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Hello, I shall now vent on why Mylo Xyloto is not as bad as expected.


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(Disclaimer: For the people here who are genuinely thrilled with the everything the band has been doing in this era, the following doesn't apply to you. Also, this is not directed at anyone in particular, and any offense caused was not intended on my part. Oh, and everything that follows is nothing more than my opinion, even though I may believe that I'm right on the money :P)


This whole "Is it pop or is it not?" argument is just a strawman. It's a distraction to keep people arguing over semantics, rather than addressing the REAL reasons why people aren't happy with some of new material. Just like the "they aren't going to make another Parachutes, get over it!" argument, it completely misses the point. Hate to be this direct, but most of these arguments are made by people who don't have the capacity to accept the possibility that the quality of band's music may be on the decline. Coldplay aren't infallible, and if you find yourself going to all sorts of lengths trying to defend everything they do, then you probably need to start thinking about whether you might have a completely unrealistic image of them. Honestly, scrolling through some of these threads nowadays is like witnessing a discussion between religious fanatics and secular rationalists (not necessarily this thread).


Whether the songs people are complaining about can be classified as pop or not is neither here nor there. Lazy songwriting / shallow lyrics / lack of inspiration are what people are ACTUALLY concerned about. And these things are really not that hard to notice if you haven't put Chris Martin on a pedestal.


And so what all of this really comes down to is FEAR OF DISAPPOINTMENT. Are you being honest with yourself when you share your opinion here? Or do you find yourself taking offense to genuine criticism that wasn't being aimed at you, but at the band? Why would four multi-millionaires need to be defended anyway - is it because they are incapable of taking criticism without being offended? Come on now. The reality is that there's a whole bunch of disappointed people on here split down the middle, with half of them admitting their disappointment and writing about their frustrations, and the other half attacking those people because they can't stand to admit that their favourite band might be letting them down a bit. I've never seen so much insecurity on display here as I have over the last few weeks on the forums, and I think that speaks volumes.


Sorry if this derailed the discussion a little, I just get a little tired of people getting so defensive over stuff like this. If you love the new stuff that's great. If their marketing decisions don't bother you, that's fine too. But the lengths some people go to to convince themselves and others that Coldplay are untouchable and that everything they put out is nothing less than mindblowing, is quite frankly embarrassing.


Sorry. Continue. :P


THAT is spot on... every word! They did everything musically, what theyre capable of... and after more than 10 years of writing songs and making music, being creative and putting out music that defined a decade, met the zeitgeist and made them the biggest band, MAYBE the time has come where theres just nothing left... I think that a songwriters life has only so much songs to offer... I think Chris martin is out of genious right now... That can come back! But I think this great great river has run dry for now... Thats not a shame, thats how life goes, thats how creativity goes and you cant consistantly channel all your emotions thru art.. always on the same level...


Its great to read this forum because I value most of the opinions here... I think many of you really know what theyre talking about (understanding music, understanding the process of creating music)... but in this case I think:

Coldplay dont want to be mainstream, in and out, throw away pop, thats just, what theyre feeling right now... and that simply doesnt meet our high expectations!

cheers and hello everyone

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THAT is spot on... every word! They did everything musically, what theyre capable of... and after more than 10 years of writing songs and making music, being creative and putting out music that defined a decade, met the zeitgeist and made them the biggest band, MAYBE the time has come where theres just nothing left... I think that a songwriters life has only so much songs to offer... I think Chris martin is out of genious right now... That can come back! But I think this great great river has run dry for now... Thats not a shame, thats how life goes, thats how creativity goes and you cant consistantly channel all your emotions thru art.. always on the same level...


Its great to read this forum because I value most of the opinions here... I think many of you really know what theyre talking about (understanding music, understanding the process of creating music)... but in this case I think:

Coldplay dont want to be mainstream, in and out, throw away pop, thats just, what theyre feeling right now... and that simply doesnt meet our high expectations!

cheers and hello everyone


Wow, you're here since June 2008 and you never posted until today? :stunned:


Welcome... I guess :lol:

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Hey, cheers! If I were to rate what I've heard so far, it would probably go something like this (subject to change, obviously):




Very Good:

Moving To Mars

Us Against The World

Hurts Like Heaven

Charlie Brown



Major Minus

Princess Of China



Up In Flames

Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall


Paradise :P



What about you?


Hurts Like Heaven

Very Good:

Moving To Mars

Major Minus



Us Against The World


Up In Flames



Charlie Brown


Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall

Princess Of China

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