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What annoyed you today?

Prince Myshkin

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2 things annoyed me today, firstly a person I worked with who I thought was a friend, left at the weekend, and she never told me, hasn't even made any effort to contact me, I carn't get through to her, I've tryed, some friend she turned out to be. Then I get stung by a wasp, and on my bum!!!! Today sucks big time!

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Chemistry seems like such a cool subject. I know very little about (or rather 'of') it though.

Its annoying, Science amazes me so much these days but I had no interest when I was younger and didn't have the intelligence to pursue it anyway. Wish things had worked out differently with that. There's another thing that has annoyed me today.

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^ It is indeed a nice subject, but the thing is, you have to be motivated. If nobody or nothing is motivating you, you'll never find it really fascinating or something. And to be motivated and fascinated, you need to understand it which is the worst part in the whole thing. That's why it's pretty much a torture more than anything else.

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^ It is indeed a nice subject, but the thing is, you have to be motivated. If nobody or nothing is motivating you, you'll never find it really fascinating or something. And to be motivated and fascinated, you need to understand it which is the worst part in the whole thing. That's why it's pretty much a torture more than anything else.


I imagine this is why I didn't get into that stuff. The very basics just didn't appeal to me when I was younger. I took it all for granted and it seemed pointless to learn about things that I was far too easy to give the answer 'because it just does'. I was more interested in writing stories and maths as a kid. Even though maths is scientific it didn't appear so at that level, and by the time it got into the heavier stuff I was more content being the class clown.


Didn't really learn an awful lot that I was forced to learn towards the middle of high school but had a natural ability to blag enough to get to uni etc. Then after dropping out of uni my learning began again when I was able to pick what I wanted to learn about. Much better. Mainly philosophy and anti-theism.

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