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Sigourney Weaver Avatar II & III role confirmed


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Actress Sigourney Weaver says she will appear in the sequel to sci-fi film Avatar, despite her character dying in the first instalment. "Don't worry, I will be back," she told US movie website Coming Soon.


Weaver played botanist Grace Augustine in the 3D epic, which took more than $2.7bn (£1.7bn) worldwide. Her character was fatally wounded in a climactic battle, but the actress said director James Cameron had told her "no one ever dies in science fiction. He's told me the stories for the next two movies and I have to say that they're absolutely wonderful," she added. "Now we just have to make them."


The original Avatar, which told the story of humans mining an alien planet for reserves of the improbably-named mineral Unobtanium, is the highest-grossing movie of all time. Director Cameron promised to turn the story into a trilogy if box office receipts reached $1bn (£633m). Work on the scripts has begun but, as yet, there is no filming schedule. When shooting commences, Avatar 2 and 3 will be made back-to-back, with months of post-production to create the computer-generated alien world of Pandora.


Speaking on the red carpet at the 2010 Oscars, Cameron admitted: "If I were to start Avatar 2 tomorrow, it would still be three years away".


He later confirmed that the first possible release date for the sequel was Christmas 2014. "The boss, Jim Cameron, he's not just going to make it for the sake of it," actor Sam Worthington told Radio 1 Newsbeat last year. He always wants the challenge, he always wants to push the envelope and raise the bar and I think audiences will demand that of Avatar 2. When he finds the challenge that's when we go back to work."



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'Avatar 2' release delayed until 2016, says producer


Jon Landau reveals that Pandora-set sequel won't be out for some time…


The release of Avatar 2 has been delayed until 2016, according to its producer Jon Landau.


Previously, director James Cameron had insisted that he was planning on releasing the next film in the series in December 2014, with Avatar 3 set to follow a year later in December 2015.


However, according to The Huffington Post, Landau – who was speaking at a screening for the forthcoming Titanic remake – confirmed that Avatar 2 was at least "four years away" from hitting the big-screen.


In October last year, actor Sam Worthington claimed that Avatar 2 would be "monumental" and said that Cameron's plans for the Pandora-based movie were well under way. He said: "It's just a matter of him writing the script, piecing it together and figuring out how to push himself.


"He wants a challenge. And he wants to improve the audience's experience. He's been messing about with 3D and frame rates a lot more."


Cameron, meanwhile, will see his 3D remake of Titanic open in cinemas on April 6. The director recently promised that the new version of the film would be "more intimate" than the original.



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Avatar will get three sequels says James Cameron



Avatar featured Sigourney Weaver, Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana - it has made $2.8bn (£1.8bn) at the box office worldwide


Avatar will get three sequels says James Cameron


Fox Studios have announced there will be three sequels to Avatar, after director James Cameron found two films "would not be enough".


The three sequels will be filmed simultaneously beginning in 2014, and will be released respectively in December 2016, 2017 and 2018. The 2009 3D film is the highest grossing movie of all time.


It told the story of a paraplegic soldier sent to the alien planet of Pandora. "In writing the new films, I've come to realize that Avatar's world, story and characters have become even richer than I anticipated," Cameron said in a statement. "It became apparent that two films would not be enough to capture everything I wanted to put on screen," he continued.


While Cameron wrote the original film, four screenwriters have been signed up to work with him on the sequels. They are Josh Friedman, who wrote War of the Worlds; Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, who wrote Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and Shane Salerno who scripted Armageddon.


Jim Gianopulos, head of Fox Films, said that everyone at the studio had "no higher priority, and can feel no greater joy, than enabling Jim to continue and expand his vision of the world of Avatar".


In 2010, Cameron said that there would be two sequels that would feature "self-contained stories that also fulfil a greater story arc". "We will not back off the throttle of Avatar's visual and emotional horse-power," he said.


Last year, Sigourney Weaver said she will appear in the sequel, despite her character dying in the first instalment.



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