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Future Legends of Music

Prince Myshkin

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There has almost certainly been a thread like this before. I may have even made it haha.


I'm talking bands or artists who have released a consistent decent volume of work, or who have defined a generation with seminal albums or have been pioneers and have been at the forefront of a shift in mainstream or alternative mainstream musical genres. You know, people who will really be remembered and rediscovered by future generations.


When I was younger I found it impossible to think we'd have people like Bowie or the Beatles or anybody who released so many albums (since I was into a lot of indie stuff at an earlier stuff and their shelf lives tend to be quite short) or even managed to achieve success after such a radical evolution of sound.


Strictly restricted to the bands I like or liked I'm gonna say:





Aphex Twin

Daft Punk


The Libertines

The Strokes

Kings Of Leon (unfortunately they won't be remembered for their good stuff)

The White Stripes

Arcade Fire

Boards Of Canada

Massive Attack


Beastie Boys


I think people with a decent enough interest in music from the past will have at least heard of the vast majority of those people in the future. Some of those bands might not be appreciated for quite some time but I feel they are some who will be noted as having made a change or big contribution to the previous decade and current music.




What are your views.

And Coldplay will obviously be remembered so chill out.

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besides the bands you and eddie mentioned I'll add


Sigur Ros



Pearl Jam

Death Cab for Cutie

Broken Social Scene

Daft Punk



I would add more artists I really like, but I find at this point it's really tough to say how those bands will be seen in the future (Andrew Bird, Grizzly Bear, The National, Beach House, Animal Collective, etc.)

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No Kings of Leon, please no. They were influenced by many, but did they influence any good acts? Maybe I just don't know and they did, but they don't sound like a band that should be in that list.

Now a-ha might seem to many as a silly boy band/ pop band, but they have influenced significant bands including our beloved Coldplay. And I think their work has been consistently good. I rather see them in the list than KoL.


Just my two cents :}

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No Kings of Leon, please no. They were influenced by many, but did they influence any good acts? Maybe I just don't know and they did, but they don't sound like a band that should be in that list.

Now a-ha might seem to many as a silly boy band/ pop band, but they have influenced significant bands including our beloved Coldplay. And I think their work has been consistently good. I rather see them in the list than KoL.


Just my two cents :}


Kings of Leon had two very good albums. It was them and The Strokes, the only good bands around. Then after the third album they had overtaken The Strokes. Unfortunately they turned awful, as the signs showed in some of the third album tracks. First two albums they were great though.


I think they have to be the band with the biggest turn around from great to crap. Either them or Coldplay. Both had two really good albums then went awful wishy washy mainstream dirge. Kings Of Leons first two have stood the test of time better though.

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With regards to Oasis and Blur who are already seen as era defining but I'll mention because the main driving forces behind them (Noel Gallagher and Damon Albarn) are still going strong, I feel that Gallagher will be remembered as the better song writer in terms of anthems and Albarn as the greater experimenter and exponer of beauty as being the one who got better with age.

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  • 1 year later...

Y'know what's kindof sad? Hardly any of the bands mentioned have broken into the mainstream in the last 5-10 years. And the reason being? Everyone has their own individual taste in a vast amount of music compared to a decade or two ago, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but we're certainly losing a universal dedication to certain bands and the "legends" are dying out.


Anyway, has anyone mentioned Sigur Ros? Probably my favourite band of all time.

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Y'know what's kindof sad? Hardly any of the bands mentioned have broken into the mainstream in the last 5-10 years. And the reason being? Everyone has their own individual taste in a vast amount of music compared to a decade or two ago, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but we're certainly losing a universal dedication to certain bands and the "legends" are dying out.


Anyway, has anyone mentioned Sigur Ros? Probably my favourite band of all time.


I'd rather it this way and have some of the less mainstream stuff get more coverage but I see your point. I think legends just aren't as universal anymore and the ones who do achieve it are either incredible or watered down so as to appeal to large numbers. You get more cult followings these days I think. That's probably better, I guess.


Sigur Ros is a great shout.


I hope Tame Impala


Too early to say I reckon, but if they were to stop now they won't be remembered along with the big names unless they end due to the main guy dying. Two albums in, the first one not even spotted by the mainstream. Psychedelica has been done before, too, so maybe they will have to evolve a little to become proper legends in the future. I'm not saying I hope they will change though as they are my favourite band of the moment. I just think they will be highly regarded by some, and rightly so. Just not legends of music in their current incarnation.

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Well the reason it's sad is that eventually people will find it hard to relate to each other, you and I and most reading this will know Sigur Ros very well, so we like that and relate to it, but if we continue getting in to more obscure artists and I said a band you've never heard of, what kind of discussion could take place? We'd all just be writing our favourite bands name and we may as well just be babbling incoherent phrases to each other. Sure we could educate each other in listening to these bands we've never heard of, but that would take a lot of time.


Anyway, most of the acts mentioned I don't think are future legends of music, Radiohead most definitely, but even strong contenders like Arcade Fire are more like "The Band" (The band called The Band) as highly influential but maybe not recognised consistently. Most of the artists mentioned are just peoples personal choices, I know I picked my favourite band but I don't know many people who don't at least have an opinion/like Sigur Ros, they've been huge for a decade.

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Well the reason it's sad is that eventually people will find it hard to relate to each other, you and I and most reading this will know Sigur Ros very well, so we like that and relate to it, but if we continue getting in to more obscure artists and I said a band you've never heard of, what kind of discussion could take place? We'd all just be writing our favourite bands name and we may as well just be babbling incoherent phrases to each other. Sure we could educate each other in listening to these bands we've never heard of, but that would take a lot of time.


Anyway, most of the acts mentioned I don't think are future legends of music, Radiohead most definitely, but even strong contenders like Arcade Fire are more like "The Band" (The band called The Band) as highly influential but maybe not recognised consistently. Most of the artists mentioned are just peoples personal choices, I know I picked my favourite band but I don't know many people who don't at least have an opinion/like Sigur Ros, they've been huge for a decade.


I dunno. I don't really talk about music I like with people. I prefer talking about music I don't like.

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As much as I dislike Muse for many years now, they are at least a possibility, as shit as they are. Then again, Coldplay also are definitely in there.


Yeah, I don't see why Coldplay and KOL would be in there and not Muse.

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