so it's probably not the best. :uhoh: :laugh3:

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My Review:


Track 1: Starts off with some backwards sounding noises/synths. The song builds up intensity and the track explodes with a really strong bass and synths/guitars. Vocals come in a little later and are very clean and crisp. The song is extremely catchy throughout the song and is a great way to start off the mix to get the listeners attention. The bass and drums are extremely important in this song and help drive the song and make you want to dance or move to the song. I am unsure of who this artist is but I'll listen to them again.


Track 2: Toning things down a notch from the previous track we hear an acoustic guitar picking, reminiscent to Fleetwood Mac's "Landslide". There are bittersweet sounding strings. Then comes in the drums which I found to be unexpected in I thought the song was going to only be acoustic. Still it fits well and the vocals work very well with this song. I particularly like the harmonies with the vocals in this song. This song is very similar sounding to Andrew Bird not just with the strings but also with the vocals as well. The song is also unfamiliar to me as well as the artist but I like the song!


Track 3: The song starts with some bells in the song. We then hear some horns and strings and the song has the feeling of an old-western Clint Eastwood movie right before two people are set to duel at high noon. The vocals sound very familiar, but I can't put my finger on who it is. What I like about the song is that is is layered very well and a lot is going on with the instrumentation and vocals. I also like how the tempo of the song changes, i'm a sucker for tempo/beat changes.


Track 4: From the vocals I can tell that this is a song by Bat for Lashes. Her voice is very distinct. I don't think I have heard this song before (I haven't listened to her new album). I really like how the song picks up and instruments get added in as it progresses. The mood of the song is animated with the drums giving the impression of walking but to me seems somewhat dark and the kind of song I think would be perfect for a late night drive.


Track 5: The track starts off with guitar picking and synths. Drums come in that the bass drum reverberates in my ears. The vocals are extremely familiar, and it's on the tip of my tongue who this is. I especially love the harmonies of the "ooo's" during the chorus with a combination of and electric piano sounding instrument, beautiful yet haunting. Strings come in that are also extremely haunting. I really liked this song a lot!


Track 6: A song that to me feels as though it would appear on some 1960 or 1970's sitcom initially. It has a very happy feel to it. Then some drums come in to make it feel more contemporary. The vocals sound familiar but work extremely well with the music. This is definitely a song that is perfect to listen to during the summer. It is very happy, yet counters the lyrics to the song that seems to express sorrow with the singer. The end of the song has only strings and laughter of children which really fits the mood of the song.

Track 7: The song starts with really strong drums with minimal amount of piano. The harmonies in the vocals are very nice! More instruments come in with acoustic guitar electric guitar and drums. The song builds up a little bit and more instruments are added in a keyboard or electric piano. The song to me has the feel of being in the desert or traveling on a horse or something. I really like the mood of the song and the arrangement of the song is great in that there are many things going on to listen to.


Track 8: Backwards sounding instruments start the song off with the sound of choirs. Initially this is the kind of song I imagine sigur ros writing. Then the song changes with drums added to the song and it picks up. Vocals come in and it sounds so amazing and full. The song to me has the imagery of really bright and colorful instruments. The vocals sound familiar and slightly reminiscent of james mercer of the shins. I love the fullness and openness of the song. It seems like the kind of song that just keeps going in the sense you can hear it out so far, and it's very deep in terms of distance... not sure if that makes sense. This is a really great song! One of my favorites in this mix!


Track 9: Things calm down from the last song. An acoustic guitar is playing and vocals come in. It sounds like sufjan stevens. Not too much of a fan of sufjan's voice but I do quite like this song. I like how the song expands and is greeted with more instruments and is more full sounding. The harmonies within this song are very nice and the arrangement is really good too.


Track 10: Song starts with an electric guitar with a wah-wah effect to it. Initially it sounds like something the flaming lips would write. But the vocals come in and it's definitely not them. The song yells out 1960's psychedelia, but still sounds contemporary. I feel I may have heard this artist before, the vocals sound very familiar like with a bunch of the songs on this mix so far, but perhaps I'm getting it confused. I really like this song! It has a very spacey feel to it, reminiscent of early pink floyd.


Track 11: The song starts with an acoustic guitar and synths. It is very relaxed and laid-back. The vocals come in and hints of piano come in and out. The song sounds very dark in terms of mood. The drums come in and the tambourine definitely reverberates which fits very well with the song. With lyrics like "Rain down on me" "the sky above that shoots to kill", adds to the sadness/depressing feel of the song. Not as though it's a bad thing though. It's a very intense sounding song as it builds in intensity as the song progresses and gets close to the end. The vocals sound very desperate in that they are almost screaming out for help. The song is very dramatic, and the imagery I imagine is a war scene or a terrible scene that gets out of control. What a great song on many levels (arrangement, mood, intensity)


Track 12: Song starts off more laid-back than the previous track. The vocals sound familiar. Could it possibly be M83? I do like the vocal harmonies and then how it builds with the guitar, drums and background harmonies. I really like how the song sort of explodes with guitar, drums and great harmonies. It also switches back and forth a little bit with being laid-back, and then more upbeat which is controlled by the drums.


Track 13: Song starts with violin, that sounds slightly humorous in the notes that are played. Then vocals come in as well as guitar and slightly drums. I like how the guitar and violin counteracts each other and don't seem to be synced or together, yet they work well together. It works well. I really like the chorus of the song as well as the arrangement with horns and synth. Then the song becomes more complex by adding more synths and drums. I enjoyed the song though I found the violin line a bit annoying over time


Track 14: This song is very upbeat and with the drums seems like a song that would be sort of good to dance to. The vocals sound really familiar. I really love the chorus with the vocal harmonies that is so full sounding as well as the drums and arrangement underneath. The chorus is very catchy. I really like this song a lot... one of my favorites on the mix.


Track 15: The song starts with a synth, and a slightly strange female vocalist at first. I do get used to her voice fairly quickly though. Definitely a different sounding song with the drums and piano beat that seems like sort of like an African dance. I like the movement and pace of the song. The vocals seem at times slightly counterbalancing the drums or slightly off time, but it works extremely well with the song. I really like this song. To me it seems like it would be a great song to end an album.


Track 16: The last track of the mix starts with an acoustic guitar and vocals on the left. These vocals sound really familiar, but I can't once again seem to put my finger on what artist this is. I like the rhythm of the guitars and then how the drums come in. A small thing I really like is how when the crash cymbal is hit it sort of sizzles. I also like the fuzziness and darkness of the bass. The song seems like there are a bunch of different parts in that instruments abruptly stop and the song continues. The chorus though is very catchy. I like how the tempo sort of changes when there's the piano vocals and tambourine, but then a drum kit comes in. With the lyrics of "I'd like to go home", and the feeling of the song with the music it seems like a good way to end the mix on.




Overall I really liked this mix a lot! Honestly there wasn't one song on the mix that I didn't like. The mix had many songs where the vocals sounded extremely familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Also I found that this mix was extremely drum heavy which I really liked a lot! The last thing that I really felt was great with the mix was that there was not one song I had heard before. So it was a treat to get to hear new music and it held my attention throughout. Also I feel that these songs will have me check out some new bands. I'd give this mix probably a 9 or 9.5/10. My favorites off hand were tracks 1, 5, 6, 8, 11, 14, 15. Thanks a lot to whomever took the time to make this! :D

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I love your signature, btw. :blush:


Thanks. I didn't make it or anything so I can't take any credit for it, I just found it and thought it was funny :D


Ugh, I have to write a giantly long review like that? :sick:


What if I just say that mine's wonderfully brilliant and I'm so happy. :wacky: Thank you thank you thank you! *hugs super tight*


It doesn't have to be long or detailed, just a line or two on each track to say if you liked it or not and why. It helps the rest of us decide if we'd like to d/load & listen to it too when the d/load links go public :cool:

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