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loneliness is love and


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well :(


Jonas has many devoted fans, are like orphans.

and we are old, our lives should have begun in 1994-1998 at a specific time.

and this song is just the friend in Norway who have all and already a family

but Jonas do not realize losing his family because his work is more important, dreams of something that does not exist. it's scary


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XTHmE1v6p8&feature=related]YouTube - Mew - Beautiful Balloon (Acoustic)[/ame]



if we. we lost our happiness young. is that we had no love around us. and we lost in life much .


and You young people, change your life for the better you have time to build your life.

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAT9GiVU6g0]YouTube - Mew - Comforting Sounds[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQnA-E_owoY]YouTube - Mew - Reprise[/ame]




insipration not, it's just a long empty life loneliness without love around in the end feel dirty (because people superficial said ) to inside to the point not to build something beautiful, this voice is incide the voice and is the heart of comforting sound, we are like old dead children :cry:




remember is people that determines your life. but your life is your life never listen to people who have only superficial love but know only criticize you in your life

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This is "The Official LoryABjerre Thread"




i am sorry more you write this kind of thing because people want to be kind to me, plus I have problems with people who do not respect me for my own person Lory.


I'm not part of the dictatorship of certains dictatorship that does not respect the individual personality and characteristic of a person or even rules of human right.

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you are individual person with value and not fake and not shit and not a puppy please respect you . me respect you, as person then you respect youself .

show to your real mom and your real dad that you be someone who will do something great in your future.

bad people always attacking the weak. (I've always been weak and not respected)



is a question of nasty free for my person in this forum with certain people

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this reminds me of a dream i had last night where i was leaving something in someone's ask box on tumblr but since it doesn't expand i couldn't see what i was typing and then when it was answered it looked like something lory would write and i was like "i understand1111".




[/cool story]

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For a minute I thought she started a new account ... guess the fake was a good one.

i called lory or you want called me lory shit fake i am fake ? I have the right to exist as a person human or not......? :angry:

Wait ... whut?

Why are you angry? With fake I was NOT referring to you. And to who I was referring ... I thought I said a nice thing.

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Lory, provide me with the words I shall use when I reveal my bisexual ways to my mother and father. What shall I say?




depends on understanding of your mother and father . sometimes better to say nothing. or else wait for the majority of age.

I know it is frowned upon by society of bisexuality or homosexuality people be xenophobic, people who do not respect privacy and individual people.

we are all different we are not sheep, image spam has false superficial society.


me I'm hetero, I'm born like that.

but my problem in the society I am a stranger where I was born in swiss and I'm considered a mental ill therefore rejected by society.

for made a work or even have a rental appart to me then i am refused and rejected by the society .

so I'm alone


but saying is that the idiots in this society? I am not a sheep to be like the others. but have not much intelligence to be like everyone sheep. i have my own caracter .


so I know what it means xenophobia


and off thread

you knew that the President of U.S not want more to support anti-homosexual and bisexual. U.S is terrible xenophobia

it's a good thing for individual freedom of the people (that's life in a private person and nobody should criticize)

is against the rights of human , xenophobia because is private life sexual of the people not affairs of the society.

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Good if you can not only understand, but not disrespect and organizer speak, but the mix and you only have yourself and disaffect. :angry: It's not my understanding of you and me is not what I would :thinking:



That's why my fear that this Happyness should be so far away from my wounds, only to back up, I can tell you that he will be there to see and feel the rich and groupies for 3000 euros. :(





he selected the cap of my life and success, is almost back to the beautiful women and cars belonging to the current movies, but it is not



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kz0aVur1F2A]YouTube - Mew - Introducing Palace Players (With Lyrics)[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSVNB09OYgQ]YouTube - The Zookeeper's Boy- Mew (Lyrics on Screen)[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOI3n73dODY]YouTube - Mew and Mewtwo: My Sunshine[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLnAhFpPkAE]YouTube - Repeaterbeater-MEW-Lyrics[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZuHx_j4C_U]YouTube - Mew and MewTwo[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l4bhwae6Oc]YouTube - Mew - Special (Lyrics)[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1318XeNtAg]YouTube - Hannah Montana- The Other side of Mew/lyrics[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SgJ3du8VAE]YouTube - Mew Mew Power - Team Up! (Lyrics Included)[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2qUexa-cz0]YouTube - Zookeeper's boy mew Lyrics[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Npy9_ck3FM]YouTube - How To Make Muesli[/ame]


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