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The 11th Mixtape Exchange (Mixtapes due December 30 at 11 pm GMT)

an angel

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I am rally sorry.. I know I'm WAY TOO LATE but now I'm finally getting around to do this!!!


I'm glad you enjoyed the tape:)


Ok, I will try this again and hope I don't accidentally delete it all. Here is my review:


1) Very nice instrumental song. It sounds slightly familiar. I'm interested to find out what it is or what it is from.


This is the intro track to Trespassers William's album Different Stars!


2) I don't really like this song. I can see why others would like it, but it's just not my cup of tea. I think I've heard this artist in a past exchange. She has a nice voice, but I don't really like it. I can't explain what it is, but there is something about her voice that irritates me when she hits higher notes.


No worries guess its not for everyone:P

This is the norwegian artist Ane Brun and the song is These Days...


3) I love the strings in this song. The vocalist has a nice voice as well. He reminds me a little of Marcus Mumford.


Smoke by the norwegian artist Moddi... A friend introduces me to him about two months ago and i immediately fell in love with his sound <3

You should really check out his album Floriography!


4) Gorgeous song! I love her voice, the guitar, the harmonies, everything. I like how it starts off simply and then layers on vocal and instrumental harmonies. I can't wait to find out who this is so I can listen to more from her!


Yeah she's great :D I found her on YouTube and I just had to put this song on my tape!


5) Hey There Delilah - Plain White Ts. I'd forgotten how much I love this song. <3


Is there more to say?


6) Yeah when I'm with you, I have fun... Really upbeat and fun song. It sounds like something that would be on Gossip Girl or in a TV commercial. I can definitely see this making it on to my summer 2012 playlist!


When I'm With You by Best Coast..yeah it's a awesome summer song and I'm really happy you liked it :smug:


7) I love the guitar bit at the beginning. He has a really nice sound to his voice as well. Great song.


I just realized that there are a lot of norwegian artist here :confused:

Well I hope you don't mind..... this track is by I See Horses and the song is called Bring Out The Marchers!


8) Fantastic stomping-ish beat. Their voices blend together so nicely. Really good song.


Believer by Viva Voce:D


9) I really like the instrumentals in this song. I'm going to take a guess and say that this is Bon Iver...? I don't know many of his songs, but I think I recognize his voice and style. I keep meaning to look up more from him, but I always forget. Now I'll remember!


I STRONGLY recommend you to look up Bon Iver!!!!! they're just amazing <3

The song is Minnesota, WI from the new album...


10) Ooooh pretty orchestra piece! It's very wintery and Nutcracker-y at the beginning. I'm curious to find out what this is from, as it sounds to me as if it is from a movie score? Am I right? :P


Yes you are.... it's from the movie Amélie and if you haven't seen it you really should :)

hmmm...... am I telling you to do things a little too much?

Anyway... the composer is Yann Tiersen and this pice is called La Valse d'Amélie (Version Orchestre)

11) You know when you can tell from the first chord that you're going to love a song? Yeah, this is one of those songs. I think I've heard this artist in a past exchange. Is it Frightened Rabbit? His voice is very distinct, so I have a feeling it is!


You're quite right it is Frightened Rabbit;)

The name of the song is My Backwards Walk!


12) This song is pretty good. Not my favourite, but it's not bad. She has an interesting voice and I like the instrumentals.


Holy Night by Norma Sass

I don't really know her that well but I liked this song and thought it would fit nicely on the tape.


13) This song sounds very dark and mysterious. I like her voice.

Can you tell that I'm running out of things to say? This always happens to me in reviews.


Yeah me too....don't worry I know what you mean

I'm a big sucker for dark and mysterious and I had to have it on here :P

Also a norwegian artist: Susanne Sundfør

Track: Knight Of Noir


14) I liked this song at first, and I kept waiting for something else to happen. Maybe some vocals to start up, or maybe for it to just kick it up a notch....aaaanndddd it didn't. I found it a little boring. Sorry!


To Care (Like You) James Blake....

I personally love this song, but i can see how you wouldn't like it, and i see your point with it not taking of... but i kind of like it that way though :rolleyes:


15) Interesting song. It sounded like a dolphin was singing in the background at parts!! It was amusing, but not my favorite.


Forbidden Forest by George Winston


16) Another interesting song! I liked this one. It was cool. His accent is really nice too hehe.


Another YouTuber: Tom Milsom... I really liked his accent too :P

the poem is This Shore that he wrote about New York!



Overall, I really enjoyed this tape. It was really well done. I can't wait to get the tracklisting!

Thank you mixtape maker! :)




Track – Artist/Band


1) Intro - Trespassers William

2) These Days - Ane Brun

3) Smoke - Moddi

4) Permafrost - Laurena

5) Hey There Delilah - Plain White T's

6) When I'm With You - Best Coast

7) Bring Out The Marchers - I See Horses

8) Believer - Viva Voce

9) Minnesota, WI - Bon Iver

10) La Valse d'Amélie (Version Orchestre) - Yann Tiersen

11) My Backwards Walk - Frightened Rabbit

12) Holy Night - Norma Sass

13) Knight Of Noir - Susanne Sundfør

14) To Care (Like You) - James Blake

15) Forbidden Forest - George Winston

16) This Shore - Tom Milsom

And the link:


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Yggdrasil's tape:


1 - Ooooh nice. Kind of shoegazey, I like the scuzzy guitars, the vocal's a bit understated tho, bit too quiet. Nice, I like this, although it goes on a bit overlong.


2 - Electronic-y, starts interesting and is lovely and melodic. Nice vocal, sounds a bit like a male version of Bjork. Nice.


3 - Yeeeaaahh Tame Impala :nod: Great song off a great album, really dirty and grungey, love it. Good choice. Lucidity ~ Tame Impala


4 - Back to synth/electronic-y stuff. Again, quite nice and melodic, decent vocal. Not bad.


5 - Another good one - has an interesting mix of instrumentation; penny whistles, percussion, strings. Lovely.


6 - This is a very pretty little instrumental - sweet, summery. Very good.


7 - Acoustic-y and mellow. Guitars and harmonies are lovely. She's got a nice vocal, but this singing style is not usually my cup of tea. Lyrics are a bit odd, but it's a decent little tune. Not bad.


8 - Um, is this Wild Beasts? It sounds like it, from the singing. I've tried listening to them before, I've even seen them live at a festival, but I've never been able to get past the strange vocal, it's an acquired taste. Musically, tho it's a good song, the guitars are nice and a bit grungey - they just need a decent singer :P


9 - Spacey synths again, dreamy vocal - dunno what to say about this one, it's ok but a bit dull, sorry


10 - This one doesn't do much for me either, nice piano bits and it sounds nice an' all but it doesn't really go anywhere and again, it's a bit boring.


11 - Bit more upbeat this one, nice organs and drumming. The guitar's lovely. Not bad.


12 - Nice and chilled, very minimilistic. Not sure if I like her vocal or not, not really my sort of thing, but the song's quite good.


13 - Oooh something with a good, old drum beat to it, liking this one. Nice piano lines, spanish guitars, is that a sitar?? Anyway, good one this, i like.


14 - Oooh this is good too, nice Mew-like handclap percussion, bluesy guitars, vocal's a bit quiet tho, like it's got some effect on it. Good song tho, nice ender.


Cool. Good tape overall, I really liked it, although there's a few too many of the more laidback tracks for my personal taste- I'd have appreciated a bit more electric guitar and a bit more ooomph, but that's just me. Good job :thumbsup:

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^ Sorry, but I waited so long that I gave up - me and Yggdrasil have swapped tapes so we can review each other.


You're welcome to go ahead with your review tho, if u want...



I'M SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know I suck, and I'm really glad that you still got your review....

I swear to God it wasn't on purpose :embarrassed:

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^ Here's my review to squareonefivesix, you can still review it if you want to! I bet no one would mind two reviews. :surprised:


The cover art picture is just great! :lol: This was named: "Shine Your Light":


1. This starts out slowly with mellow vocals. And lovely laid-back guitar. This is a very smooth, nice opener. The tempo stays very slow thorough this song so this doesn't really 'get going' but I suppose this mixtape will eventually build up at some point.


2. Violin! YES, this appears to be a classical track with lot's of different instruments. As a huge fan of this kind of music it's needless to say I enjoyed this one quite a lot. :wacky: Quite dark though? Gets more dramatic/theatrical towards the end, I really liked this one.


3. This one's got acoustic guitar and a guy singing with a folky tune, that's rather nice. Woah suddenly this got electric guitars and a fast part going on, so not an average singer-songwriter track. A nice surprise!


4. The guitar at the beginning is very cute. As well as the lyrics. His voice sounds so familiar but I can't figure out who this might be. A very sweet track overall, such a shame it was so short.


5. Ooh I feel like every track on this mixtape is different, there's a lot of variety. This has a solid drumbeat combined with electric guitars. Sounds a bit-- I don't know, old-fashioned? I don't really like the vocals, they're a bit average.


6. Hmm oh, lot's of different things going on in this one. Such a jam, sounds summery, optimistic and relaxed. Great choice!


7. This must be Mumford and Sons? Wait, on a second thought, maybe not. I don't know why but this reminded me of them at first. Not my cup of tea, I don't really like his voice. The song is just alright but nothing really grabs my attention.


8. This sounds similar to Snorri Helgason. And the harmonica, harmonica is always nice! And this is something I would easily listen to as well.


9. I swear I have heard this track somewhere before! I'm almost positive this is in a commercial but I can't remember where agghhh. Anyway, I like how upbeat this is plus this one's quite catchy as well. Also, the female vocals are superb.


10. This guy has a great voice. It's quite calming. Such a light track and I think the lyrics are excellent.


11. Oh this feels like another floaty and acoustic track. Actually I was concentrating on the lyrics the whole time so I don't know what else to say about this other than I like this one too.


12. This sounds like Fleetwood Mac/David Bowie or something! Or Neil Young. As I like all of those bands this track appeals to me as well. These are all so short though! I guess I just personally prefer longer songs that just go on for a bit longer. :P


13. Lovely piano! I guess I like the overall feeling of this song, this has nice drums and guitar and vocals, too! Ooh the second part is just great.


14. This one has a quite nice feel to it too, although this is quite simple and straightforward. Oh, the piano and flute-y sounds were just cute. :wacky: This ends the mixtape quite nicely.


I think you did a great job, I enjoyed listening to this! :nice: Even though it wasn't intended to me.

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Yggdrasil's tape:


1 - Ooooh nice. Kind of shoegazey, I like the scuzzy guitars, the vocal's a bit understated tho, bit too quiet. Nice, I like this, although it goes on a bit overlong.


2 - Electronic-y, starts interesting and is lovely and melodic. Nice vocal, sounds a bit like a male version of Bjork. Nice.


3 - Yeeeaaahh Tame Impala :nod: Great song off a great album, really dirty and grungey, love it. Good choice. Lucidity ~ Tame Impala


4 - Back to synth/electronic-y stuff. Again, quite nice and melodic, decent vocal. Not bad.


5 - Another good one - has an interesting mix of instrumentation; penny whistles, percussion, strings. Lovely.


6 - This is a very pretty little instrumental - sweet, summery. Very good.


7 - Acoustic-y and mellow. Guitars and harmonies are lovely. She's got a nice vocal, but this singing style is not usually my cup of tea. Lyrics are a bit odd, but it's a decent little tune. Not bad.


8 - Um, is this Wild Beasts? It sounds like it, from the singing. I've tried listening to them before, I've even seen them live at a festival, but I've never been able to get past the strange vocal, it's an acquired taste. Musically, tho it's a good song, the guitars are nice and a bit grungey - they just need a decent singer :P


9 - Spacey synths again, dreamy vocal - dunno what to say about this one, it's ok but a bit dull, sorry


10 - This one doesn't do much for me either, nice piano bits and it sounds nice an' all but it doesn't really go anywhere and again, it's a bit boring.


11 - Bit more upbeat this one, nice organs and drumming. The guitar's lovely. Not bad.


12 - Nice and chilled, very minimilistic. Not sure if I like her vocal or not, not really my sort of thing, but the song's quite good.


13 - Oooh something with a good, old drum beat to it, liking this one. Nice piano lines, spanish guitars, is that a sitar?? Anyway, good one this, i like.


14 - Oooh this is good too, nice Mew-like handclap percussion, bluesy guitars, vocal's a bit quiet tho, like it's got some effect on it. Good song tho, nice ender.


Cool. Good tape overall, I really liked it, although there's a few too many of the more laidback tracks for my personal taste- I'd have appreciated a bit more electric guitar and a bit more ooomph, but that's just me. Good job :thumbsup:



Thank you so much for reviewing my mixtape! :hug: I have no idea what happened to my actual partner. :uhoh: But I'm glad you liked it! I'll just post the tracklisting:



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Thank you so much for reviewing my mixtape! :hug: I have no idea what happened to my actual partner. :uhoh: But I'm glad you liked it! I'll just post the tracklisting:




Oh wasn't Wild Beasts then ? hahaha nevermind..


Thanks for the tracklist - I'll defo be checking those last two bands out sometime soon :thumbsup:

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^ Nope, it was The Antlers! I can't remember hearing anything by Wild Beasts but if they sound anything like The Antlers I probably should check them out. :surprised: I know Peter Silberman has a very unique voice so I'm curious.


Yay I can't recommed Summer Echoes by Sin Fang enough, it's such a brilliant album. I also quite enjoyed Youth Lagoon's release last year, definitely worth checking out. :wacko:

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^ Here's my review to squareonefivesix, you can still review it if you want to! I bet no one would mind two reviews. :surprised:


The cover art picture is just great! :lol: This was named: "Shine Your Light":


1. This starts out slowly with mellow vocals. And lovely laid-back guitar. This is a very smooth, nice opener. The tempo stays very slow thorough this song so this doesn't really 'get going' but I suppose this mixtape will eventually build up at some point.


A band from New Zealand - The Buffalo Foundation. I thought this made a good opener, lure you in with something chilled


2. Violin! YES, this appears to be a classical track with lot's of different instruments. As a huge fan of this kind of music it's needless to say I enjoyed this one quite a lot. :wacky: Quite dark though? Gets more dramatic/theatrical towards the end, I really liked this one.


This is off an album from last November that was written as a soundtrack to a novel - the album is mostly instrumental, almost classical, very atmospheric & recorded with the Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra. If you like this sort of music, you might like to stream the album from here


3. This one's got acoustic guitar and a guy singing with a folky tune, that's rather nice. Woah suddenly this got electric guitars and a fast part going on, so not an average singer-songwriter track. A nice surprise!


Yeah, starts folky then changes, that's why I picked it, for it's dramatic value :lol: Off The Black Key's new one.


4. The guitar at the beginning is very cute. As well as the lyrics. His voice sounds so familiar but I can't figure out who this might be. A very sweet track overall, such a shame it was so short.


I doubt you'd have heard him before but this is Howard Eliott Payne, his first solo album (he was the singer in The Stands, track 12 is one of theirs) It is sweet, nice wistful folk.


5. Ooh I feel like every track on this mixtape is different, there's a lot of variety. This has a solid drumbeat combined with electric guitars. Sounds a bit-- I don't know, old-fashioned? I don't really like the vocals, they're a bit average.


Yes, it is old-fashioned, very 60s, I think. This band don't bother to hide their influences at all. They're called The Moons, even the band name sounds like something from the 60s


6. Hmm oh, lot's of different things going on in this one. Such a jam, sounds summery, optimistic and relaxed. Great choice!


The Bees. A lot of their stuff is a bit bonkers & they maange to get a lot of instruments in their songs


7. This must be Mumford and Sons? Wait, on a second thought, maybe not. I don't know why but this reminded me of them at first. Not my cup of tea, I don't really like his voice. The song is just alright but nothing really grabs my attention.


I'm not surprised you said Mumford..similar vocals/styles definately. This is Dan Mangan, from Canada. His album's brilliant!


8. This sounds similar to Snorri Helgason. And the harmonica, harmonica is always nice! And this is something I would easily listen to as well.


Aw glad you like this one. This is The See See and I absolutely love this band - lovely, jingly, swirly psychedelic pop. This is a b-side but their album last year is genius


9. I swear I have heard this track somewhere before! I'm almost positive this is in a commercial but I can't remember where agghhh. Anyway, I like how upbeat this is plus this one's quite catchy as well. Also, the female vocals are superb.


You probs have heard it, they're everywhere at the mo. The Joy Formidable


10. This guy has a great voice. It's quite calming. Such a light track and I think the lyrics are excellent.


Jonathan Wilson, he does a lot of 60s American east coast style songwriting but modern sounding. It's beautiful stuff.


11. Oh this feels like another floaty and acoustic track. Actually I was concentrating on the lyrics the whole time so I don't know what else to say about this other than I like this one too.


I rather like this one too, although the album is a little hit and miss, but this one's pretty & the lyrics are gorgeous. He's called Adam Haworth Stephens, this is a solo album but he's normally in a band called The Two Gallants


12. This sounds like Fleetwood Mac/David Bowie or something! Or Neil Young. As I like all of those bands this track appeals to me as well. These are all so short though! I guess I just personally prefer longer songs that just go on for a bit longer. :P


This is The Stands, a Liverpool band from 2004/2005 - you should check 'em out if you like this track, they're very good. They are very Neil Young, yes..also a bit Bob Dylan.


13. Lovely piano! I guess I like the overall feeling of this song, this has nice drums and guitar and vocals, too! Ooh the second part is just great.


Frank Turner. I only got into him recently. He's very much a story-telling, troubadour sort of singer. I love the piano on this one, reminds me of Clocks


14. This one has a quite nice feel to it too, although this is quite simple and straightforward. Oh, the piano and flute-y sounds were just cute. :wacky: This ends the mixtape quite nicely.


One of my absolute fave songs. This is the Coral, one of their b-sides


I think you did a great job, I enjoyed listening to this! :nice: Even though it wasn't intended to me.




Aw thanks for the lovely review :cheesy: Glad you enjoyed it. I think I delibrately pick shorter songs cos I always worry about making a tape that feels too long, I don't want to make a tape that outstays it's welcome :lol:


1 - Eventually - The Phoenix Foundation

2 - Intersect - Bill Ryder-Jones

3 - Little Black Submarines - The Black Keys

4 - Dangling Threads - Howard Eliott Payne

5 - Nightmare Day - The Moons

6 - (This Is For The Better) Days - The Bees

7 - Oh Fortune - Dan Mangan

8 - Citadel Shuffle - The See See

9 - Austere - The Joy Formidable

10 - Rolling Universe - Jonathan Wilson

11 - Heights of Diamond - Adam Haworth Stephens

12 - I Need You - The Stands

13 - Redemption - Frank Turner

14 - Another Turn In The Lock - The Coral


Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?zx5ix7eejn5g252

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^ Nope, it was The Antlers! I can't remember hearing anything by Wild Beasts but if they sound anything like The Antlers I probably should check them out. :surprised: I know Peter Silberman has a very unique voice so I'm curious.


Yay I can't recommed Summer Echoes by Sin Fang enough, it's such a brilliant album. I also quite enjoyed Youth Lagoon's release last year, definitely worth checking out. :wacko:


Yeah check them out!


I also found them out because someone told me that they sound quite like The Antlers :lol:

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Aw thanks for the lovely review :cheesy: Glad you enjoyed it. I think I delibrately pick shorter songs cos I always worry about making a tape that feels too long, I don't want to make a tape that outstays it's welcome :lol:


1 - Eventually - The Phoenix Foundation

2 - Intersect - Bill Ryder-Jones

3 - Little Black Submarines - The Black Keys

4 - Dangling Threads - Howard Eliott Payne

5 - Nightmare Day - The Moons

6 - (This Is For The Better) Days - The Bees

7 - Oh Fortune - Dan Mangan

8 - Citadel Shuffle - The See See

9 - Austere - The Joy Formidable

10 - Rolling Universe - Jonathan Wilson

11 - Heights of Diamond - Adam Haworth Stephens

12 - I Need You - The Stands

13 - Redemption - Frank Turner

14 - Another Turn In The Lock - The Coral


Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?zx5ix7eejn5g252


Woah I had no idea that was The Black Keys! Other than that these bands are all new to me, I'll definitely check some of these out later, thanks for the tracklist! :awesome: I didn't think it was too long at all but that's just me. :P


Ooh this is great :surprised:


Thank you! :wacky:


Yeah check them out!


I also found them out because someone told me that they sound quite like The Antlers :lol:


I definitely recommend listening to Wild Beasts too, I love them.


Ooh sounds great now I definitely have to check them out, thanks!

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A month has passed and I still haven't got a review of my mixtape :( That's the second time the partner said "yeah, I'll review it in a few days" and then the person finally didn't...

I'm really not sure about participating in the next exchange.. And if I don't participate, it'll make me a bit sad because I like discover new music and making mixtape is fun (but it's pointless if it hasn't a review!)...

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A month has passed and I still haven't got a review of my mixtape :( That's the second time the partner said "yeah, I'll review it in a few days" and then the person finally didn't...

I'm really not sure about participating in the next exchange.. And if I don't participate, it'll make me a bit sad because I like discover new music and making mixtape is fun (but it's pointless if it hasn't a review!)...


I'm just gonna guess that this is me. If not just ignore this.

When I signed up I figured I'd have time to write a review before second semester started, but then the deadline was extended and everything was pushed forward. This month I've had literally no spare time. I've spent every minute preparing for an exam, presentation or concert, and I've barely been home.


So, yeah. It's not like I'm ignoring it. You can get someone else to do it, or I'll promise you I'll try by Wednesday. Sorry about the wait.

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I'm just gonna guess that this is me. If not just ignore this.

When I signed up I figured I'd have time to write a review before second semester started, but then the deadline was extended and everything was pushed forward. This month I've had literally no spare time. I've spent every minute preparing for an exam, presentation or concert, and I've barely been home.


So, yeah. It's not like I'm ignoring it. You can get someone else to do it, or I'll promise you I'll try by Wednesday. Sorry about the wait.


No, you're not my mixtape partner! But it's good to know the reasons why your review is late for your partner ;)

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